
A Soul's Journey to Learn Their Origins

-A Good for Good- -An Evil for Evil- -A Soul for a Soul- A being who controls over existence got bored and made a Mortal of its own What will happen to the life of this poor soul to be made not knowing his true self? Follow him on his journey to know his true self and living his life to its fullest Get strong, Challenge many things in life, encounter many kinds of people, and feel despair "I may have been defeated, but never dead, living is a second chance and I need to learn from it" Living in happiness, sorrow, victory, lose, pain, love and other else This unknown soul Is on its way on learning its origins This story is an Adventure, Slice of life and a Journey so.. [Power stone trade] -I get [Power Stone] -You get [To have Your idea be made a reality on my Novel] Bruh not to the point that changing the whole story itself and depends on how much you gave The full Tags -Adventure, Slice of life, Weak to Strong, Overpowered, Romance, High IQ Mc, Action, Multiverse and r18 yep!!

Strawberry_p1e · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Friends Quarrel -2-

"Yeah of course" Said the three

"On yourselves?" I asked

"Yes" Only George agreed and the other two doesn't

"You came inside the forest alone?" Charlotte Questioned leading to George proudly replying yes with his chest pumped up and making the two envy him

"Only George? How far have you gone in there?" I said in curiosity

"How would you know? Have you gone inside too, Ash?" Realizing that he came inside without accomplice and the others not doing the same. His pride grew larger, he became proud and expecting that only he is the one who did that.

*it's not Ash's insight i just want to relate.

"Yes, I've been inside there for quite a few times and I'm asking you how far have you gone inside the forest, maybe I been there too" I replied while showing off at the same time

George looked dissapointed after hearing what I said and frowned. The two, Mia and Charlotte scorned George and pissed him off starting a fight again.

"We won't get off topic if you guys continued fighting!" Hearing their debate getting out of my topic I got pissed and yelled

"We're not getting out of topic though?! If not for the one guy who always showing off and making us angry every time he do that!" Said by Mia releasing all her anger on George or us?

"Why would you get angry though?! You were just envious!" George said to Mia loud and clear

"Oh yeah? Did I say it was you? Even if you got inside the forest, us too! What makes you think you're better!?"

"Shall we settle this with a fight!?" George challenged Mia for a fight and she replied "Why would I refuse!? Ill prove it to you"

George quickly tried to grab a wood but Mia forbids him to do so. She pointed her finger at him and consecutively fired [WaterBullet] at a fast pace.

George deflected it with his pure mana but it splashed. The unprotected parts of his body became frozen in just a touch but he quickly dispelled it.

He fired [Fire Ball] using his all on the first attack. A naive strategy but it worked for him.

Mia tried deflecting it with a [Freeze] spell but she had a hard time getting it to freeze because it's fire doesn't seem to extinguish and continue burning.

She let out a shout and used a stronger spell to extinguish George's spell. She clearly lost her mind trying to defend from that, in terms of fire spells she's much better than him and she can just absorb it or give the spell back to George by redirecting it.

But anger took on her mind leading to her not able to think straight. After a few struggles, looks like she finally realized it and absorbed the spell giving her extra mana.

But seems like luck is not on her side because at the same time she's struggling, George took his time finding a good branch to use. While he's on it, I gave him a message "Not to hurt her too much" and he agreed with it.

He found a tough branch and it also looks pretty good to me, he decided to use it as a sword and enchanted it with spells like, [Antimagic] and [Mana Absorption] making it easier for him to stop Mia's magic

And here we are, watching them fight while my main plan for this is to show them my base deep inside the forest that I made on my own and hid it with my magic. I feel like crying but no, you must not, I shouldn't cry.

"This is not in my plan though" I expressed my thoughts hoping the person on my side would empathize with me.

"Hmm, yeah" She replied without even reacting to it

"O-okay, their fight is a chaos huh" I just moved on to it and tried making a conversation but rather than replying, she just ignored me 'looks like she's finding an opportunity to join in, I will just head out see ya'


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