
A Soldier Out of this World

A modern day female British soldier finds herself in a strange new world. And once there she meets a certain hyper ninja and his team along the way.

madhat886 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

The Bet


In the hospital of the Leaf Village Nimah looks over the wound on Gai's shoulder making sure that the pellets of the rifle blast didn't server any of the muscles or bone joints. She had like the rest of the soldiers taught to be able to treat gunshot wounds. She hasn't treated any gunshot wounds but what she learned kicked in as she looks over Gai.

"How is it?" Gai ask.

"You should be fine only if you let the wound heal. The doctors did a good job of pulling out all the pellets and you should recover, but only if you let the wound heal and don't move your arm around," Nimah said.

"My fiery spirit will heal my body!" Gai responded.

"Just make sure you rest and let your body heal you," Nimah said turning to leave as she has a meeting with the Hokage.

"Is Tenten alright?" Gai ask before she left.

"She'll recover from her wounds," Nimah answers.

"That's good to hear," Gai said before she closes the door.

Nimah walks down the hallway of the hospital with Kakashi leaning against a wall waiting to escort her to the Hokage's office, reading that book of his. "So how is he?" he asks her.

"His wound will need time to recover but it will be a long road for him to be able to use his arm again," Nimah answers.

"That's good to hear," he said closing his book.

"The weapons his team manage to recover they're in the Hokage's office?" she ask.

"That's why we're going there," Kakashi said. "By the way who are those two new friends of yours?"

"The swordwoman is Ran Tsukikage and the martial artist is Meow, they have decided to become my students after they saw me in action," Nimah answers.

"You seem to be attracting a lot of people to you," Kakashi said. "Not to mention Razor one of the top five assassins of the Elemental countries came after you. I'm not sure of anyone in the village would have been able to fight him head on alone yet alone kill him like you."

"I'm also expecting to collect on the bounties on the members of the Bad Bessie gang as well for the one on Razor," Nimah said as Maki had told her how to collect bounties on bandits. By cutting off their heads as proof that they were dead. (1)

"You'll get your money," Kakashi said. "It's too bad that you couldn't get all of the gang."

"Well they weren't there so it couldn't be help," Niamh said.

"Where are those two new students of yours?" he asked.

"They're back at the fort settling in," Niamh said.


At Nimah's fort –

"This is some place she has," Meow said looking over the inside of the fort's walls.

"Is there any sake around?" Ran asked as she sat on a chair.

"Sorry but Nimah doesn't drink," Maki said as she shows them around the fort. When they came back to the village, the guards at the gate told them what had happen to one of the nins of the village. Nimah had brought them to the fort dropped off and the loot they took from the gang before driving off into the village.

"Hey Maki you're back," Naruto said as he and the other Rookie nine had been waiting for Niamh and Maki to comeback from their mission since yesterday.

"Where's Emmy?" Maki ask. "I have the item she wanted."

"She said she'll be in her hotel room," Shino answers.

"It's the inn on main street the Turtle Inn," Chouji adds.

"Kiba you're fast go get her and tell her to pick up her package," Maki ordered.

"Fine," Kiba said learning the lesson of not arguing with women as it leads to nothing but trouble.

"Who are they?" Sakura ask looking at Meow and Ran.

"They help me and Nimah in dealing with the bandit gang and they decided to come back with us to be train by Niamh," Maki explained.

"How come they get to be train under Nimah?" Sasuke ask still not liking the fact that he's the only one of his team that hasn't been taught by Niamh. Even Sakura has been showing improved fighting skills in close quarters combat.

"Ms. Nimah is going to train you two too?" Hinata ask.

"Yes she will," Ran said thinking of the grace and power Niamh showed when she killed Razor.

"After she went and killed Razor we decided to become her students," Meow said.

"Razor as in Razor one of the top five assassins of the Elemental countries?" Shikamaur ask reading about him in the bingo books.

"The same," Ran answers then turns to Sasuke. "Even your brother wouldn't pick a fight with him if he could avoid it."

Sasuke eyes widen. "He wouldn't?"

"Your brother is strong yes and is an S class nin but Razor is one of the best killers around. Even for someone of your brother's rank and power fighting someone like Razor would be a costly one for him," Ran explained.

"That group your brother joined are powerful but even they wouldn't try to fight one of the top five assassins one on one," Maki said as she had learned much during her time in the underworld.

"Niamh is that powerful?" Ino asked.

"Yeah you should have seen it he couldn't lay a hand on her and then she finished him off with a single shot to his head when she had gotten bored playing around," Meow said.

"I knew she is strong," Naruto said.

'I have to get her to train me,' Sasuke thought to himself. 'If the older women were right then Nimah has the skills to kill his brother, then I'll make them mine.'


In the Hokage's tower –

"Gai should fully recover once his body is done repairing the damage," Niamh said ending her report to the 3rd Hokage and the council members.

"And what of the guns?" the 3rd ask waving to the weapons taken from the gang.

"From what I can tell someone has manage to find some weapons that have washed up on shore and has managed to created weapons based on them," Niamh said as she looks over the weapons. "They're not as powerful as the ones I have if show Gai's team might not have comeback alive."

"We think that the Chris Ugly gang were being used to test out the weapons," one of the council members said.

"My thoughts as well," Niamh said as her worse fears coming to life. "I just hope that whoever made these weapons doesn't fully understand how to recreate prefect working models of them."

"They're not?" one of the members asked.

