
A Spy for Hire.

Kofi's just blown up her entire capital city to smithereens for taking her beloved master from her. But with the help of the Surviving System - the very thing the Delvaran government was after - she lands in the prosperous parallel country called Lupart. But what's this, her head are filled with memories that are definitely not hers and far much more than what she should be having " Did I just crash a person's rebirth "? Yes she did, cos she's a survivor. But Kofi has no qualms with anyone in this world and simply wishes to explore her surroundings but the original owner of this body won't let her. Now she has to fulfill her dying wish, deal with terrible family members, regain her lost memories..... and many many many more. But all these things cost money and Kofi's only good at stealing and you guessed it, spying. When she accidentally ends up at one of the most prestigious schools for the country's elite, her skills may be useful. She makes friends and twice as many enemies along the way but Kofi doesn't care. She'll take any mission no matter what it is. The question now is, Do you want to hire a spy? ( Disclaimer : Cover not mine, all credit goes to original owner. Only editing was done by me )

Kik1_Yijaa · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

Chapter 9 : We're friends now!

Kofi walked past him, speaking baby to Whiskers " My adorable little fox, I can't imagine life without you ". Whiskers rolled his eyes as he used his paw to push her away, " Save it ".

Kofi laughed, cuddling him even more as she walked towards the auditorium. Kofi frowned slightly after standing for ten minutes listening to a lecture about the school.

" Domino, are you sure I can blow stuff up here "? Domino came online, " Affirmative. Please calm down master. They're just going through some basics ". Kofi nodded absent mindedly, leaning on the wall.

Five minutes later, she felt something furry tickling her nose " How did you manage to fall asleep "? Kofi mumbled to herself, remembering where she was " I nearly thought we were getting attacked ". Whiskers sighed, " Your supposed to form groups of four. Better get going ".

Kofi yawned lightly as she walked around. Whiskers moved in her arms, " What are you doing? Get some teammates "? Kofi tilted her head to the side, mumbling to herself " I do not know how ".

Whiskers blinked a few times and sighed. She wasn't wrong, there was nothing like trust in Delvara; not many knew what that meant and even fewer could be described like that, " Then learn. Why not ask Domino how to do it "?

Kofi scratched her head and sighed, nodding in agreement. Kofi stood perfectly still as Domino played videos of what she felt could help. Oblivious to the frustration of the school exco's at her behavior.


Hawk growled slightly as he pointed at Kofi who was standing perfectly still with people moving around her, " I don't like her ". Byran laughed, spinning in his chair " To be able to get under your skin, I definitely love her ".

Hawk stared bullets at him while Byran smiled casually at him. Byran looked back at the screen, " Oh! My favorite freshman is on the move again ".


" So I just walk up and ask someone "? Whiskers nodded and she made an overly disgusted face, " Why would I do that? I don't know any of these people, what if they try and kill me "?

Whiskers sighed Internally, " You're not wrong but it's part of the instructions ". Kofi didn't have to bother much as someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around and saw the girl from earlier.

Kofi tilted her head to the side, examining the girl " You look a lot more timid than I remember ". She bowed her head and Whiskers glared at her making her to keep talking, " What I meant was....No I meant it ".

Peach just looked up at Kofi who was staring blankly at her, [ So she's not mocking me? ] " Would you like to form a team with me "? Kofi perked instantly, " Really "? Peach nodded, surprised by her sudden change of expression. Kofi rubbed her chin, speaking thoughtfully " So that means we're friends, right "?

Peach frowned, trying to disagree but Kofi held her hand and walked her through the crowd " You hear that Whiskers? My very first friend ". Peach found this girl stranger and stranger.

She'd helped her for no good reason, agreed to be in the same team with her and even declared them friends. Peach had been an outcast her entire life, she wasn't as strong or as smart as the other prodigies in her family.

She looked up at Kofi who was all smiles as they walked and felt herself becoming happy as well [ I like this feeling of having a friend ]