
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Realistic
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

"This Is Our Goodbye #7: Cinema"

Ayaka, bouncing with excitement, approached Aoi with a contagious enthusiasm. "Aoi, I was thinking of going to the mall. Do you want to come with me? It'll be so much fun!" she exclaimed, her eyes bright with anticipation.

Aoi hesitated, her usual composure showing signs of reluctance. "Mall, Ayaka-sama? I appreciate the offer, but..." Her voice trailed off, unsure about the idea of a busy public place.

Ayaka cut in with a reassuring smile, eager to ease Aoi's hesitation. "Don't worry, Aoi. My father's guards are on standby, and my mother's assistant is joining us as an additional guardian. It'll be completely safe," she explained, her tone filled with assurance.

Aoi, feeling more at ease, nodded. "If you say so, Ayaka-sama. I suppose going to the mall would be acceptable," she replied, her tone softening.

Ayaka grabbed Aoi's hand, her energy practically lifting them both off the ground. "Yay! It's going to be great. We can shop, try out some new snacks, and maybe even catch a movie!" she exclaimed, her excitement leading the way.

As they headed to the mall, Ayaka's mother's assistant, Sakura, discreetly joined them. Sakura, a capable and friendly woman with a calm demeanor, nodded at Aoi as she fell into step beside them.

"Good afternoon, Aoi-san. I'll be accompanying you and Ayaka-sama today. If there's anything you need, feel free to let me know," Sakura said, her voice gentle but firm.

Aoi nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Sakura-san. I appreciate your assistance," she replied, her tone polite yet guarded.

Ayaka led the way through the bustling mall, pointing out various shops and sharing her excitement for the latest trends. "Let's start by checking out the shops! I heard there's a new bookstore that opened recently," she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Aoi, intrigued by the idea of a bookstore, replied, "A bookstore, Ayaka-sama? That sounds like a pleasant place to visit." Despite her initial reservations, she found herself enjoying Ayaka's vibrant energy.

As they explored the mall, Ayaka enthusiastically dragged Aoi into various stores, showcasing the latest fashion trends and marveling at each new discovery. Sakura maintained a discreet presence, her watchful eye ensuring a secure environment for the girls.

At one point, Ayaka stopped at a snack stand, her eyes lighting up at the array of colorful treats. "Aoi, let's try these new flavored popcorns! They have the craziest combinations," she said, her voice bubbling with excitement.

Aoi chuckled softly, her earlier reservations fading. "Very well, Ayaka-sama," she replied, trying a sample of the exotic-flavored popcorn.

After some shopping and sampling unique snacks, Ayaka suggested, "Aoi, how about we watch a movie? There's a new one I've been wanting to see!"

Aoi, now more at ease with the outing, agreed with a nod. "Certainly, Ayaka-sama. Watching a movie sounds like a good idea," she said, her smile growing more genuine.

They entered the cinema, and Sakura ensured they found their seats comfortably. Ayaka, filled with enthusiasm, chose a lively animated movie that seemed to resonate with the younger audience. "This one looks super fun! What do you think, Aoi?" she asked, her excitement palpable.

Aoi glanced at the movie poster, her lips curling into a subtle smile. "It seems entertaining, Ayaka-sama. Let's go for it," she replied, settling into her seat.

As the lights dimmed and the movie began, Ayaka couldn't help but share her excitement, whispering comments to Aoi throughout the film. "Isn't this part funny, Aoi? I heard it's the best scene!" she whispered, her voice filled with joy.

Aoi, with a small smile, replied, "Indeed, Ayaka-sama. The humor is quite enjoyable," her voice just loud enough for Ayaka to hear.

Sakura, keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings, occasionally glanced at the screen to ensure the girls were enjoying the movie in a safe environment.



Two hours later, the credits rolled, and the cinema lights gradually brightened. Ayaka stretched her arms with a contented sigh, the excitement from the movie still lingering in her eyes. She turned to Aoi, her voice filled with energy. "Well, Aoi, that was fun. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and freshen up. Will you join me?" she asked, already rising from her seat.

Aoi, who had intended to accompany Ayaka, was intercepted by Sakura, the assistant who had joined them earlier. Sakura leaned in, her tone indicating a matter of importance. "Aoi, can we have a talk?" she asked, her expression serious.

