
A Single Miracle

Young Shu is in trouble, he stole this book, it was an important book. But what can he do?! He's been put down by the man more times in his life than he can count, it's time to get back at them! But what happens when a reaper comes down to specifically stop him from taking this book. Why is a REAPER after him?! It's just a book! And he's just a regular dude!

MagE · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter III

Chapter 3 – Whose Egg is this?!

The boy stood on the floor of light in silence and disbelief. He could not believe his eyes, why is there an Egg floating in the middle of this … place?! The area was rather large, and around the edges seemed to be benches made of light as well.

The boy decided to walk towards the Egg, it may lead to a clue to getting him out of here. As he got within arms length of the Egg. It spoke.



Did it just say hi?!"

Shu stood still, staring at this egg in disbelief and shock. No way the egg just said something right? Hahaha, no way, eggs can't talk!

"Uh… yeah…


The eggs voice had the tenor of a 6-year-old, it was on the quieter side but audible if you really listened, its voice reverberated inside Shu's head. For some reason it calmed him, and he collected his thoughts.

"Yeah… so… Hi! Uh… Egg?


Mr. Egg? Uh… What are you? Where am I? Am I dead?"

"What do you mean where are you? You're inside yourself, Shu"

Shu, stunned by this, stumbled a few steps backwards and had to catch his breath.

"Inside myself? How does that make any sense? That was the darkest expanse I have ever seen, it seemed endless, it seemed infinite, how is that inside of me? I am just a lowly human."

"Are you Third-Dimensional creatures always like this? Sigh..."

There was a pause in the conversation, as if the Egg were collecting its thoughts, Shu, not knowing what to say stayed silent, one of his many talents. Knowing when to stay quiet.

"Listen, Shu, there are other dimensions. Creatures like me also operate and live in the 4th and 5th dimensions, in addition to the 3 dimensions that creatures like YOU operate in. But we must use 3 dimensional beings in order to reproduce. Thus, our meeting."

"So, you're just parasites?"

"Hey, we take offense to that! You guys benefit greatly from us too! It is a win-win situation! It is mutualism! Either way it's your fault I'm even alive in the first place…"

"What? What do you mean by that?"

"Well if you hadn't touched me when I was in my pollen form, I wouldn't have been able to gain access to your genetic code to be born. Plus, I had to make a projection for you so you'd be able to see my form and forms progression. On top of that if you didn't want to deal with me you should have just passed the marble, or not even interacted with me in the first place."

While the Egg was explaining all that Shu began walking around the area inspecting the benches, completely ignoring what the Egg was saying.

The Egg noticed this, and it began taking an angry and aggressive tone.


Hearing this Shu immediately turned around and faced the Egg once more.

"What do you mean we'll die!?"

He yells across the room of light.

"Having me within you, puts a huge target on your back, your genetic code isn't the one I was supposed to be born with, so all 5-D beings have received the alarm. But you were able to bring forth the light from within the marble, so you must be capable of wielding the power of a universe…

So this may work..."

"Woah, woah, woah. A target on my back? Courtesy of whom? These so called 5-D monsters?"

"Essentially, yes."



Silence. The Egg continues.

"My birth directive says to be wary of Reapers, Gods and Beasts. It also says to visit the Angel."

Shu takes a seat on the bench made of light and puts his face in his hands once again. He begins talking through the palms of his hands, letting out a muffled yet audible voice.

"You have a birth directive?



Well of course you do, you're a damn egg…"

At this point Shu had given up trying to logically understand this situation, he just started going with it.

"What else does your birth directive say, Egg?

Also, what the fuck is your name?"

Chapter 3 - End