
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?


Rikushin · Realistic
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90 Chs

"Stealthy Shadows #1: Just Be With Her"

Aoi cleared her throat, her demeanor indicating a return to the narrative. "Ehem, shall I continue?" she asked, her voice calm but firm.

Shiriku, eager to hear the rest of the story, nodded with an encouraging smile. "Oh yes... You may," he replied, his curiosity piqued. He leaned in slightly, his attention focused on Aoi's words.

Before Aoi could continue, the first school bell resonated through the halls, its chime signaling that only 10 minutes remained before students needed to return to their respective classrooms. Aoi sighed, her expression betraying a hint of disappointment. She turned to Shiriku with a regretful glance. "Shiriku-sama, it seems we have to stop here," she said, her voice holding a note of reluctance.

Shiriku, perplexed by the sudden interruption, furrowed his brows. "But what about the last mission? I thought we came here to discuss how it would go," he questioned, his tone hinting at frustration and confusion. He had hoped for more clarity about the upcoming task, and the abrupt halt left him with unanswered questions.

Aoi offered a small smile, her eyes meeting his with a touch of playfulness. "12 PM launch. Just be with Ayaka-sama and... talk to her," she replied cryptically, her words providing little in the way of detail. The ambiguity in her response only added to the mystery.

Shiriku, taken aback by the unexpected simplicity of the mission, stammered, "Wh-what?" He felt the need to clarify, but before he could voice his concerns further, Aoi swiftly intervened, raising a hand to signal that it was time to return. The urgency in her gesture left no room for further questions.

Shiriku nodded, acknowledging her cue, and fell into step beside her as they made their way back to the classroom.



Back in Classroom 1-A, Fuyumi and Sachi returned from the girls' room, their steps brisk as the class was set to begin soon. The chatter among their classmates filled the room, creating an air of anticipation as everyone settled into their seats. Noticing the impending start of class, Fuyumi took charge, her voice carrying across the bustling room. "Okay, everyone, let's organize ourselves. I don't want to hear the teacher complaining about a messy class again," she instructed, her tone authoritative yet calm.

Sachi, always observant, leaned in to whisper to Fuyumi, "Hey, Shiriku hasn't arrived yet." Fuyumi's eyebrows furrowed with concern, and her expression tightened. "What? He's still not here?!" she exclaimed, her voice louder than intended. Internally, she grumbled, her thoughts racing. "He must still be with Ayaka, that idiot!" Her frustration with Shiriku's frequent absences was evident.

Sachi snapped her fingers at Fuyumi, grabbing her attention. "Hey, Fuyumi, Shiriku is finally here," she announced, pointing towards the door. Shiriku entered the classroom, his steps slow and his expression tinged with a hint of sadness. Despite the weight on his mind, he walked straight to his seat, sinking into his chair with a sigh. His gaze drifted out the window, his thoughts distant, contemplating Aoi's words and the implications they carried.

Junichi, always the friendliest of the group, approached Shiriku with a casual demeanor. "Hey buddy... So, how was the last mission?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity and camaraderie. Shiriku managed a small smile, meeting Junichi's gaze, though his eyes lacked their usual spark. "The mission was good," he replied, his words lacking enthusiasm.

Junichi, not missing a beat, chuckled and patted Shiriku on the shoulder. "Good, good," he said, though he noticed the shift in his friend's mood. He didn't press further, respecting Shiriku's need for space.

Meanwhile, Fuyumi sat at her desk, her eyes fixed on Shiriku, who appeared troubled. His somber expression didn't escape her notice, and a sense of concern crept into her thoughts. She knew Shiriku well enough to understand that something had shifted, and the sight of him staring out the window, lost in thought, made her wonder what had happened during his time away from the classroom. Though she tried to focus on her own work, her attention kept drifting back to him, her concern for him growing with each passing minute.

Location: Class 1-A - 11:59 AM:

As the clock approached noon, signaling the start of lunchtime, a wave of students began to file out of Classroom 1-A, heading toward the cafeteria. Sachi, brimming with excitement, rallied Fuyumi, Junichi, and Shiriku. "Fuyumi, Junichi, and Shiriku, let's goooo!! It's lunchtime, and I'm sooo hungry," she exclaimed eagerly, her voice loud enough to turn a few heads.

Junichi, always quick with a tease, couldn't resist poking fun at Sachi. "You're that hungry? When you literally ate like a gorilla during recess?" he shot back with a smirk. Sachi, unamused, attempted to retaliate by swatting at him. However, Junichi, ever the quick thinker, dashed behind Shiriku, using him as a makeshift shield. Sachi protested, "Hey, no fair! Don't use Shiriku as your meat shield." Junichi, finding the whole situation hilarious, laughed and remarked, "I mean, Shiriku doesn't mind it. Look, he's not even saying anything."

Shiriku, lost in his thoughts and concealing his inner turmoil, stood silently as his friends bantered around him. Fuyumi, with a sly smirk, extended her hand toward Shiriku. "Well... Shiriku, shall we go?" she asked, her voice casual but with a subtle hint of something more. Unbeknownst to her friends, Fuyumi's internal monologue betrayed a bit of confusion and self-awareness. "Oh no! What am I doing? Why did my body and mind suddenly move? It's not like this is the first time I'm holding Shiriku's hand, but.... This is the first time I'm offering my hand for him to personally hold."

Shiriku, meeting Fuyumi's gaze with a gentle smile, declined the invitation. "Sorry, guys, you go on ahead. My brother Shiroe asked me to meet him at lunch, so you guys should go first. I'll catch up." Fuyumi withdrew her hand, masking any sign of disappointment. "Well, if that's what Shiroe-sama says," she retorted, flipping her hair as she turned away from Shiriku. "You two, let's go," she added, prompting Junichi and Sachi to follow her lead.

As they were about to leave, Junichi and Sachi bid farewell to Shiriku. "See ya, Shiriku," they said, their voices light and carefree. Despite the emotional undercurrents, Shiriku remained silent, offering his friends a soft smile as they walked away, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

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