
A Second Chance That's Better Than The Last.

Haise, the MC, dies and gets reincarnated into another world of fighting and Mages. Basically Magic and Swords. He would never have hoped or thought about being a chess piece on a board playing 'Up for Grabs' with Gods. Follow the MC on his journey of annoyances and just life, because isn't life just an annoyance?... BL? probably. If there is, it won't be the main point of the story, don't worry, you will probably barely see any.

Blank_Et_Pillow · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The World's History.

To say that Haise was shocked would be an understatement because he was going through a lot of emotions he thought weren't possible in a span of a few hours. He went through a whole life story during the process of reading the book about the surrounding continents and cities but he is pretty sure that the book should be labeled, 'About The World' because it just explained the world's history and how it came to be. 

From what he could gather from the book, it had all started Nine-hundred-years ago, which is pretty damn close to a thousand, when two gods decided to play chess to win the right to acquire the world he had been transmigrated to. 

In doing so, demons from different dimensions were showing up through many different colored portals all around the world, destroying, eating, and killing anything they set their sights on. That was also around the time when different people awakened the abilities to help fight off these monsters, be it by using mana, karma, or any other form that could be used and utilized to eliminate the monsters.

This was one of the gods' strategies, to take over the world with monsters so he may win the game. That was the gods' first move, next was his opponent's move. They gifted humans abilities to use against the monsters. 

Which was mana and karma, which isn't the only thing that can be utilized and learned to help fight against the enemy. People can find many different ways and routes to fight or to protect. 

But besides this just being a thought, he has also had experience, because in the field of being an assassin when you had gotten yourself into a tight spot, you were forced to utilize your surroundings and its resources.

Anyway, the battles and fights against demons, monsters, humans, and ability users lasted for nine hundred years until the present day. The humans had a slight disadvantage though, because most humans aren't able to use magic or any sort of supernatural abilities at all, but that's what they think. 

Like it was said before, many people can utilize different routes and ways to protect and fight, whether it be against humans or demons. Despite the fighting lasting for hundreds of years, the gods exchanging chess pieces, the fighting still lasted till this day but surprisingly it wasn't as bad as it was back then.

The portals that demons or, in many others' eyes, monsters come out of started to diminish to the point where the demons were forced to stay back in their portals which held their domain. That's usually why some people call them dungeons or domains because they held demons that they were to fight so that breaks don't happen.

Since portals diminished significantly, not many know when or where they will pop up so groups of people would go out to scour around for a portal because if one is left unattended then a break would happen which means the demons could at some point be able to leave their domain and into our world once again. No one knows how or why they happen.

Back then, portals of four different colors usually appeared, mostly from Blue which means the demons that are about to walk out are relatively weak, the lackeys are but the boss can be much more powerful. 

Purple usually meant much stronger demons, many levels above that of a Blue portal, Many struggled with them because the demons that came out varied in power, weaknesses, and strength, also from intelligence. There was also a time when someone had found a demon that was capable of talking in human language.

Demons are known to be mindless and they don't have much intelligence, but Haise guesses that it changes like the levels of the portals. But it was considered a rumor back then, which is rendered as a legend now. 

No one wanted to find out if it was true though because demons were demons and they kill whoever and whenever they want. The groups that usually went after clearing the portals didn't bat an eye at trying to talk to the demon because they knew it would be useless and mostly because they didn't want to.

A red portal was legendary; only a few people had ever seen one and had been in one, but they barely made it out alive. They either had missing limbs or were knocking on death's door. Some say they even saw something akin to that of a lizard with wings.

Haise knew what the person was trying to say, either it was a Dragon or some sort of other creature that also might look like the drakes, but a dragon is highly on the table.

But now, nobody has seen a Red portal in years, the last one was spotted one hundred years from now, which was by the City he woke up in which was called Prem. They were able to defeat the monsters inside but not without having many casualties and missing limbs.

But, something interesting occurred to Haise, the book said there were four colors but he only found information on three. There was no information regarding the fourth which he found extremely odd. But despite his wanting to know, he can ask someone for the info later. 

