
A Soul's Journey to Learn Their Origins

-A Good for Good- -An Evil for Evil- -A Soul for a Soul- A being who controls over existence got bored and made a Mortal of its own What will happen to the life of this poor soul to be made not knowing his true self? Follow him on his journey to know his true self and living his life to its fullest Get strong, Challenge many things in life, encounter many kinds of people, and feel despair "I may have been defeated, but never dead, living is a second chance and I need to learn from it" Living in happiness, sorrow, victory, lose, pain, love and other else This unknown soul Is on its way on learning its origins This story is an Adventure, Slice of life and a Journey so.. [Power stone trade] -I get [Power Stone] -You get [To have Your idea be made a reality on my Novel] Bruh not to the point that changing the whole story itself and depends on how much you gave The full Tags -Adventure, Slice of life, Weak to Strong, Overpowered, Romance, High IQ Mc, Action, Multiverse and r18 yep!!

Strawberry_p1e · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Back to being normal

"So now, let's talk" (It's Ash!)

"Hmm..." (alright)

"So you already know why I'm here right?" Ash questioned

"What's that question? Of course" George looks annoyed but not really Ha... Ha.....

"Shut it I'm just starting the conversation"

"Well, I don't know what'll you do so"

"Not much, just here to talk" Ash said with a straight face

"It's good for you to not have such trauma after what you've experienced" George asked

"Ohh... That two weeks of nightmare? To be honest I don't want that to happen again to me" Ash shivered after saying that

"Does it hurt that much?" George looks like he also want to experience it

"Hmm, yeah it feels like getting tortured by having your insides or rather organs gouged out of your body without any pain remover" Ash's face tighten up as he remembers it

"Ughh..." Now he feels like he doesn't want to feel it

"More than that it hurts ten times than usual, then if I move it'll hurt more so I have to endure it without moving" Ash's face hardened more

"Huh? You can't move? But there isn't any symptoms of that?" Said George looking confused

"Even I don't know, it's just that, after I woke up that's my situation" Ash sighed

"But how are you suddenly so strong?" George in wonder

"Ohh... That, it wasn't me seems like someone or 'something' controlled my body after I fell unconscious" Ash repeated what his mother said with a mix of his experience

"That isn't you?? Then-" George is about to question Ash but he stopped him

"I already said I don't know..."

"Oh right, reasonable...."

"But hey, I have a secret to tell you"

"Oh? Let's hear it"

"You see, the world mana I currently have, is so big.... It can cover this whole village"

"It remained on you? But the world mana isn't like your own mana right? It's generated by this world so why do you have it?"

"I don't know.... Seems like people can't detect it as world mana covers the whole world, even me"

"So it's like you're a world... I mean you can't make the world mana be like your own mana, even on that attack weeks ago, the world mana may surround you and work like a normal mana does, it does not come out from your body" I've overdone it...

"Wow you're quite knowledgeable about Manas" Ash in admiration

"I also learn so don't say that"

"Alright alright just saying eh?"

"Well, back to your mana, in terms of capacity"

"Big one"

"I see...."

"Oh, if I unleashed it, it only looks like a normal world mana and they don't even know, maybe mother will notice it once she checked on me, I've only noticed it week's ago"

"Not like the first one?"

"Ohh, what does it looks like?"

"A storm, but made of world mana"

"It looked like that? Well I wanna see it once"

"Ohh it really is chaotic if you only seen it"

"Hahaha.... Now, let's start on real conversation, what are you gonna do now?"

"I... Don't know"

"Well imma try give you some advice as a friend, and no I won't sugarcoat it think about it and decide, minimum is one day maximum is one week alright?"


(I don't want to cover it anymore bruh so imma just make it a storymode not a dialogue)

Ash told George his opinions, about their family, how he would help him and helping him decide his future actions without sugar coating any words nor white lies he only stated fact and nothing else

George may have been hurt by what he said but, there's a saying that "it's better to be hurt by the truth and move on than being happy with lies and end up being broken when faced with the truth" who made this? Me.... Lol

Now!!!! Fast forward 3 days later!!!


The village is now fully repaired and everything was fine, George was now coming back to his daily routine and getting cheerful as days goes on, he has decided what he'll do in the future, he talked about it with Ash and they both agreed to it.... What is it? Well he want to protect his mother, his only family so he want to get stronger! They're loving a stable life now and is back being normal.

Vol.1 fin :^ I won't put it the next vol


Update... I just realized I can't make vol 2 Soo let's call it arc :/ arc 2 is coming next week? Imma just prepare lol

Strawberry_p1ecreators' thoughts