
A Sparking Relationship

Hassan_Salem_1181 · Realistic
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14 Chs

chapter 11

Chapter 11

(Time skip Friday 4:30pm)

Lincoln is in the bath room looking at the mirror making sure no hair is out of place as he combs his turkey tail, hi appearance currently is he's wearing brown long pants, an orange long sleeve jacket with a white polo inside and he's wearing black shoes 'Wow, its already Friday! I can't believe I was able to pull this off! With some help of course' he says in thought and remembers what happened for the past four days…

(Flashback Tuesday)

Lincoln wakes up and heads for the bathroom and ends up waiting in line again right behind Luan, he soon notices Luna two sisters away from him, she also sees him and winks at him, he eventually winks back in which Luan takes notice "You okay there Linc?" asks Luan "Yeah I'm fine" he replies "If you say so, I wouldn't want to 'wink' of what's going on! Hahahaha! Get it?" she jokes making everyone groan, soon Lincoln is in the kitchen and sees Lori helping their dad make pancakes "Morning sport" "Morning Bro" as they both greet him "Morning guys" he replies and soon the rest of the loud sisters join, Lucy noticing that Lori and Luna are seated on either side of Lincoln making her suspicious but then decides to just shrug it off.

Soon all the loud kids are in vanzilla and the young ones are dropped off at grade school "Later Lincoln" "See you soon bro" both Lori and Luna say "Later guys" he replies feeling all cheerful, making the four younger sibling and the three older sibling(except Leni) confused and suspicious of what's happening, Lincoln is now in class and taking a quiz, he turns his head to see Jordan two seats away from his right side and just sighs quietly to himself then returns back to his paper.

After a whole school day Lincoln heads home accompanying his four younger sisters who look at him in confusion why he looks kinda cheerful, as they enter the house Lincoln sees Lori on the couch and walks towards her he whispers into her ear "I need your help" making Lori agree and soon they both head straight to their parents room, leaving the other younger sibs even more confused, inside "Okay what's the situation? Did any of the others found out?" she asks "No, I need help on where I'm going to take Jordan on our first date" he replies making Lori feel excited but didn't squeal so that no one will hear "Okay first did you have any ideas on where you want to take her?" she asks in excitement, he gets nervous "Well I decided to count it down to Gus' Games n' Grub, the Burpin' Burger, the Aloha Comrade, Bangers and Mosh or…." He stops and thinks back to a memory that was unforgettable "Jean-Juan's French Mex Cuisine" he finally says, making Lori shocked at the last choice and seeing Lincoln getting even more distressed "Okay so tell me why those choices?" she asks he then takes a deep breath and explains" Well Gus' cause that's where I felt that spark" making him blush "Burpin' Burger because we didn't get a chance to eat there since Sunday, the Aloha Comrade cause dad works there and I'm pretty sure he'll serve up something special and there are people there I can trust" he says as Lori knows that he's referring to her, Luna and their rents "Bangers and Mosh cause… huh I don't know why I picked that?" he says a little confused "It's okay, there must be a reason why you picked it" she says ruffling his hair then he realizes "I remember, I wanted to take her there, because she's never been" he says finally getting it, making Lori shocked 'She's never been to Bangers n' Mosh?' then Lincoln takes up the time to say "Jean-Juan's cause…." He stops and looks down making her concerned "Linc, it's okay you don't have to-""that's where I got my first kiss, without getting a beating" he finally confesses while looking towards the floor with a sad look, seeing this Lori knows what he means and puts her hands on his shoulders "I knew you were gonna say that, look you don't have to go there if you don't feel comfortable" she says reassuringly "I think it's best to go there, I want her our date to feel special" he says in his confident tone making Lori shocked at his words "You really do like her don't you" she asks "With every fiber of my soul!" he responds 'Oh Linky why do you have to be so determined' she says confidently in though "Okay bro, if that your pick, but you do know it's gonna be expensive, right?" she asks "It's okay, I've saved up enough to make a reservation and pay for everything" he says "Wow you really did come prepared for this huh?" she asks a little shocked "I'm the man with the plan remember?" he says as they both chuckle at the conversation "Well I'm gonna go make the reservation" he says "And I'll text mom, dad and Luna about your plan" as both siblings leave their parents rooms to go do their thing.