Despite the book giving information on the surrounding cities and continents, he only found out that the book only gives information on cities that are on the Lilith continent and the surrounding continents that are around Lilith. The cities don't have much information and neither do the other continents but he thought why not memorize it just in case of a pop quiz?

There were three cities that were the most important since they were around since the first ever portal, or, he guesses he should say gate considering they are an open rift in between dimensions that allows the monsters to get through. 

The city he awoke in is named Prem, which is known for its population and its ability to drive people in considering how almost everyone is nice, with the exception of some other stupid people that decided to steal his money but luckily he got it back and in turn, took theirs. 

He was proud of himself for that but he shouldn't be surprised though, he was an assassin in his past life which gave him great capabilities which he could always rely on when needed. So his pick-pocketing the three bullies was one of those times.

The second city is named Ilsa Nalore, which is famous for also surviving the years of fighting and being friendly to people who are different from them, for example, Beastmen, which is a mix of humans and animals, can go to the town without being bothered a single bit. Of course, not everyone will be friendly but at least they won't voice it out loud. It is also quite famous for its hot springs.

The third city is named Eathen, famous for trading goods and being extremely rich. Despite Lilith being a continent without a kingdom or royal family, it still prospers and governs individually considering why it has three cities with different people that govern over that specific place.

Kind of like how a President governs over a state and controls everything in said state, but has more of the voting coming from the people than his own. But Some continents are governed by a king but just not as many.

Despite reading the whole book. There was another thing that caught his attention. It seems that a calamity was to befall this world in two years. Coincidentally it just so happens he is transported here. Despite not wanting to acknowledge it, he has a sneaking suspicion that he was to be involved in it.

I mean, it's how almost all fantasy stories go. After being transported into another world, the main character acquires supernatural abilities, and so many fucking girls cling to him, either seeking his protection or fighting alongside him, and then they go through many hardships together. In the end, they fight or get rid of their main threat, and then they get together and have a happy ever after together. *Not me projecting my thoughts*

Just thinking about it makes him gag. He doesn't like how girls are portrayed in those visual novels. For others, they can be entertaining, but for him, it's rather annoying. In his opinion, they are too dramatic, stupid, and gullible and he just doesn't like them. Yes, they can be pretty, but that's the only thing he is ever gonna give to them.

But despite his thoughts, he doesn't have any ill will towards girls in general, just how they are portrayed in fantasy stories and anime overall. He thinks that it's stupid how they are portrayed to be overdramatic or jealous, maybe even rude. 

He can't put it into words, he just thinks that anything that has the main character be surrounded by so many girls and then, in the end, have them all get together to create a harem or have one of the female leads get together with the main character is utterly disappointing and stupid. 

Haise stops his thoughts there, already feeling a headache just thinking about anime girls. He has a few he can tolerate but half of them he wants dead and gone. Anyways, back to his previous topic, he felt like he might be getting involved in something really big in the future, he could feel it. He knows he was brought here by a god, but he has a hunch it was by the god that was giving people the ability to fight off the demons.

Haise groans as he places his head in his hands, he can already tell he was gonna be in some main character type shit considering he was transmigrated here conveniently when there will be a calamity in two years.

Honestly, he isn't sure why everyone wasn't ready for it right now. He had a hunch it was because he translated and decrypted the note that was on one of the pages. Due to his previous life working for the government, he was pretty proficient when it came to that stuff, and he recognized the language too, probably because of the previous owner of his body.

Man, there is still stuff he is discovering from his body's memories. In hindsight, he just feels like slacking off and doing nothing, but he knows that he won't ever get to be able to do that considering he was gonna be busy getting stronger so he doesn't die when the calamity approaches. 

Honestly, he doesn't have any attachment to this world, so his dying wouldn't be such a bad thing, but he also doesn't want to go through the trouble of just getting himself killed or just killing himself. He is too lazy and tired to do such a thing now. But despite that, he might as well just do whatever and see what this world has to offer before he gets bored and offs himself.

