
A Song Of Chad And Thunder

Join our anti-hero, Chad 'Melvin' Thundercock, on an endless quest of poontang and pub-crawls through your favourite worlds, picking up broads and bros alike. There will be tears (from Chad's enemies), there will be laughter (from Chad at his weeping enemies), there might well be tears of laughter (from us, bladdered on ale and mead). Read on to see the legend of the Thundercock manifest! Seriously though, this is a passion project written by a bunch of mentally deranged individuals who got drunk on discord one night and decided to take the piss on Webnovel. This is a pure satirical comedy meant to poke holes in the cliché fan fiction format and just have fun with a ridiculous concept whilst telling an entertaining story. The authors are Dickheads, and their powers combined to make them Uber Dickheads. By extension Chad is also an Uber Dickhead so don't take the shite these idiots spew to heart. It's all for shits and/or giggles. It might work, it might not. Likewise, it might fail on the first day, or it might be what sparks internet-wide bans on the publication of fan fiction (here's hoping). Either way we're having fun, and we hope you will too. The first world he wrecks is DxD, not 'cause it was voted or 'cause it is a popular Webnovel setting, but 'cause we like big ol' tiddies - end of story - roll credits. ₽68.99 Entry Ticket Furthermore, it goes without saying that all the works referenced are the intellectual properties of their respective owners/publishers, not in any way connected to us, so please support the official release. We create transformative content under the concept of fair use (which we know doesn't exist in Europe T.T) and hope that we don't get the book thrown at us. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

adeadas · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

nd Chapter

Chapter Title: [What's A Job?!? Mr. Chad is in the building! The Legend of The Thundercock Continues!]

"As you can see ladies and gentlemen, I am overqualified for this position" The burly man addressed a panel of 3 interviewers who were currently reading through his resume.

"In fact, you won't find a better person for this position other than yours truly." Chad pointed to himself with his thumb.

The interviewers glanced at one another and came to some silent agreement when the middle person spoke up.

"I see, well this is certainly unprecedented. I have to say your presentation is quite unique, where did you say you were from?" The woman in the middle addressed Chad.

"Sweden, goddagens!" He said with a salute.

"You're quite far from home, Mr Sandakokku." She joked, "Tell me more about your interests and hobbies." The woman dropped the resume in her hands and locked her fingers.

"Well uh…" Chad sneaked a look at his palm. On it, a couple of crude scribbles were jotted down in black sharpie.

"I enjoy reading and sparri… sports." He read out what was written.

"Oh! What sort of books?" The woman asked.

"Ever heard of EP:IC? No? Yeah me neither. I read history books."

"Really now, what a surprise, what periods interest you the most?" She pressed on.

"Ghengis Khan. He's my hero." He said innocently with a straight face.

"U-uh huh, well what about sports then?"

"Push-ups, sit-ups, bench pressing, triathlons, endurance runs, cow tipping, caber tossing, Gloucester cheese rolling, jousting, wife carrying and mud wrestling - as an observer of course." Chad listed off on his fingers, nearly revealing the sharpie marks.

"Certainly your physique is very well-rounded." The interviewer pushed up her glasses, hiding her wandering gaze.

Chad almost instinctively flexed at the mention of his physique, but he couldn't risk ripping his rented suit.

The Valks spent a fortune on the deposit; they've been working their tushies off since they moved to this city to make Chad's fake identity as believable as possible.

"Ehem! Er so, how are you with children?" She picked up the questionnaire again.

"Me? Oh, I love kids, got a couple of em' myself. I taught them everything I know - and don't know."

"Ara!" She gushed.

"Actually, I like em' so much that I adopted my first child. Though he was too old to be considered a child at the time… It doesn't matter he's always been mentally challenged."

"W-well, I do appreciate a man who's responsible."

"Well lady, you're talking to the wrong guy."

The interviewer stood up and walked around her desk. "And why did you choose us out of all the possible junior highs?" She leaned on the side of the desk, her skirt riding slightly upwards while doing so.

"I'm skint, and the gates were open." Chad shrugged his shoulders.