The last school bell rings, Lincoln waits for vanzilla to pick him up and then sees Lucy leave the school "Hey Luce!" he calls out "Hello Lincoln" she responds "Listen I'm gonna go with Lori, somewhere important, so I need you to do me a favor. Please?" He says to her "Okay what is it?" she asks "Can you wait here and escort the other younger ones back home?" he explains shocking her "You want me to escort Lisa, Lola and Lana back home? Are you sure?" she asks in confusion "Yes I'm sure, besides you're growing up and I think it's time you stepped up a bit, it might be a good learning experience to being an older sister" he says touching her (If she had one)Heart, making her remember the Pony Book incident 'I would always have your back' those words echoing in her brain, she then looks to him "Alright, I'll do it, you can count on me" she says in joy(sort of), "Thanks Luce" then sees vanzilla show up with Lori driving and Luna in the back "Hey Linc, come on!" she calls out "Coming!" he replies then looks back to his Goth sister "You got this!" he says as he hugs her then heads towards the van and it drives off 'I've got your back Lincoln' she says in her thoughts, vanzilla arrives at the mall and all three loud siblings head towards the men's department, and they start looking around for an outfit he could wear and they all gather towards the dressing area and have loads of clothing with them "You ready for this dude?" Luna asks "Ready as I'll ever be" he responds in pride and takes the clothes towards the dressing room "Judging time" says Lori as both girls take their seat and soon he comes out sporting sneakers, a blue and white sweater vest with white shorts "Nah!", a black hoodie jacket, a red shirt inside with a strange symbol, long black jeans and black sports shoes "Nope!", a light blue shirt with dark blue shorts and black sneakers "Definitely no", Wearing all white as both girls reel back in a panicked look "So far off labor day!", after what seems to be a dozen different outfits "Alright this is the last one" he says "I hope this one's good!" says Lori "Come on out dude!" yells Luna and he comes out wearing brown long pants, an orange long sleeve jacket with a white polo inside and he's wearing black shoes making them look a little stunned, seeing their faces he gets sad "I'm gonna guess-""YES!" they say in unison startling him "Really?" he asks "Yeah bro, that's the one! ""A Perfect look for you" they say together as they pay for their purchase and leave the mall.


Lincoln is in his room after school and goes through his thoughts of what could go wrong at the restaurant and then hears a knock on his door "Dude it's me Luna" she says "Come in" he responds as Luna enters and sees his distressed look "You okay Bro?" she asks as she takes a seat on his bed next to him "Sorry it's just that I'm going through some stuff" he says still looking nervous "What kind of stuff dude?" she asks in concern "Well…. What happens if something goes wrong at the restaurant, like what if we get hit by a hot bowl of soup, or I accidently choke from the food and it lands in her food, or the restaurant might have been rented to a private party at the last moment, or we might get food poisoning! Everything is coming in too fast!" he says in panic making Luna concerned at her little brothers stress "Lincoln look at me" he looks up to her with a frown "You've got nothing to worry about dude" she says "Nothing bad is gonna happen to you, no matter what happens you'll find a way to make things right, it's what you always do, you're the man with the plan remember? And if somethin does happen I've got your back, I'm your guardian and I'll always be there to support you even things go wrong" she says in a reassuring tone making him smile at her words and shed a tear at her words "Thanks Luna" he says as he hugs her and she returns the hug "No problem Linc" she replies then she breaks the hug and wipes his lone tear away and kisses his forehead "Now come on dinner's almost ready" she says as both sibs head downstairs.


As he returns back to reality from the flashbacks and looks at the mirror in confidence "Alright let's do this!" he says then opens the bathroom door, heads down the stairs and out the door where he's greeted by Luna who escorts him to vanzilla with Lori at the wheel, the parents decided to stay and watch over the others as they look through the living room window feeling proud at their son, in vanzilla Lincoln gets buckled up with Lori and Luna in the front seats "You ready for this bro?" she asks "Ready! Let's go pick up Jordan" he says as they towards her house, thy soon arrive at her place and see Jordan waiting outside, the vehicle stops and Lincoln exits first and walks towards her, she's wearing a blue skirt only it's now reaching a few inches below her knees, a fellow long sleeved blouse with white petals on the collar and her signature brown sandals and white socks and of course her cute little blue bow still with her braided ponytail, making him blush at her pretty sight and she too blushes at him "Hey" he says sheepishly "Hey to you too" she responds with a giggle "You ready?" he asks "Sure am" she responds then looks back to see her parents "Lincoln these are my parents" she points out to her mother and father, a six foot one tall woman in her late twenties wearing a yellow sweater vest with a white short sleeved shirt, blue pants and like her daughter she has brown sandals, her hair is brown like her daughters only not braided and reaches towards her shoulder level she's also wearing white double pearl earnings, Jordan's Father is a six foot three in his late thirties wearing a white buttoned shirt with a black tie, brown pants and black shoes (he must've gotten back from work), his hair is similar to Jordan's front hair only his is darkish brown, he gets nervous and walks up to them "It's a pleasure to meet you Sir, ma'am" he says in respect "Well it's a pleasure to meet you too young man" she says "I have to say, you're nothing like those other popular kids, and that's a good thing" he says in a pleasant tone "Like that Chandler kid, I heard from my daughter that he's a jerk" he continues "Yeah that's chandler, he even can't get my name right" he says as the father laughs with him "Well you two have fun now" she says "I trust that you can keep her safe kid" says her dad "You have my word sir" he responds as both kids walk towards vanzilla and drives off as both of Jordan's parents wave goodbye "He seems really nice Rick" she says to her husband "you're right about that one jess and very respectful too" he says and soon they both head back inside.

To be continued…

This Chapter took some time to make, I described Jordan's parents as best I could and some of the outfits Lincoln tried on maybe familiar to some of you guys, I also have two other fanfictions I've been working on, I don't know if you guys know these other two cartoons Wander over Yonder and Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja if you know them feel free to read and leave a review, come next chapter the big date!