Haise falls back onto his bed and places an arm over his eyes, he can already feel the troubles of a main character. He sighs heavily. He can already tell that these two upcoming years will be hell and he isn't gonna be happy. He groans.

Honestly, he already knew he couldn't and wouldn't be able to slack off, and even if he did, he was pretty sure that when the calamity struck he wouldn't be able to do anything because the calamity would kill him. And besides, he would be too weak to fight and die by whatever is coming. 

Haise sighed deeply as he removed his arm from his face so that he could look up at the ceiling of his temporary room. A dark shadow could be seen under Haises' eyes but it would usually go unnoticed. He already felt so tired, and yet, it was only his first day here. 

Haise sighs again, before cleaning up his bed and putting all his stuff back into his bag. He can continue looking over the materials later, right now he needs a nap. As he laid back down on his bed, closed his eyes, and stilled his mind, he fell asleep.

He felt heavy, like something was on top of him, weighing him down. He couldn't move or open his eyes, he couldn't even move a finger. His chest felt heavy, and he felt like heaving in breaths of air. He felt like he was struggling. He felt anxiety wash over him and fear instilled in his bones. He felt hot. He knew what this was. 

It didn't have a name but he remembers it. This heavy feeling and being unable to breathe. He felt it before, and it never ended well. Haise, despite the uncomfortable feeling in his chest, tries taking a breath, trying to calm himself down before he fully freaks out. 

But it didn't work. It usually did and he would wake up with a jolt but other than that, he was fine and could get over it, but this, his memories being on replay in dreams, he couldn't get over. Despite having the ability to mask his emotions and act like he doesn't care, his abilities as an assassin only go so far.

Usually, these incidents, as he likes to call them, leave him sensitive and very depressed. He knows that much, but it usually lasts for two or three days, sometimes it would even last a week or two if it got too bad. He didn't think this problem would follow him here, but he guesses it did seeing as he has to deal with it now. 

Haise takes in another breath, this one just as strained as the first, and he welcomes the darkness and the memories. Even if he fought it, it would leave him feeling more sensitive and vulnerable than he already is, and you know assassins, they aren't supposed to feel emotions let alone be vulnerable, so he usually felt a lot of self-hate during these incidents which happen a lot more than you can think. Haises' thoughts were abruptly cut off as he was swept away and into his memories, to remember and to not forget.

Haise awoke with a gasp as his hand clutched his chest. He breathes heavily as he looks around, completely forgetting where he is. After a moment, still breathing heavily, he stares at his hands which are shaking uncontrollably. His mind races with so many words and unwanted images. He shakes his head, trying to get rid of them. 

He doesn't want to remember. Is some god torturing him by having him remember his past? or is it because since he can't live with his past, his body is plaguing him of these memories? He asked himself many times before. 

He doesn't know the answer. He doesn't know. Haise takes in a breath and exhales it slowly, calming his rapid heart and his heavy breathing, but it doesn't help with his trembling hands. 

He knows he won't be able to hold anything without dropping it for the next couple of days. Hopefully, though, this doesn't last long. Haise takes in a breath again and exhales it slowly.

While swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he ponders whether he should stand, mainly because all his previous attempts have ended with him on the floor, which is probably where he will end up again.

Haise takes a deep breath, before willing his body into a standing position. He succeeded and he felt a little bit of accomplishment before he quickly crumbled to the floor and landed with a thud. 'Damn it', Haise thought, he knew he was gonna fall but he hoped he wouldn't. 

Haise felt like crying, he knew he shouldn't, not over a stupid thing like this but, he couldn't help it as a tear fell and rolled off his cheek and onto the floor, many others soon chased after it. Haise sobs quietly as he wraps his arms around himself, almost like he is trying to comfort himself.

He didn't like the feelings that came with being this way, and having these incidents aren't any better. He felt sorrow, guilt, and another level of vulnerability he could never express, and he had quite the sensitivity during these situations and it never ended well.

Haise stayed in a tight fetal position for who knows how long, but he guesses it was about a few hours spent in the evening and middle of the night considering he was conveniently facing the window, looking out at the sky and seeing how it was dark with stars out and with the moon, shining in the corner, it was pretty obvious. 