"I can't possibly believe that you just happened to walk in, resume in hand, days prior to the new semester." She pressed him for answers.

"I make it a habit of carrying all my paperwork with me at all times, you know early bird doesn't starve or something."

"I see… Mr Sandakokku. At any rate, I do believe you're suitable for the position. We advertised for a part-time PE teacher spot, but it would be such a shame to just have you part-time." She contemplated.

"How would you like a more stable position as a full-time teacher, with all the perks and responsibilities of one of course." She winked.

"Hey, 'long as the pay's good, I'm down to clown." Chad stood up and leaned over for a handshake.

"We have a deal then, Shundo-san can you please draft a contract for Mr Sandakokku. Welcome to Kuoh Academy." She looked at the secretary on the panel as she shook Chad's hand.

"Please head teach, call me Chad."

"In that case, drop the formalities with me as well. I'm Takamoto Saki, but Saki is just fine."

"Say, how about we bounce this joint and grab a drink later, I'd love to learn more about the school from you, Saki." Chad gripped her hand firmly and pulled her closer.

"I-it is my duty to get you accommodated, after all..." The headteacher hid her left hand behind her as she slipped her wedding ring off.


"Hey, Eiko! We're in the same class this year as well."


The School's bell rang thrice.

"OMG Mari-chan, please take care of me this year too~!"

*Click Clack* x2

Sharp crisp footsteps echoed down the empty hallway. Noise could be heard from every classroom along the way, either students' chatter or teachers' bollocking.

"Dude, I lent you my copy of 'This Horny Big Tits Elder Sister Type Was Celibate Since The Lockdown, But Now That Emergency Measures Have Been Lifted (Filmed in June 2020) She Is Exploding With Lust And Enjoying An Orgasmic Amateur Man In Creampie Raw Footage' over the holidays. I want it back, you asshole."

"I haven't been able to burn it to DVD yet. My sister's been back home over the break and took my Blu-ray"

"I don't care, get it done some other time I NEED MY POR-"

*CRacK* x1

The upper half of the classroom door splintered and caved in all of a sudden. Silence fell first, then the door fell second.

"Door's knackered, what sort of private school can't afford proper swingy doors. Miss me with this slidey shit." A huge man stepped through the hole he just made, ducking carefully to avoid messing up his hair.

Like dominoes, everyone rushed to their seats one by one. In a fraction of a second, the class was orderly once more, bar from the mangled door.

Not paying any attention to the clamouring students he made his way slowly to the podium. To a bunch of second-year high school students, such an extravagant and tall brute of a man must have left quite an impression.

Chad stepped up and behind the teacher's desk, dropped the class register, and finally looked at his fodder.

"So? Not gonna greet your Shi Fu?"

"Good morning, sensei!" They all burst in unison.

"This is gon' be easy." He sniggered at their display. "Alright no need to shit your pants yet, we're just getting started."

He reached for the breast pocket of his suit where a pair of Ray-Bans were stowed. With a swift motion, he flicked them open and perched them on his nose.

Grabbing a piece of chalk, he carved in four letters on the entire blackboard. C H A D.

"Hello, Guten Tag, Ni Hao and Yee Haw. I am going 'to be' in charge of Two B - hehehe - from now on as your homeroom teacher. Rejoice brats 'cause you just pulled your luckiest lot in life." Chad opened up the register.

"So this is what's gonna happen. Imma do roll call, you holler back when I say your name, feel me? Then I'll pick the class reps randomly and you'll get ready for PE first period." Chad spoke as he was reading through the register, a frown forming on his face.

"What the fuck are these names? THEY'RE ALL VERTICAL! HEY, YOU!" In record time, Chad lost his temper. He looked at the class and pointed at a bespeckled student at the back.

"What do they call you?"

The student sprung up from his chair ramrod straight. "I a-am, MOTOHAMA SIR!"

Chad gestured for him to come to the front after which the boy ran forward to the podium.

"Alright Motohamasir, you'll be the male rep from now on. As your first duty, you shall do attendance every morning." Chad picked him up by the back of his collar and brought him to the register.