"No unless you understand how a gun works even with a working model you still going to have a hard time of perfecting it. Like trying to make a clock with a working model without knowing anything about it," Nimah said hoping that whatever weapons were found weren't heavy power ones like bombs.

"Nimah facing this treat we like for you to…" one of the members began but was cut off.

"The answer is no. I will not allow my weapons to be look over just so that you can make them yourselves," Nimah said.

"As long as you are in this village…,"one of the members began but was cut off again.

"The only reason I'm here in the first place is to train Naruto. I'm not apart of this village just a soldier who washed up on shore and gotten to teaching a young boy," Nimah said.

"That brat," one of the members said but quickly fell with his chair taken out from under him.

"And I still don't get why most of this village treats Naruto like this," Nimah said. "Treating him like he was some kind of monster or something."

"If you only know," one of the members said.

"I would but according to the people I ask you Hokage passed a law to not speak of whatever is in Naruto's past," Nimah said staring at the 3rd.

"It's his choice to tell you or not," he answers.

"Well better hope that when I learn the truth it isn't something that I don't like," Nimah said. "I will leave this village and take Naruto with me if I find out the reason he's treated the way he is by this village is something that he couldn't help. Because I already know that you people need me more then I need you."

"But you still are living in this village and therefore subjected to its laws," one of the members response.

"Fine," Nimah said not worried. "There's an exam coming up for the young nins to go up the ninja ranks right?"

"Yes there is," the Hokage answers wondering what she's up to.

"I'm going to spread the word that this year there's going to be an addiction to the exams. A one on one fight with me," she said pointing to herself. "Anyone who manages to defeat me in a one on one fight will gain my strength."

"You're going to offer yourself as a prize?" one of the women members asked.

"Yes the other Hidden Villages or groups will get to send their best fighter here to fight me in the stadium. And if they win they get me," Nimah said as she disappears using her power.

"She's going to take a drive to which village offers her, the best deal," one of the members said.

"If we want to keep her in the village, then the people of this village is going to have to start treating Naruto better," the 3rd Hokage said as the council members started shouting at each other. 'Once Nimah learns about the demon fox she'll either leave with Naruto or she'll go on a killing rampage. I'm sorry for doing this to your son 4th Hokage.'


In the Land of Rice –

The small room in the slaughterhouse was fleshly clean, washed down with a hose hanging on the wall still dripping drops of water onto the tile floor. The pool of blood and other body fluids have been washed down the drain in the middle of the room. The floor of the slaughterhouse has a small depression on the floor to allow the fluids of the waste from the meat hanging on the meat hooks to gather in one spot. This way the room would always be clean enough to meet any of the health codes within the city. He did have a business to run after all, and his small restaurant wouldn't be closed down just because of a health code he didn't followed. The meat pies he sells are well known in the city, since the meat that is put into the pies are from many different kinds of animals, accounting for their unique taste.

On the single metal table of the room a large heavyset man worked on a fresh body he had just brought in. Blood would splatter on the wall that the table is pressed against every now and then, but the man was use to it. Using small blades he carefully cuts away at the skin around the chest area peeling it away to reveal the soft flesh underneath. The new body has a lot of fat in the middle, so he has to cut away at the fat to get to the choice cuts. The fat and left over parts he throws into a metal pail to be sent to the meat grinder. The heavy apron he's wearing is already covered with the blood of the other bodies that are hanging on the meat hooks waiting to be placed into the meat locker.

A man steps into the room holding a leather bond folder in his arms. He looks around the room as the man in front of him continues to work on the body up on the table in front of him. The last four bodies he had worked on have already been stripped of some of the choice cut parts, and all of the organs have been ripped from them. The only sound in the room that could be heard is the hum of the lights from the ceiling and gasping breathing of the man on the table. The fat man on the table lifted his head, his blood dripped down his cheeks, as they have been cut off, and he couldn't talk as his tongue also has been cut off.

"You know who I am?" the man holding the folder asked.

"Yes," the butcher said as he continued to cut away at the man tied down on the table.

"I have been trying to reach you for weeks," the man said. "You're a hard man to track down."

"The only reason you found me, is because I let you," the butcher said.

"Your brother has been killed."

The butcher puts his blades down on the table, then grabs the man he's been cutting by his head and snap his neck in one quick motion. He turns to the other man, pointing his finger at the man, "And how would you know?"

"Because he worked for me," the man said as he pulls out a large picture of a close up of a man's face that has a large hole in the middle of his forehead "He was the best I had."

"What do you want?" the butcher asked yet knowing what's coming.

"I know who killed your brother, and if you want revenge. I can give it to you," the man answers.

"I never liked my brother but blood is thicker then water after all. Once I clean up here and close down my shop I'll head out," the butcher said as he grabs the dead body and hooks it onto the free meat hook. "So tell me where do I go?"

The man smiled as he hands the other man the folder he was carrying. "You'll find everything you need to know in there." And with that he exited the building to inform the others that this end of the plan has been taken care of.


In the Land of Waves –

A flash of light appeared as Hunter riding on top of his bike appeared. He scanned the area he landed at finding he's overlooking the landscape of a forest area that he has never seen before. He spotted a road and decided to follow it and find out what kind of world Nimah has fallen into.

"I'm not leaving without you," Hunter said to himself as he kicks the bike in high gear and takes off to find his lost friend in this different world.


Author's Notes –

1 – All of the big towns and villages in Naruto's world pay bounties on people who are wanted dead or alive. If their bodies can't be delivered to one of the towns to collect the bounty their heads will do instead.
