
A Soul's Journey to Learn Their Origins

-A Good for Good- -An Evil for Evil- -A Soul for a Soul- A being who controls over existence got bored and made a Mortal of its own What will happen to the life of this poor soul to be made not knowing his true self? Follow him on his journey to know his true self and living his life to its fullest Get strong, Challenge many things in life, encounter many kinds of people, and feel despair "I may have been defeated, but never dead, living is a second chance and I need to learn from it" Living in happiness, sorrow, victory, lose, pain, love and other else This unknown soul Is on its way on learning its origins This story is an Adventure, Slice of life and a Journey so.. [Power stone trade] -I get [Power Stone] -You get [To have Your idea be made a reality on my Novel] Bruh not to the point that changing the whole story itself and depends on how much you gave The full Tags -Adventure, Slice of life, Weak to Strong, Overpowered, Romance, High IQ Mc, Action, Multiverse and r18 yep!!

Strawberry_p1e · Fantasy
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After Ash and Norman received a lot of shouting from Jeanne after they ate and they got punished for making the food wait, after they ate they continued training sword techniques, he started from basic defence stance to minimize the damage taken when attacked and next is defence techniques and counter attacks position and today they're training the-

Whooosh Norman slashed to the side and Ash crouched down to avoid it then as if to not let him take a step back or forward he started a barrage of attacks while Ash didn't bulge and countered it with opposite slash as if copying the attacker and the stronger will win, Norman smirked and Ash felt a danger coming from all the sides and then <Asterisk slash> and Norman slashed to all side at the same time with enough power to blow the enemy back a certain meter- Ash falls before he see the technique coming

"Aww I got defeated again.. How did I not see that coming, that's the technique I gotta learn now?" Said by Ash making a dissapointed face

"Yeah! It's the first counter technique I showed you that can kill a person but I used a minimum requirement to not give a injury, haha even though you can get healed with healing or if you have broken bone you can still be healed with body modification, your mother will kill me"

"Oh... that means I didn't have mother now my bones and and body will be broken now" Said by Ash making a smug face

"Haha only if you have an injury but I never said you can't get one did I?"


*Painful hour*


"Ugh my father is a ruthless one, my body hurts but yet it doesn't" Said by Ash rubbing his back

"Ahaha did you get punished?" Said by George

"Uhh... No, my sword style training, my father make it so i can get used to the technique and so I can master it later.."

"Growing up on a household and your parent was a mage and a Swordsman I wonder how it feels like" Said by Mia

"How was it?? Was it hard?? Is it rough?? Deos it hurt?? Tell me! Tell me!" Charlotte in admiration - idk why but I made her this way.. Pretty weird?-

"Do you want to go through a rough training too?! Well maybe that's also a way of being strong" -George-

"Hmm it'll be better if I show you~" Ash's face made a smirk

Ash goes his way to the forest and get a meter long peice of stick with a thickness of 3 centimeter and-


Ash then hit the tree and cut it into pieces and falls cleanly in front of the, not only that the tree at the back also had a trace of an asterisk almost cutting it in two

"That right now is my full power, originally Its a counter attack skill with a mix of sword skill!" Said Ash proudly

"Wow! That's really strong! Like strong! I wonder what'll if you used a sword instead of a stick! Maybe it could even cut more than 2 tree's!" Charlotte wondering

"The typical duo, haah but hey! That's strong! I wanna be that strong too ya know?" Said George

"Ha.. Haha.. Maybe? But it's not just simple training brother! Hnng I still get shivers just remembering it" Said by Ash

"For even Ash to act like that haha that must be a difficult training" -Mia-

"No its just very simple you do simple workout but with more burden on your body..." Said Ash

"Simple workout... Oh! do you get strong by working out?" Wonder Mia

"Yeah, working out put a heavy burden to your body but once you started getting used to it you can feel your body improving.."

"But in my case you can't just get used to it... Even if I hide it my Father always knows that my body is getting used to it and adds more burdens and I'm gonna start on the square one again"

"Wait!! You said you're just doing simple work out but how did you get that strong??" Questioned Mia

"Oh, I did not tell you guys? My father is adding more weights as I progress and make me do a hundred and then two hundred then go and go" Said by Ash

"If your father adds weight to your training then how heavy is that??" -Charlotte-

"Hmm, I heard my father said that a one weight can weight equivalent to a small boulder"

""A boulder.. What's a boulder again? "" -Charlotte&Mia-

"Umm I think its a big rock that falls from mountains"

Said by George as he remembers

"Wait isn't that too heavy??" -Mia-

"Right right isn't that heavy?" -Charlotte-

"Now now it's just a small Boulder that I'm saying I can't carry a big Boulder you know?" Said Ash

"Oh I misunderstood.. Well you didn't say it too clearly I'm gonna get excited of that haha~" Charlotte

"Oh a mini Boulder!" -Mia-

"What? Mia already gave it a name hahaha" -George-

"Hahaha what a nice name-"


Crack! -- the tree falls to the place where Ash and his friends where they're talking and as Ash predicted that.

"I maybe cannot carry a big Boulder for now but I could carry a normal tree" Said by Ash carrying the tree

"Oh? Ahh! Thank you Ash w-well let's move from here shall we? So we can get out of trouble of trees falling on us ahaha" Said Charlotte getting up

"Right guys get up we'll move here" Said by Ash putting down the tree and offered his hands to George

"Right! I got scared by that, my life flashed before my eyes" Said George taking the hand of Ash as he got up

"I'm the same I thought we're gonna get crushed by the tree it's good that Ash's with us, though he's the one who chopped the tree" Said Mia

"Sorry about that now lets go and let's just play hide and seek! " Said Ash

"Ohh! Since you're the who got us there then you're gonna be the seeker! No magic, thank you though for saving us there" Said Mia pouting like that?

"Ohh! Maybe? Alright ill be the seeker now run!"

"Try to find us~!!"

"No cheating!"

Slow paced? Srry abt that I'm just explaining this world first.. Imma try not to rush it so I don't mess up..

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