
A Soul's Journey to Learn Their Origins

-A Good for Good- -An Evil for Evil- -A Soul for a Soul- A being who controls over existence got bored and made a Mortal of its own What will happen to the life of this poor soul to be made not knowing his true self? Follow him on his journey to know his true self and living his life to its fullest Get strong, Challenge many things in life, encounter many kinds of people, and feel despair "I may have been defeated, but never dead, living is a second chance and I need to learn from it" Living in happiness, sorrow, victory, lose, pain, love and other else This unknown soul Is on its way on learning its origins This story is an Adventure, Slice of life and a Journey so.. [Power stone trade] -I get [Power Stone] -You get [To have Your idea be made a reality on my Novel] Bruh not to the point that changing the whole story itself and depends on how much you gave The full Tags -Adventure, Slice of life, Weak to Strong, Overpowered, Romance, High IQ Mc, Action, Multiverse and r18 yep!!

Strawberry_p1e · Fantasy
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47 Chs


"Increasing!?" I said in a surprised manner "What do you mean by increasing!?"

"Relax son, what's happening to you is normal. Your mana capacity is moving up, your mana is developing into middle class capacity, let's stop the sparring first and go cultivate your mana"

I questioned father about what's happening and he answered but, How should I say this, it's way below my expectation. 'I thought it's my divine magic affinity that's acting up'

Looks like he sensed my dissapointment and said"I know what you're thinking son, but it's not"

"What to expect, if my divine magic is all about mana, then I should say that I'm unlucky" Agreeing to what he said, I just shrugged my shoulders and move on.

"While it's true that there are divine magic about mana, don't underestimate it. if a person with a divine magic focused on their mana, what do you think would happen?" Father started again, lecturing me about magics and stuff. But, I'm happy with it that I'm learning just being with him.

"Hmm, As the books said. Mana is what's making a spell, and spell is what's making the mana. Having and mana of a God. Or even a portion of it, what would happen" I thought so hard to come up with an answer but I don't think I can.

"You're making a progress, that's right! Your answer is just lacking" He said.

"A mana of a God is infinite, and a human having that or even a portion of it will unlock many possibilities and other new things, theories that sounds impossible because of mana compulsion, there's also theories that God's don't have any mana" Said father.

"Mana compulsion? What is that?" I said in confusion.

"You know son back in my days, mana compulsion is very common, because monsters are always there and being an adventurer is famous back then, many people always try to go past the limits of their mana, like what happened to you last two months, that's mana compulsion"

"Ughh, that's mana compulsion? Don't they get scared of how painful it is?" I had shivers from just remembering that. How can many people can endure the pain from feeling that?

Hearing that from me, seems like my father is heading for another lecture or history talk...." You know son, back in my day being an adventurer is a high salary job. Discovering new types of monsters or mutated living beings pay for about a thousand crones*"

(Time to talk about money isn't it?)

"Monsters do exist normally, but due to some monsters that evolved from being unintelligent being turned into a monster capable of learning the same as humans. They learned to adapt better to the nature than us and others even became capable of using Divine Power. So far there's only two in the record but I doubt it won't rise again"

Father's explanation is very simple yet easy to understand "So back then, there wasn't any living beings whose intelligent like humans?" I Questioned him about the thing I've thought once I've heard obout intelligent monsters.

"No son, there's already many kinds of intelligent living beings other than humans. We're just the only living being on the whole world that doesn't follow how the world works"

"While they do follow the rule of the nature, be one with it and harvest something from it. What we're doing is we use this world for our own survival, the living beings on it, they're treated as stepping stone for us to evolve into much higher existence—

I don't know how much time has passed but I finally reached middle class mana capacity. While father's so focused on giving me information about the world I cultivated my mana and guided it again to flow properly in my whole body.

I've learned many new things from my father but the thing I remember the most is the limit of a Mortal. Father said that Demigod do exist in Mortal realm. but before becoming a Demigod requires Having a part of a God inside you.

But can a Mortal surpass a Demigod even without having a part of a God in them? If you can be a Demigod, Can you surpass a God? If all humans can do it?

I have many questions but I should focus on my own and my family first. Right let's worry about that after I'm strong enough to do what I want.

"Isn't this supposed to be a punishment father?" Ahh, my mouth slipped, I shouldn't have reminded him of that.

"Right, I remembered but we took too long, I'll just give you a weak hit" He smiled like a death schemer and shivers ran down my spine on that word, surely it isn't a simple weak hit.

"Uhh" I can't say anything!

"It's okay, it's just a weak hit"

Father grabbed a wooden sword and held it tight as his smile didn't break and performed hand gestures telling me to face on the opposite direction

"Haah, to get it over with!" I sighed and turn around

I felt intense heavy pain in my abdomen and flew the way my father slashed. I thought I could endure it and just get away with it but my father used force higher than what I can endure.

The solid wooden sword broke in half and he looked at it. "You've become much tougher now, Son" I felt in awe in his wo—

"Aghh!!" I felt the aftermath of Fathers slash and ughh it hurts!

Meeh Meeh Meeh

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