
Chapter 18

Morning dew slowly slide down from the green leaf it was once perched upon, the girl merely laid upon the soft grass on the field, her trusty sketch book securely placed on her lap as she stared at her beloved sky. Painted with it's normal beautiful blues and whites, she still can't help but feel mesmerized at it's sight.

She raised her hand to reach out to the sky, seemingly enticing it to hold her hand. She hopes it'd be warm and comforting.

"Hi." A little voice called from above her head, it was little Antonio, sweet little Antonio. His eyes shone with child-like innocence that she can't help but feel slightly protective of him.

"Holá, Antonio. What brings you here?" The young girl inquired, still laying down on the soft grassy field. "I saw you just laying there out on the field and you were barely moving, I thought something happened to you."

"It just finished drizzling, the grass is soft and cool to the touch —the perfect weather to cloud gaze. Come, lay down with me if you so wish, we can gaze at the clouds together." Her face ever so serene, she felt quite content these past days —she felt unusually complete for some reason; as if she had done something that had lifted a big weight on her chest.

"Cloud gazing sounds kind of boring though, just staring at the sky." The little boy said, however he still sat on the ground letting the grass tickle his feet as the soft breeze passes by. "Then you can just talk to me then, I know you have a few things you'd like to say to me."

Antonio wonders if the teen has some sort of gift of mind reading, he was a bit surprised at how she was able to know what he was currently thinking. But then again, she does look like an intellectual person; someone who knows a lot and has a lot to say about things.

"Well, I, I heard that you're really good at drawing... And I was wondering if you can draw something for me." The girl finally sat up from her grassy bed, bits of grass stuck to her hair as she sat up. "Who, what do you wish for me to draw then?" Opening her sketchbook, flipping each page as she spoke.

The little boy's eyes brightened, no longer nervous, he shuffled a little closer to the girl. "Parce! Draw Parce please, he's my friend Jaguar!" He said with an excited smile.

"Of course, I would love to—" she stopped herself from speaking any further, as a much better idea had popped up inside her head. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she'd draw someone other than Camilo for a change.

"On second thought, how about I'd come to your house in a few days instead and I'll paint Parce you together?" She suggested, her eyes glimmering in delight at her own idea. "Really? Like my very own painting? Like, like the one you made for and ?"

Antonio's smile widened as he spoke, incredibly excited at the idea. His very own painting with Parce! He'll hang it up on the wall like what his did with hers, his mother's mood always brightens every time she looks at the painting —he wonders if the painting she's going to make for him would give the same effect on him.

"Yes, your very own painting. Very much deserved for a charming little boy such as yourself." She feels very giddy inside, .

Back in the Galicia household a certain little Niko suddenly had shivers down his spine. He was in the middle of having a one act play about Diego the dog's heroic endeavors in the city when he felt it.

", are you okay?" Asked his mother, who was previously watching his son doing his one act play when her little boy suddenly froze up mid sentence.

", I feel like I'm getting replaced."


Rythmic footsteps can be heard from Camilo as he loitered around the market humming a simple tune. Chores had truly became light and unburdensome ever since the whole fiasco with the magic happened, very relieving he'd do say so himself.


Camilo suddenly ceased from walking as he suddenly heard a deep voice from behind him, he turned around only to see his friend's father in all his intimidating glory. , he thought to himself, feeling the cold sweat trickle down his neck —he's getting more and more nervous the longer he stayed within the vicinity of the man.

The father wondered as he stiffened up, he got a bit too ambitious to try and talk to his daughter's friend, only to realize that his wife isn't here to do the talking.

"" Camilo gulped as the man's gaze hardened, his brain spiraled back to the past wracking his brain if he ever did anything to offend the man, or if he ever said anything offending to his friend. He doesn't think he did,

"Come with me."

"." The teen said immediately, almost cutting the man off.

"For lunch..."

"Oh, . You want me to eat lunch with you, ?"

The man nodded pointing to a small restaurant across the street, he feels as if he reached a new milestone in his life as he was able to ask someone out for lunch all on his own. He let out a small huff of satisfaction, the sense of achievement filling his bones as they entered the building.

The sound of people bustling out and about in the small restaurant filled their ears, there was in fact a few people eating inside —mostly friends and couples.

Camilo sat quietly and awkwardly in his seat, looking at the menu set on the table. The man in front of him had yet to say a single word to him ever since they've set foot in the establishment they are currently in, it slightly unnerved him. (Y/N) is quite a quiet person, but never quiet. It's literally just dead silence, minus the background noise that is.

"My daughter said that you invited her to spend the New Year's with you." The father spoke, finally breaking the silence. ", I did. I hope I didn't ruin any plans you had with your family, I can just say to her tha—"

"No need, I'm quite glad she'd gotten more sociable these past few months." The waiter arrived, the two had chosen their pick before he leaves once again. "Besides, we don't have any plans besides sleeping."

"I oftentimes wonder why of all people you somehow chose my daughter to be your friend."

"She's a wonderful person, despite her difficulty in showing and discerning her own emotions, she somehow was able to easily understand mine." He began to stare at the glass of water, its liquid swirled around just as his mind swirled to try and perfectly convey the right words to him.

"And, . I didn't chose her, it just so happen that a series of events lead us closer to each other. Though I did had a choice to simply ignore her, but I didn't. And I'm glad I didn't, she is the best thing that had ever happened in my life." The waiter arrived once again and set their food on the table, Camilo paused at looked at the father straight in the eyes, his emerald eyes shone with such love and determination that it reminded the man of when his wife confessed to him that day.

That was when the man realized that this boy in front of him, held his only daughter in such a high regard that Camilo is ready give his everything to her.

"She made me realize my self-worth, she made me realize who I am and who I want to be."

"Who do you want to be then?" The father asked, despite already knowing the answer.

"I want to be the person who'd make her happy."

"I know I don't deserve her, and I don't think I'll ever will. But I'll try my best to be the best friend that I'll ever be." The word '' left an awful bitter taste on Camilo's mouth, he doesn't want to be simply just friends anymore. Yet, he doesn't believe that he'll ever move out of that stage even if he confesses to her.

The father saw how Camilo's face twisted to that of bitterness as he said the word friend. He thought to himself, finishing up the food on his plate before standing up to walk closer to Camilo.

The young boy watched as the man laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Treat her well, son."

Camilo's heart felt so full when he heard him say those words, his smile was bright and mirthful. It was as if he was given a blessing— not that he was asking for her hand in marriage no, no, no!

"I will." He smiled, an entertainer in his own heart, he was eager to please.

The man asked himself, his eyes never leaving the boy's glimmering emerald ones.

The young teen recalled his father's words, it echoed in his ears repeatedly. His heart felt so sure that it belongs to her, he felt so sure that it hurts.

Amidst the raging waves of emotions that he felt, he can't help but drown in it. The waters felt so unusually comforting; tranquil waters bathing in beautiful moonlight, it was somewhat heavenly.