Haise blinks his tired, wet eyes. They have a murky dark purple to them, but he didn't care. He just doesn't care. Haise stares out the window for a moment. He wanted to go outside. But physically getting up felt like too much work, but his having the urge to go outside, was usually a good thing. 

Despite his body and mind's protests, if that is even possible, he got up on trembling legs. He had held onto the wall for support so he wouldn't fall again. His shaky hands weakly twist the nob of his door and pull it open.

He looks around, and seeing nobody there, he walks out into the hallway and closes his door quietly. Still using the wall for support, he makes his way down the hall and to the stairs. He stopped at the foot of them, wondering if he took a step down would his body be able to support his weight? He wouldn't know unless he tried.

He gripped the wooden railing and took a step, and then another. His leg slightly gave out but he didn't fall thanks to the help the railing was giving him. He steadies himself again before going all the way down the flights of stairs.

He breathed a shaky sigh of relief as his foot hit the floor and as his other followed suit. He looks around, and upon seeing no one there he makes his way out the door that leads to the training grounds. He closes the door quietly and makes his way to the middle of the grounds.

Haise stopped and stared. The sky was dark and yet bright at the same time. The full moon brightened up the area surrounding him and he felt a sort of comfort from that, like it was intentionally trying to comfort him. 

He weakly smiles, as he stares up into the sky, the stars and the moon reflect off his murky dark purple eyes. They all twinkled and dimmed as if having conversations with one another. He was in awe, the sky was open and devoid of any clouds and, there were so many stars that it would take years to count. The moon shone brightly above all.

The full moon looked gorgeous. His eyes soon got distracted by a glowing pink orb that entered his line of sight. His eyes followed it as it fell to the ground. He bent down and picked it up, and when he held it in his hand, he noticed it was a petal. 

His eyes widened. It was a Maehwa. He didn't think he would find one here. But still, it hasn't even been a full 24 hours since he came here. He decides to think about it later as he looks around, wondering where the Cherry Blossom tree this Maehwa belongs to, is.

He walks out of the training grounds and he notices trails of Maehwa's on a path. He follows the trail that leads him through a forested area. He probably shouldn't be out and about like this, but his curiosity is peaked. He walked through the forest following the trail, and many animals awoke to the sound of footsteps and noticed his presence, but he didn't mind nor care for that matter, he was far more interested in the Maehwas'. 

As he neared a bright area, he thought there might be people there, considering the illumination that peaked through the trees before him, but as he got through, and found himself in a cleared patch in the green trees surrounding him, which he hadn't noticed had slightly tilted their trunks in his direction, he was stunned beyond belief, and he was wrong about people being there. For the second time this night, he felt like crying, but this time, instead of sorrow, he felt happiness.

Pink petals flowed everywhere and the tree branches in front of him swayed with the wind. Cherry blossom trees had always been his favorite. They were pink, yes, but also so very gorgeous. The moon illuminated the petals to give them that pink glowing effect. And he smiled for the second time that night. He walks forward, approaching the trees he loves so dearly. He stops in front of one and puts his hand on it, caressing it softly, before laying his forehead on the trunk too. 

Even though it hadn't been a full day, he already felt like it had been years since had seen Cherry Blossom trees, and the last time he did was when he.....Haise lifted his head to look at the tree again, before whispering under his breath, 

"Beautiful.." he sounded entranced like he was dreaming.

He crouches and sits at the bottom of the trunk. Surprisingly, it was comfortable. As he closed his eyes, he felt a warm blow of wind wash over him and it felt safe, kind of weird considering it was night, and that's when the cool air came out.

He doesn't dwell on it as another soft blow of wind washes over him, it feels like he is being caressed and that he isn't alone. It felt nice. He softly smiled before drifting off to sleep, which he thought wasn't possible anymore. He didn't feel scared to fall asleep this time.


Shortening some chapters up. Criticism is a must. If you like it, add to library or comment.

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