
A Sparking Relationship

Hassan_Salem_1181 · Realistic
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14 Chs

chapter 12

Chapter 12

This is it my Jordancoln fans!

Royal Woods at night can be very calming most people are sleeping, some are enjoying their late night shows but I'm getting off topic because we're here for a special night as we see vanzilla on the drive with Lori at the wheel and the two young couple in the backseats Lincoln and Girl Jordan (she prefers to be called Jordan), the two of them just looking out of the windows from each other as they both blush, Lincoln turns a little bit to his left to look at the girl he's dating and then she turns to look at him they stay staring at each other for a short while then Jordan went back to looking out the window stull blushing red, as for Lincoln he looks down and notices Jordan's free right hand just lying there on the seat nearing his hand, suddenly out of Lincolns urge he slowly inches his hand towards hers and places it on top then turns his head to look out the window, feeling this Jordan doesn't look back instead just stays seated there blushing madly what they don't know the driver was seeing all this 'OMG! That is just so sweet!' in her thoughts.

Soon they arrive at their destination Jean-Juan's French Mex Restaurant 'Whoa Jean –Juan's French Mex! Never been here before' as Jordan looks on "Well here we are" says Lori as Lincoln gets out first as Jordan is about to hop off he reaches his hand out to her and she kindly takes it while turning red "What a gentleman" she says as he blushes from her compliment not knowing that they're still holding hands "That is just so adorbs!" says Lori they soon let go "Thanks again Lori" says Lincoln to his sister "Anytime bro! and if you need a ride home just call or text" she says as she starts to drive away "Have fun you two" she says as vanzilla is out of their sight, Lincoln takes a deep breath and sighs 'This is turning out better than I planned' he says in his thoughts and goes back to Jordan and they both walk towards the restaurant where he opens the door for her as she giggles at her gentleman like nature they soon approach one of the employee's "Excuse me ma'am I believe we have a reservation for two" he asks as she looks through the list "Here we are, reservation for two by… Lincoln Loud?" she says as he nods "Please follow me" she says as they followed her and they eventually take to their table "I'll be back with the menu's" she says as she walks away, while that was happening Lincoln quickly went behind Jordan and pulled the seat out for her "You really are being too much tonight" she teasingly says as he blushes and then he takes his seat "Wow you really went all prepared for this huh?" she asks "Well I needed to make sure this night was special" he says rubbing the back of his head and blushing making her giggle a bit, soon the waitress arrives with the menu's an gives it to them "So what are you gonna order asks Lincoln "I think I'll have the uh…. Well I don't really know, I've never eaten here before" she says still looking through her menu "How about we have the Taco-Croissant?" he suggests "Sounds great!" she replies, Lincoln calls the waitress and soon she returns with their order "Well Bon a petit" says Lincoln as they both take a bite from their food "Wow this is unexpectedly amazing!" she says with amazement from her food.

As they finish their food and go on to their drinks "so you really went all prepped on this night didn't ya'?" she asks "Well the hard part was trying to make sure my other sisters didn't know about us" he says in response "luckily I was able to trust Luna, Lori and my parents" "So they're the only ones who know about this? "She asks as he nods and soon the awkward silence returns "So…. I do have one thing to ask you?" she asks as he looks up towards her and she looks down blushing "How long have you…. Well… liked me?" she asks looking at him as he stares at her with awe 'Wow she's beautiful when she's nervous!' "I guess it was since…. Kindergarten" he says sheepishly "Wow really" she asks in almost gleeful cheer, he nods in response "Well same here" she says looking away again and he looks to her now in awe "You had a crush on me since kindergarten?" he asks as she nods in response with a shy smile and soon his heart is filled with warmth and decides "Hey if you got time I'd like to take you somewhere" he asks "Sure I think I have time to spare" she says as they finish off their drinks, soon Lincoln brings out a wad of cash from his pocket "Really prepared huh?" she asks "Pretty much saved it from doing a lot of chores for everyone in the neighborhood "Let me guess, you started after Monday huh?" she asks teasingly "Yeah pretty much" he responds as he pays up for their order and soon both kids exit the restaurant and walk down the street, while walking Jordan notices his free hand and tries to touch it instead it was a gentle brush Lincoln soon takes notice at this and decides to take her hand with his shocking her but understanding the situation as their fingers entwine, they arrive at Ketchum park(shocking that it's still open) they walk around and she is stopped as Lincoln sees a bench and takes a seat he looks to her and taunts her to take a seat next to him she follows suite and sits next to him "So why are we here Lincoln?" she asks looking towards him as he just looks at the distance "Well I guess this is where we first hung out" he says shocking her "On that Saturday afternoon, that's when it all started" he then turns to look at her as the pale moonlight makes their appearances more dazzling to each other she then rests her head on his right shoulder and he wraps her with his right arm as they relax through their own company "So does this mean?" she asks "Would you like the verbal or the non-verbal?" he asks looking at her she sits back up and looks at him and inches closer to his face "The non-verbal" she says as they close their gap and passionately kiss, as they understand each other's feelings and how much they love each other for what felt like eternity but is actually two minutes they depart from their kiss open their eyes and gaze at each other "That was… magical" she says "Yeah I know" he says 'Way more magical than Ronnie Anne' he says in his mind "So we should probably head home huh?" he asks "If only this moment can last longer, but your right" she says in defeat as he stands up and offers his hand to her and she accepts soon they depart from the park, eventually on the way out Lincoln texts Lori to pick them up from Ketchum park.

(Time skip Jordan's house)

Vanzilla halts in front of the house Lincoln exits with Jordan and he escorts her to her house "This was a night I will never forget" she says "Same here" Lincoln responds as she approaches him and wraps her arms around his neck and he places her hands on his waist and soon they share one more passionate kiss which lasted longer than two minutes, they soon depart "See you tomorrow boyfriend" she says blushing "I'll have something to look forward to" he says as he walks back to vanzilla and she gives one last wave before she closes the door, Lincoln takes his seat back to vanzilla and sees Lori smiling at him "You have got to be the smoothest guy ever, you know that?" she says teasingly "You can say that, come on we should head home now" he responds as vanzilla starts up and drives off. They soon arrive home and enter the house where Lincoln sees his parents and Luna in their PJ's in the living room watching TV "Hey bro!" she greets him "So how did it go?" she asks he then blushes "No spoilers there Lunes, let's give him a break" Lori says from behind "Thanks Lori, I'll see guys tomorrow, Goodnight" he says heading upstairs "Night Lincoln/Son/Bro" they respond as he enters his room Lori walks towards the couch and takes her seat and pulls out her phone "You have to see this" as she shows them the scene where they bring Jordan home.

Lincoln takes his clothes off, heads for the bathroom and puts on his PJ's and lays back in bed "What a night" he says and then feels his phone vibrate and sees who it is, smiles and takes the call "Goodnight my charming snow white prince!" Jordan says and he responds "Sweet Dreams my dodge ball princess" as she giggles and they both hang up and close their eyes dreaming of each other.

This is my longest story amongst the other three I have, well I hope you like this everyone, there will still be more chapters because I have a lot of ideas of what's gonna happen next, Please Review!