A couple of students inhaled sharply through their teeth but Chad ignored them.

Motohama was confused at first but under Chad's gaze, he quickly proceeded with the attendance. Meanwhile, Chad kicked back on a chair to the side of the blackboard that was comically small for him.

'So you're telling me, all I have to do is boss kids about AND get dosh in return? This job thing is not half bad.' He thought to himself, closing his eyes and tuning out everything else around him.

He and the Valkyries were in quite a bind after they got transported to this realm. Well, his oversight put them in this bind, but he'd never admit to that.

Luckily for him, he had trusty aides, not the contagious kind. After the girls found a secluded area in a nearby country, where the energy density was adequate, they began investigating the local customs and common sense.

All for the sake of blending in and masking their trail, especially since they had to hide a Chad level being. Faking visas, bank statements, residency agreements, identities, origins the whole nine yards.

Chad's wives have been trained for any eventuality that might involve their husband, a 7 volume series of thick tomes that included instructions and responses to any and all crises adorned the bookshelves of every main member of the Ministry of Cock, Chad's governing body. The top brass would question the lower members on these volumes every 3 months, it was a very rigorous process.

Since Chad was powerless at the moment, ignoring his retard strength and nigh-indestructible body, they had to find a way to secure a living and stay under the radar whilst their master recovered. Thus, they agreed on the most boring and unassuming job out there - an educator.

And here we are, a quick application later and some wooing, teach Chad is born.

What the Valkyries were up to at the moment, only God knows, and he's currently daydreaming in a classroom.

"Sensei?" A shaky voice rang in his ears.

"HUH-" He snapped back to reality. "What is it Moto-boy, I thought I told you to do attendance in my place."

"But I've finished… "

"And? You wanna medal or something?" He glared over his aviators, freezing the poor student stiff.

"No? Then fuck off back to your seat." He stood up and cracked his knuckles.

Anyway back to the exposition, the Valkyries were also lying low in a tiny temple they claimed as their own. Although abandoned, people still made the trek through the forest now and then to have a look, so they manipulated the wildlife to attack anyone that comes too close.

Luckily this current world had advanced technology, so one quick break-in into an electronics store later, they now have the gear necessary to make money online. Simplicity itself.

"You, brown hair with specs." Chad pointed at a girl at the back of the classroom.

"Me sir?" The girl stood up.

"You sir. You'll be the female rep, make a nice duo with the other specky." Chad said.

A few more students inhaled sharply through their teeth but Chad ignored them again.

"Oh and I'm supposed to get two of you to be on duty today as well so let's just have the reps do the first shift. Also, reps will decide the next pair and so on." Chad clapped his hands.

"Homeroom has ended, you've got PE next period. Go get changed, I wanna see youse on the track field in 2 minutes."

Chad collected his stuff and without bothering with them any more, he scooted through the door once more and disappeared.

"What the hell was that!" A male student sprung up.

After he spoke up the floodgates opened and the entire classroom broke into chatter.

"Is he a new teacher? I've never seen him around the school before." Another spoke up.

"We were meant to have Takamoto sensei, I spoke to him last semester before the break."

"Eh, didn't you hear? Takamoto sensei is gone. They say he resigned himself, but rumour has it that he got sacked by the headteacher." A girl joined in.

"What? Aren't they married! And it's not like he's the troublemaker type. I wonder what happened?"

"Hey, focus. What's with this yankee teacher all of a sudden? Look at what he did to the blackboard."

"He's kind of intense, isn't he?"

"Intense? I could barely breathe the entire time! I'm glad he didn't pick on me, look at Motohama, he's shell-shocked."

"Oi Motohama! Get it together man, you're looking real pathetic you know." A skinhead student shouted out.

"S-shut your mouth Matsuda, you don't get it! That man has killed before I'm telling you! He's gotta be some Ex-con or something." Motohama rebutted.

"I just hope he's not like that all the time you know."

"Oh come on everyone, it's a private school, they wouldn't hire someone dangerous."

