
A Soul's Journey to Learn Their Origins

-A Good for Good- -An Evil for Evil- -A Soul for a Soul- A being who controls over existence got bored and made a Mortal of its own What will happen to the life of this poor soul to be made not knowing his true self? Follow him on his journey to know his true self and living his life to its fullest Get strong, Challenge many things in life, encounter many kinds of people, and feel despair "I may have been defeated, but never dead, living is a second chance and I need to learn from it" Living in happiness, sorrow, victory, lose, pain, love and other else This unknown soul Is on its way on learning its origins This story is an Adventure, Slice of life and a Journey so.. [Power stone trade] -I get [Power Stone] -You get [To have Your idea be made a reality on my Novel] Bruh not to the point that changing the whole story itself and depends on how much you gave The full Tags -Adventure, Slice of life, Weak to Strong, Overpowered, Romance, High IQ Mc, Action, Multiverse and r18 yep!!

Strawberry_p1e · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Father vs. Son

Few minutes have passed and nobody seems to be going down. Although I am tired because I'm not used to fighting using all my raw power this long.

Father don't seem to get tired easily on a 'simple duel' with his son. He's still going easy on me but I'm still getting pushed back and it's too frustrating.

If only I'm at his age and having the same or maybe even stronger abilities than my father, I would've give him a really good fight.

"Hey, dear father" I said calmly because if I call out to him looking like something I'm damned.

"Why?" I'm surprised he didn't get mad at that. Anyway I've got a plan but I don't know whats on his mind

"Is it only magic that's not allowed to be used?" I once again asked him normally. Right, nothing wrong this is what I'm sure with.

"What an interesting question.... You have any plans in mind?" To my surprise, he already know what I'm thinking! Of course, experience talk.... "Nah, since you already knew it, of course that's not a plan anymore"

Our fight continues, we're almost at equal speed because, as the battle goes on, the more my body gets used to it and adopt, looks like father had something in his mind and spoke "Then, maybe if I allow to use some ski-!?"

As soon as I heard him say that I immediately knew what to do "[Star Slash]" I used star slash without using any mana. Usually it requires mana to use a skill but if you're strong enough, you can use it without using mana and make the same result as the skill with mana imbued to it.

A/N:[Star Slash] is [Asterisk Slash] I just changed its name

"Oh come on! Nothing works and I'm out of ideas" He deflected my surprise attack again even with me using my full speed and I fall down on the ground. "That's no good Son, I still don't know your limits. Get up, who said you could rest?"

"But father, I can't anymore" I replied looking all tired and out of power. "Get up, or I won't let you get out of the house for a month" he threatened me to get up and fight but no can do. I really can't get up anymore.

"I'll let you use magic if you really cannot do it anymore. Just this once" To my surprise, my father let me use magic once. "Magic? Even though you don't let me use magic in every training?" I questioned him simultaneously because of my surprise 'A soft father but a monster in training is letting me use magic in our fight'

"I said only this time, Oh? What happened to you. You looked fired up" father smiled looking at me while I'm still laying down on the ground "Who wouldn't" I replied with the same energy as him

<Stage 1 healing>


I regained my energy in just one spell, I have many types of healing but this is the best for restoring my energy.

<Body Modification>

[Lighten] [Strength]


The spells I used are only Body Modification and Healing because I wanna fight without using any elemental spell or anything only to defeat him with my strength hence, I used [Lighten] to release some burden on my body and [Strength] spell to match my father on strength.

I'm the first to strike and do a quick slash. He deflected it. I didn't back down and gave him another slash one after another.

It feels much better and I'm following his attacks.

"You're better with magic than I thought huh?" My father said in awe. In this fight, I discovered a lot of father's emotion and new things about him

"That's not all!" I said in confidence "Getting cocky now little one!" Father smiled and started getting more faster and his attacks are getting stronger.

'It's getting hard again to catch up!' I mumbled

"Really, this is how strong my father is!" I said out loud "That's not all little one" Hearing this annoyed me and lead me to use more spells

<Body Modification>

[Harden] [Enhance] [Speed]


Using [Harden] to make my body sturdier and [Enhance] to all my senses, [Speed] to be faster...


We sped up once again. It felt like it lasted a long time but, we're only fighting for like half an hour or maybe less than that.

I accelerated and attacked him at full speed. My control over my mana is getting weak. My control over it has been good all this time so whats happening!?

While worrying about that, my father seems to not notice it and continued. So I slashed downward followed with horizontal strike, he deflected both of it and attacked me without any specific patterns.

It lasted for a while until my grasp over my mana is at the end of the rope, it's going all over my body!

Looks like father noticed something and said "Son, your mana capacity is increasing!"

Close... Close..... Close......

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