
A Soul's Journey to Learn Their Origins

-A Good for Good- -An Evil for Evil- -A Soul for a Soul- A being who controls over existence got bored and made a Mortal of its own What will happen to the life of this poor soul to be made not knowing his true self? Follow him on his journey to know his true self and living his life to its fullest Get strong, Challenge many things in life, encounter many kinds of people, and feel despair "I may have been defeated, but never dead, living is a second chance and I need to learn from it" Living in happiness, sorrow, victory, lose, pain, love and other else This unknown soul Is on its way on learning its origins This story is an Adventure, Slice of life and a Journey so.. [Power stone trade] -I get [Power Stone] -You get [To have Your idea be made a reality on my Novel] Bruh not to the point that changing the whole story itself and depends on how much you gave The full Tags -Adventure, Slice of life, Weak to Strong, Overpowered, Romance, High IQ Mc, Action, Multiverse and r18 yep!!

Strawberry_p1e · Fantasy
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47 Chs


Months have past since that incident, we're back on our normal lives

Waking up in the morning, eating breakfast, reading a book, train with father, eat lunch, resume the training with father, and with my free time i play with my friends!

George who was so gloomy months later was back to being energetic again, he made a pledge to be stronger to protect his only family and is progression on it, we're both learning when playing because we sometimes spar to see who's stronger, I'm not allowed to use my world mana so we're just equal, sometimes he won and sometimes I won

Charlotte looked like nothing happened to her, but her emotions are more calm than what she used to be.... Don't get me wrong, she still plays with us, same trait, same expression, but that's when we play, when it turns to conversation it's like she matured just from that attack?

Mia too, the more you look at it, she also started being more woman like, the supposed to be the second most reckless to our group was more wary now and is acting like what girl usually do, the first I've seen Mia and learned about her is that she is a tomboyish girl, she's still a girl in her heart though it's just that she acted like a boy.....

Me? I don't know what changed to me, I feel like I'm acting as I always do nothing else

"Hey guys, have you felt any changes to me lately?" Ash decided to question his friends about him

"You? I'm not really sure but, your body I think?" Charlotte answered

"What do you mean my body?" He asked in confusion

"Your body Ash!" Mia answered cheerfully

"Mia too? What happened to my body?" Ash panicked

"It's just your body looked more refined than normal" George said with a straight face

"But I don't have any muscles whatsoever?" Ash then looked at his arms, shoulder, chest and even his legs

"No thats not what i mean, we've fought many times so I know if you developed something or not" George sighed

"Then what is it?" Ash questioned again

"It may look like there's no change but your body is much stronger than when we fought first time"

"To my body looks! Of course I noticed that I got stronger! Nothing really changed to me? Even on my body?"

"Oh your body looks? You looked more manly Ash~"

"Charlotte? Ohh you looked more feminine too"

"Stop it! It's time to spar now, you gotta prepare"

"Hmmp! I'm gonna beat you!"

They both moved to the forest, the one where Ash destroyed two trees, they made a small arena there

They called it arena but pretty much, it's just a five meter radius circle, and one meter height ring

A/N: idunno how to explain so imagine a dragon ball martial arts arena just circle and smaller than that lol

The two girl who's there to spectate, Mia and Charlotte was moving at the side of arena and sitting at their own made chair out of woods

They also spar when Ash and George finished and whoever loses have to treat the winner so they both give their all and eventually started getting stronger

"Hey~ why don't you and Ash just get together now? I just noticed but the atmosphere between you two have started to become that of a lovers" Mia asked Charlotte

"Hmm? Come on were still just a child, it's too early for that" Charlotte answered ofc

"But you're getting flirty when talking with him~" Mia started to tease Charlotte and it's working

"Ehh... Affection maybe?" Charlotte tried to answer

"So you like him?" Mia pushed more and almost reaching the climax

"I... Don't know" Charlotte said as if not sure of what she's saying

"What? It's your feelings and you don't know?" Mia teased her more

"I'm not sure! Okay??" Charlotte shouted

"Why are you suddenly shouting??" Ash and George heard them while preparing and looked at them "What's the problem?" George asked

"It's nothing~ we're just questioning each other and looks like I have pushed her too far this time ha ha" Mia showed an embarrassed laugh

"Muuh, you really like teasing me!"