"Yeah I'm overthinking things, oh crap we're going to be late for the first period."


More than 2 minutes later...

Sat on the track field, Chad kept wandering his eyes to his watch and then back to the school.

"I'm gonna fucking murder them…"

He stood up with a hop and calmly walked to the sports hall shed where all manner of equipment was stored. Once inside, he was met with every torture implement he'd ever need, neatly stowed away.

He kicked over a ball basket, sending its contents flying, picked it back up and started plotting.

Anything with some heft to it was stashed in the basket, anything small and heavy too, some spare cord from the tennis netting and coloured vests.

"Oh and some baseball helmets… a surprise tool that we'll use later." He muttered to himself.

Once he was done with the groceries, he dragged the basket back to the field where a bunch of confused students finally made an appearance.

Chad dropped the basket to the ground with a crash and folded his arms.

"You're late."


"Today we had but a simple track day to get you started, nothing too bad. Just 5 measly laps and then some R&R and bevs!"

Chad grabbed the basket and flung it at the kids' feet.

"But you've ruined it, my beautifully crafted lesson plan I stole from the net has crashed down and burned to ash and soot!" Chad gave them a grin and pointed at the basket.

He coordinated them to form a line in front of the basket and got them geared.

Each kid was wearing a vest, each vest had straps formed from the recycled cord, and each strap had weights hanging from them. Topped off with a helmet for protection of course.

"You nerds need to learn some manners, from now on every minute you are late to my class will mean 1 more lap around the track field in full kit, on top of the actual exercise for the day." Chad stared them down.

"S-Sensei! You can't be real! It's inhumane, this stuff is too heavy." A brown-haired boy snapped at Chad.

"Thanks for volunteering to go first." Chad kicked his ass and sent him running ahead.

Turning back to look at the others he simply motioned for them to follow.

Terrified of any further consequences, they all followed their class clown.

"5 laps plus 4 for the minutes you were late. The girls too, no exceptions, no parole, no surrender. You stop running and you'll give me 100 burpees then finish the laps, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" Chad roared with his hands behind his back, watching the students like a hawk.

"SIR YES SIR!" They all shouted in unison, with no hesitation in their voice.

Pleased with himself Chad looked at the first kid that spoke up earlier. Poor bastard was already wheezing and dragging his feet.

"Hey kid, the one at the front who looks like he's about to shit himself. Name, rank." Chad addressed the one who talked back to him.

"Huff Iss- huff -ei Hyoudou huff, pervert huff." The kid named Issei shouted back through laborious breaths.

Chad grinned, "I like your spunk kid, you keep that up and you'll be something one day. But talk back to me again and I'll send you home in a body bag."

"HAI!" The kid shouted back.

He wasn't lying, he felt something from the boy. Something that reminded him of a prick that kept bothering him back in the day. No matter how hard he beat the twat he kept coming back stronger and tougher than before, with a gaggle of women behind him to boot.

He has a name for this phenomenon, plot armour. But that's a problem for future Chad to deal with.

Present Chad had other plans…

Looking down at the assortment of balls at his feet, he grinned and blew hard on his whistle, "FORE!"

With a loose kick, he sent one of the balls flying through the air. It screeched as it flew and with very little warning socked a student square in the jaw.

"What the hell?" Another looked back to see his classmate on the ground, seconds later another ball met his shin making him spin 180 mid-air and eat the dirt.

"No slacking!" Chad shouted and blew his whistle again, sending volley after volley at the kids.

It carried on like this until all the students were on the ground not moving a single muscle.

They completed 2 laps, one skinhead completed 3, and some crashed before finishing the first lap. Although he planned to punish them, after seeing the sorry state they were in Chad decided against it.

How should he know that kids these days are pansies?


Ψ: You reckon we were a bit too offensive in this one?

Φ: Nah, just very racist if anything.

Ψ: And the difference is?

Φ: Calling someone dumb or ugly, that’s offensive. What we did here is more akin to bigotry on a good day or discrimination on a bad day.

Ψ: Wouldn’t have it any other way.

Φ: Amen!

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