Aoi hesitated, glancing between Ayaka and Sakura. "Sure, Sakura-san," she replied, her voice calm despite the sudden change in plans.

Ayaka, noticing the shift, raised an eyebrow in question. "Aoi, aren't you gonna join me?" she asked, her puzzlement clear in her tone.

Aoi reassured her with a smile that concealed her curiosity about the conversation ahead. "You go first, Ayaka-sama. I just need to hear what Sakura-san's gonna say," she explained, her voice steady. Ayaka nodded and made her way to the bathroom, leaving Aoi and Sakura to their discussion.

Aoi suggested a change of location, and they moved to a quieter area within the mall. The bustling noise of shoppers faded, allowing them a moment of relative privacy. Sakura didn't waste time, diving into the purpose of their talk. "So, how's your 'friendship' with Ayaka-sama? Is she having fun?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on Aoi, searching for any signs of pretense.

Aoi's demeanor matched Sakura's seriousness. "Yes, she seems to be having fun, doing what friends do," she replied, her words carefully chosen. The gravity of her response indicated that she took her role seriously, even if it was just an assignment.

Sakura couldn't help but laugh at Aoi's formal response. "Aoi, at your age, you really need to have friends. It seems everything is just a duty to you," she commented, her serious face contrasting with the hint of amusement in her voice.

Aoi's expression remained stoic, her tone resolute. "I don't see the worth of having friends," she replied, her voice devoid of hesitation. Her perspective was rooted in duty and responsibility, her role in Ayaka's life always the primary focus.

Sakura, finding amusement in Aoi's unwavering stance, chuckled lightly. "Well, okay then. You know I'm gonna report your 'friend' mission to Monica-sama, right?" she said, her words carrying a teasing undertone. Her devious smile hinted that she enjoyed pushing Aoi's boundaries.

Aoi, unfazed by Sakura's lighthearted threat, nodded. "Yeah, I'm aware. I'm just doing my job," she replied, her voice calm but determined. The exchange highlighted Aoi's dedication to her role, a sense of duty that seemed unshakable despite the playful banter from Sakura. Even as the conversation ended, Aoi's sense of obligation remained unyielding.



Shiriku interjected once again, his expression questioning, eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, so after all that, you still didn't see Ayaka as a friend? You still thought about duty and being praised by your father?" His tone was incredulous, his eyes fixed on Aoi as he sought to understand her mindset.

Aoi's demeanor shifted, a tinge of sadness clouding her usual calm. She lowered her gaze, her voice quiet as she admitted, "Yeah, that was how I always viewed my life, even at a young age." Her words carried a weight that seemed to span years of ingrained habits and expectations.

Shiriku, his curiosity piqued, leaned forward. "Then did Sakura-san tell Ayaka's mother?" he asked, his voice edged with anticipation, wondering what implications this might have.

Aoi nodded, her face softening a bit as she explained. "Well, yes. But she means no harm. She told me that Monica Kazahana-sama was just worried and hoped that Ayaka-sama would finally make a real friend," she said, her words carrying a touch of warmth as she spoke of Monica's concern. A small laugh escaped her lips, an attempt to ease the seriousness of the situation.

Shiriku, sensing an unresolved matter, pressed on, his expression focused. "Well, do you see yourself as Ayaka's friend now?" he asked, his voice searching for clarity.

Aoi nodded, her gaze steady. "Yes, but I only accepted the idea of having friends on the day that 'boy' arrived in Ayaka-sama's life," she replied, her tone turning serious and fierce, hinting at an undercurrent of anticipation. The shift in her demeanor was palpable, as if the mention of this 'boy' changed the trajectory of her life.

Shiriku, caught off guard by the sudden change, immediately sought clarification. "That boy!? What do you mean by that?" His voice carried a mix of curiosity and confusion, unsure of where this new revelation was leading.

Aoi... her words deliberate as she revealed the identity of the mysterious boy. "That boy is the one Ayaka-sama is arranged to marry, and his name is 'Lelouch Kageno,'" she said, her voice calm but with a hint of defiance. The name hung in the air, echoing in Shiriku's mind as he processed the implications.

Shiriku's eyes widened slightly, and a part of him couldn't help but think, "Damn, that's a cool name."

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