
A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

(currently experiencing slower updates) In a wizarding world marred by inefficiency and stagnation, the Malfoy family stands as a pillar of archaic tradition and privilege. Enter Draco Malfoy's twin sister, born with memories from a modern world where innovation thrives and progress is embraced. The new greatest genius of the generation, who wishes not just to become the strongest, but drag the entire wizarding community up with her. ********** This is the first thing I'm writing on here or any site for that matter, If it gets dropped out of the blue bully me in the comments and ill probably come back in shame. Hope you all enjoy.

Joebiden_Biden · Book&Literature
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A Quick Aside: Draco Learns to Walk

In the grand halls of Malfoy Manor, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy were engaged in their daily routines when a loud, determined babble echoed through the corridors. Little Draco, with his chubby cheeks and silvery blonde hair, had discovered something remarkable—his feet. He was not going to be outdone by his sister this time and was determined to surpass her in this.

"Lucius, come quickly!" Narcissa called, her eyes twinkling with excitement as she watched her son standing shakily by the ornate coffee table. She had missed Seras's first steps, and by the time she had seen it, Seras looked like a pro. This was her last chance to witness her children learning to walk. Draco had an expression of intense concentration, his brows furrowed in a way that resembled his father's during a serious meeting with the Ministry.

Lucius entered the room with haste, a little concerned about what could be causing such a commotion. "Did Draco escape the nursery again? I swear I'm putting a lock on the door."

Narcissa pointed at Draco, who was wobbling on his feet, gripping the edge of the table as if his life depended on it. "Look, he's trying to walk!"

Lucius raised an eyebrow, his usual stern demeanor softening at the sight of his son's determination. "Ah, excellent. It's about time the heir to the Malfoy family took his first steps."

Draco, sensing the audience, looked up at his parents, a triumphant gleam in his eyes. He had gained the attention he deserved, and with a deep breath befitting a wizard about to perform a complex spell, he let go of the table and took a wobbly step forward.

He teetered, arms flailing like miniature windmills. For a moment, he could taste victory in the air; it seemed as though he would remain upright. But gravity had other plans, and his hopes came crashing down with him. With a comical look of surprise, Draco plopped down onto his padded bottom, the impact cushioned by the family room rug.

Narcissa stifled a giggle while Lucius's mouth twitched in amusement. Draco, however, was undeterred. He let out a determined huff, puffing out his tiny chest as if to say, "I'm not done yet." He was not going to be outdone by anybody, especially his sister.

Once again, he clambered to his feet, using the table for support. This time, he seemed to remember what he had seen a thousand times before: he placed one foot in front of the other. He wobbled forward, each step more confident than the last, until he was halfway across the room.

It was then that Draco realized he had no idea how to stop. He had simply assumed that he would figure this part out quite easily. Draco aimed himself directly at his mother's legs when crossing the room. In a last-ditch effort to avoid a collision with the one who gave him all the toys he could ever need, he swerved, managing to turn his stumble into a dramatic face-plant into his father.

Lucius, maintaining his balance like a seasoned duelist, bent down and scooped up his son. "Well done, Draco. You've certainly accomplished something today."

Draco looked up at his father, a slightly dazed but proud look on his face—head trauma will sometimes do that to you. His mother came over, planting a kiss on Draco's forehead. "You did wonderfully, darling. Soon, you'll be running around the manor." His sister was still in the nursery; she hadn't accomplished anything today. He might have fallen a few times, but he had taken his first steps and made his parents proud.

The transportation to the nursery was quick and painless, and Draco was soon deposited down next to his sister. After the Malfoy couple left, he was ready to show off how he had figured out how to walk. He was incredibly disheartened to see Seras start to move her arms and legs into different positions, training her flexibility. Draco stood up and tried to mimic the first pose, finding that standing on just one leg was a lot harder than two.

I thought this Idea would be somewhat funny, I like to think I was right.

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