"Haha alright alright I get it"

George finished preparing his weapon, actually its just a wooden sword but the reinforcement spells are the one they're preparing, George doesn't know what reinforment spell Ash is gonna use, Ash is also the same and they're both limited to only two spell so whoever casted a counter spell have a higher chance to win

"It shocked me, suddenly shouting loud like that, alright let's start Ash!"

"Ohh okay..."


"Is it okay if I use" Oh what is it? Try to guess lol


"Aww, oh of course I can't, you're gonna lose if I use it hehe"

"Even if you try mocking me I still won't let you use it"

"Aww It doesn't work anymore, when I tried mocking you first time you got pissed and let me use it, you lost badly though haha, whatever lets start"

"Alright here I come!"

George dashed to Ash at slashed, Ash deflected it and they exchanged blows, they grow stronger than they ever did, George's blows have gotten stronger ever since he started training together with Ash, and Ash also have become a better fighter because he's now training with someone with the same skills(If he fought with his father he would be defeated in a mere second without limiting his power)

The speed of their slash have started to get faster and the shockwave is getting stronger that it almost became a pressure but they eventually reached the climax by George missing a land on Ash and got countered slash by him, the fight lasted for only twenty second and the winner is Ash, they both revealed their enhancement and Ash used damage reflection and sharpening while George used lighten and sharpening

"Haha quick! healing! we both have more wounds than ever!" Ash shouted to the two girls watching them

"Right! Right!" George joined the fun too

"There you go again, why don't you guys just be careful you know?? It's a wooden sword! It's meant for training and you guys use it like a weapon for killing" Mia shouted too

"Hmm! It's way more fun with this haha!" George said

"Oh then would you like me to add more??" said Mia

"N-no... Just heal me please..."

"Heh come on here~ I won't hurt you"


"Ash, why do you like to have a scar than to heal it completely?" Charlotte questioned Ash while Mia was scolding George

"It's my form of respect you know? I left a scar on my biggest wound as a respect someone whom I fought" Ash answered

"Oh, then if I left a wound on you in a fight, would you make it a scar too?" Questioned Charlotte

"Hmm... Maybe? Who knows if we fight" Ash answered

"Oh alright...."

The two of them have their own world, George and Mia too, while healing Ash looked at Charlotte thinking "she really have gotten more womanly" Charlotte then looked at Ash too accidentally and they looked at each other "Ahh! I spaced out I gotta speed up the healing more" Charlotte said. "Y-yeah..." Ash too said both of them blushed

Ofc haha idunno...

It's the second fight and this time it's Mia and Charlotte, now it really is an equal battle neither one of them is stronger and it only depended on what spell they use, no... it's not a magic fight but a sword fight too, but they have a magic fight, but it's already known who's stronger, Ash passively have a world mana and better mana control than others so basically he's the strongest and George is the lowest because he's terrible at controlling mana.

"I'm ready!" Charlotte shouted

"Alright let's start!" Mia too...

They didn't said any word and attacked each other, compared to the speed and power that the boys did they're rather slower and a bit weaker but not that far to what George and Ash showed

A certain minutes have passed, Charlotte got defeated by a small gap and Mia won after that its the boys turn to heal them and it's the same, Ash silently healed Charlotte while George pissed up Mia while healing her so he got a little smack

A/N:Honestly I just got tired haha but so far I think it's good?

It's Ash and Mia's turn to fight but she immediately surrendered and it's Ash's victory

"Now! Bow down to the monarch!" Ash said as if playing

"Stop that, I'll pinch you, we'll only follow your orders for an hour and it'll immediately end so do it properly!" Charlotte said to Ash

"Uhh yeah... Alright then-"

Another day ended without any problems and Month's have passed since that incident and they're living their ordinary lives again its time they prepare for another incident like the last time or they're gonna lose another friend, or family since it's only a village of retired veteran and not connected to any other kingdoms and empires, we gotta prepare.

Yay I finished my works and I'm back! And I renewed many things and improved, also I created a new vol! Whaha... I'm having too much fun now enjoy the chapter and I still don't know my schedule so whenever I want to I will release? Byee

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