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  • Joebiden_Biden

    I’ve seen lots of Author Reviews on this site so I decided to do one as well. Overall I like to think I’m doing a good job and most of the comments I’ve received have been really positive. There are a few valid criticisms, the first being the MC will be overpowered, I want there to still be stakes and for the MC not to drift aimlessly, but in my mind she will have to be strong for a student to actively impact the wizarding world. A second valid criticism is the way that I write. I am a few credits from an engineering bachelors, I don’t have a minor in English or anything of the sort. I use AI tools to fix my mistakes and edit for me. I am still trying to figure out a good balance between keeping the words I put on the page and using the words that the AI likes. If something looks too Computery and you think it detracts from the story please make mention of it and I’ll try to fix it. Finally I am a little loose with canon, I’m going to reread the books when I get to each of them in story beats, I am trying to avoid “future knowledge” showing up in the story, but the preventative measures could be leading to me misremembering names and specific spells. I also sometimes just add stuff that I think could be interesting. Tldr: Author has a few errors I plan to work on. Criticism is more than warranted and please continue to give it. Author snorts glue professionally and therefore should be treated with a grain of salt.

    A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution
    Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden
  • Joebiden_Biden
    Replied to ImNew

    TA is a teaching assistant. In most colleges the amount of students is too many for a single professor to grade, so a TA or group of them is needed. They also answer student questions and usually hold office hours in my experience. Some are incredibly helpful and grade kindly. There are also quite a few who have the modicum of power they are given go right to there heads.

    The library was my sanctuary, a place where I could delve into the vast wealth of knowledge stored within its walls. I sat down at my usual spot, took out the papers Snape had given me, and began to read through the first one. The first-year student had made several glaring mistakes, from incorrect measurements to improper stirring techniques. I meticulously noted each error and compared them to what I had learned earlier. As I worked through the papers, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Snape had cooked me alive with his glaring review earlier, so these students wouldn't be safe either. This must be how TAs are born.
    A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution
    Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden
  • Joebiden_Biden
    Replied to Bill8177

    You are correct, I'll make sure to make mention of it, there will be a few lines about magically increasing bone density and strength in the next physical focused chapter. I was thinking of talking about a variety of magical animals whose by products have heightened nutrients, like a cow like creature's milk having insane amounts of calcium and/or a fat fish creature having unearthly amounts of vitamin D. I would then mention her increasing the amount of osteoblasts post damage and osteoclasts to create that damage.

    The practical applications behind this rune are nearly endless. Enchanted objects could be made lighter or heavier at will; carrying a cube of tungsten would be like carrying a cube of feathers. Buildings could be constructed with materials that defied traditional weight limitations; the wizarding world could build a skyscraper ten times that of the Burj Khalifa if they had the materials and a powerful wizard willing to scribe this rune a hundred million times. My training of muscles could theoretically be improved as well, using gravity to compress muscle fibers while they heal and to allow greater force to specific areas while training. You could create robes that allow you to fly by switching off gravity at precise times and swing a sword with genuine tons of force behind it. This rune was the game-changer I had been searching for to take me up another level.
    A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution
    Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden
  • Joebiden_Biden
    Replied to world_domination

    So real, not everyone can be that cool or even approach that level.

    Ch 24 Experiments Into Gravity
    A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution
    Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden
  • Joebiden_Biden

    There is a “little” blind faith in Snape, a lot of students trust a professor to stay unbiased, and a lot of us think very positively on our role models.

    I am pretty convinced already that I was going to be a Slytherin. It is said that if you are incredibly ambitious, you will end up in Slytherin; it doesn't matter what other qualities you possess, as all those are a part of reaching your ambitions. I have had the goal to become the strongest since I was born. Painfully dying makes it so that painfully dying again is at the bottom of your goals. I also want the magical world to undergo advancement. For someone whose entire first life was dedicated to engineering and logic, being stuck in a place where neither of those seems to be given importance is maddening. I will be a Slytherin, there is simply no doubt in my mind. Also, pretty much every member of my family on all sides has been a Slytherin. There is clearly some sort of bloodline thing for Hogwarts houses; if there wasn't, then the "incompetent Weasleys," as my father calls them, "who know only to lick the boots of mudbloods," would not have entered any house outside of Hufflepuff. Of course, my father hates them with a passion, and his description might not be fair, but Snape seems to have a similar opinion on the family, and he is much more rational.
    A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution
    Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden
  • Joebiden_Biden

    This is going to be the last of the "I do something no one else can do because biology awesome" for a bit. I like trying to add something science-like to explain why something works but the brain is very much not my forte.

    The most successful was the midbrain, which controls eye movement and visual information. I could look around without throwing up and process what I was seeing—an upgrade in every sense of the word. The next was the hippocampus. My memory felt clearer than ever, and the storage capacity had increased wildly. I had near-eidetic memory before, but now I was certain of it. I also believed I was processing information better, so my learning speed might have increased as well. The least affected was the pons. Its management of motor control seemed the same, with only marginal improvement in sensory analysis. I was done experimenting with my brain for a few years. The recent scare and pain might have finally stopped me from pushing forward recklessly.
    A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution
    Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden
  • Joebiden_Biden
    Replied to world_domination

    I promise to put antics like this in as the twins get older.

    Ch 5 First Impressions of the Malfoys
    A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution
    Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden
  • Joebiden_Biden

    Jumping off the deep end, she doesn’t know the HP books or that they existed, I’m just going to say they never existed in wherever she was but other media stayed broadly the same.

    Ch 4 A Bed Time Story (Lucius POV)
    A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution
    Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden
  • Joebiden_Biden
    Replied to kessu91

    That's Completely Fair, I was initially going to go with Ceres after the dwarf planet, but I didn't like how that sounded so I chose a similar name. Hellsing ultimate is also peak.

    Naming discussions followed, settling on Draco for the boy, a name steeped in Malfoy tradition, and Seras, a homage to Narcissa's Black lineage, for the girl. A moment of quiet reflection passed before Lucius met my gaze and posed an unexpected question: Would I accept the honor of being godfather to his children? His offer took me aback; despite our longstanding friendship, the significance of a minor house like Snape being named godparent to the esteemed Malfoy lineage was not lost on me. Yet, I accepted without hesitation, determined to guide these children to fulfill their potential as the finest wizards of the Malfoy line.
    A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution
    Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden
  • Joebiden_Biden

    Trying to decide whether or not she read the Harry Potter books, right now I’m thinking no as a lot of stories have a future seeing protagonist and I’ve already made her broken as is.

    Ch 3 The Birth (Snapes POV)
    A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution
    Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden
  • Joebiden_Biden
    Replied to gali_milici

    Haley’s friend

    Tara and Haley had finished looking in the kitchen, and they failed to find some liquor for the chocolate. Tara, who started with the intention of teasing Edward and her best friend, became fully committed to the search because she tasted the chocolate herself.
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    TV · Alittlepiggy33
  • Joebiden_Biden
    Replied to Henrion

    Thanks for telling me, you are a real one for that

    Avatar : Tanya
    Book&Literature · Rimanovi
  • Joebiden_Biden

    The only real problem is that there isn’t enough, one of the only pieces that seem to nail Tanya’s personality. The multiple POVs work well to show how Tanya reads situations differently then “the normal” characters.

    Avatar : Tanya
    Book&Literature · Rimanovi
  • Joebiden_Biden


    Ch 18 Chapter 18
    Avatar : Tanya
    Book&Literature · Rimanovi