
Chapter 79 It's good to see you back~

Nearly two years have passed since the battle in Tartarus, with the disappearance of All For One and the cleanup operation we carried out, apart from the multiple complaints from politicians and businessmen, as well as the love of the public, my days have passed. I have been full of tranquility and happiness, a few months ago and after several visits to the polar caps, many selfies with Seals, penguins, Walruses and Polar Bears, freezing and recycling the garbage islands in the middle of two oceans, I finally got "MI" Noble Award for Heroic Protection of the Environment.

--Thank you all very much~ I just want to leave a cleaner world for my daughter~ I will donate the money for the research of new energies and new biodegradable and recyclable materials but I will keep this medal~

That was my short acceptance speech followed by a picture of me biting into the Medal like a moron, I really broke my back for this medal and I'll enjoy it however I want.

A fucking penguin tried to gouge my eye out while we were posing for the photo... Maybe it was Skiper or Riko? Another animal incident was an Adult Polar Bear that clung to me, literally the evil bear didn't want to let go I know my body temperature is low and I'm cute but I'm not furry, they had to give her twenty-nine of thirty tranquilizer darts to get me to let go, I say 29/30 since a finish on my shoulder, I slept two days for that shit, at least the seals and walruses didn't give me problems, hell it was fun to see a Seal with an unidentified Quirk that made her look just like a Seal the Pokemon eh I did what anyone would do~ I took 1001 photos with the False Seal and then I did endless Photoshop to be a pokemon trainer.

Also during these two years Nemuri gave birth to a cute little princess with pearly white skin, black hair and pure silver eyes with a reddish pupil, Kurogane Natsuki my first daughter, Fuyumi and Nagant are like drugged with the baby even more than Nemuri , although we have not yet been legally married, they having accepted the harem, the three of them came to the idea of sharing and they got along very well, for my part, I accept it without problems, they are happy I am happy and I don't have to sleep on the sofa, I also have to accept that I am an idiot father who cannot say no to his little princess, although biologically I am nothing more than a nineteen-year-old psychopath my mind is in his early forties, the happiness of being a father sealed my much of my IQ.


I was playing with Natsuki in the patio of the house, who had fun hitting with a small toy hammer the little ice animals that she made dance around her, sometimes she hit the animals or me while laughing. Right now she is my world and all I care about, the rest of the universe and society may as well go to hell. If she develops a Quirk I'll be happy and let her do whatever she wants, hero or villain, I'll accept her path and support her, if she turns out not to have a Quirk I'll love her even more since I won't let her have any trauma because of it, I can train her in arts martial arts and take her body to the peak of humans, being an Olympian in all fields will not be a problem for my girl.

--Remember to use your back and arm when hitting~ or you'll hurt your wrist~

I corrected the innocent movements of my daughter who just smiled wide her already big smile and proceeded to hit the ice figures harder.


Her tender voice sang the beats between laughs, if they were real animals it would be quite a sick image but since she's cute I forgive her, my girl can do whatever she wants~ as long as she's happy, she can destroy the world and I'll help gladly~

While I wondered whether to move permanently to the Russian castle or control some or all of the Latin American region or Central Africa, an unexpected and by no means acceptable visitor entered the courtyard.

--Natsuki go to Mama Nemuri or Mama Nagant, tell them that Papa went to see an old acquaintance.

--Acquaintance? Is dad going to hit bad guys? Natsuki too!

My pretty princess raised her hammer and put on a cute and funny serious face, trying to look intimidating.

--I'm not going to hit bad guys, go with your mothers~ I'll bring you a sweet~


--Okay~ Tako-chan will be~

This girl loves caramel dried squid.


The little girl left the hammer and ran towards the house leaving me alone... I sighed.

--Come out... Midoriya...

Dressed in his old hero outfit, Midoriya Izuku a dead man came out from behind the trees.

--Is your daughter…did you really impregnate Midnight-sensei?

I see you did your homework...

--...She's a good girl...

--Thank you...

Midoriya looked me in the eye, his eyes had lost that lunatic shine from before, he had lost his dream of being a hero and that was clear, a dead man cannot come back to life, much less the one who was "Possessed" by All For One and who knows the "Truth" after the Tartarus incident. By the way, his mother went to the United States with his father, currently living a happy life with an adopted son.

--I'll say it once Midoriya... you should have stayed dead~

--I know...

Midoriya replied with a calm but regretful tone.

--Knowing bitch Cannon-chan...she should have bragged and shown you the truth of the world...or am I wrong?

Midoriya could only smile in defeat and nod.

--If she showed me the truth.

--And what do you think of that bullshit about the power of friendship?

I smiled.

--A real piece of shit. You were always right Kurogane-kun... not Ymir... "The world is cruel"...

--It seems that dying really cures stupidity...

I mocked at which Midoriya who at some point began to cry, nodded. Heck this guy really has an infinite tears Quirk.

--I have to defeat you and use your soul to reset the world, that's what she wants.

--Ha~ it's so useless that it can't even restart the game at will~ How pathetic~!

Without further ado, I kicked Midoriya in the chest, sending him flying several kilometers, in these years my strength grew by leaps and bounds since I stopped limiting myself and worrying about how the world sees me, I have abused my regeneration to absurd levels, where I am I'm sure Miss American Muscle won't be able to stop me, if she kills me in the process, in the end who cares, I just don't want to destroy my house.

Kicking the ground, I launched myself towards poor bastard Midoriya.


--Very strong...

That woman strengthened my body and gave me several Quirks to be able to fight against Ymir but I don't think they work, I could hardly adapt to this body in the last two years and with just one kick... one kick broke all my ribs!

Blood pools in my mouth as I use one of the Quirks to recover, heal the wound, and another Fire Quirk to get rid of the cold rooted in the wound. Kurogane no Ymir, has a simple modus operandi, attacking with horribly lethal martial arts imbued with absolute freezing strength, slowly stealing the strength and life from his opponents, a despicable skill for an orthodox hero but thanks to his total disregard for life. criminal society is safer and criminals are even more afraid than before.

--But...he still has to do...

Putting strength into my back and my legs I stopped my inertia stopping in the air thanks to another of my Quirks and I leaned to the side, being alerted by another Quirk.

Next to me and right where my head used to be was Ymir's fist covered in blue-black armor with purple glitter.

--Air Walk, Intuition, Regeneration, Brute Force...what else did Cannon-chan put up your little ass~?

Ymir smiled as she used her other hand to lean on my shoulder, doing a perfect pinwheel giving me a double kick in the back sending me flying to the ground.



--You're still breathing Midoriya~!


Two young men emerged from the clouds of dust, one had semi-long black hair tied in a ponytail, he was wearing a simple pair of shorts and a shirt guard, only his arms and legs were covered by bluish-black armor, while the other had the greenish hair wearing a hero outfit stained with his blood and dirt.

--Let's see what else you can do~ before I rip your limbs off one by one~

With those words, the black-haired man disappeared in the blink of an eye, only to appear in front of the other, giving him endless blows, which the other responded in kind.



A cloud of dust rose to the heavens as the shadows of their movements and shock waves echoed throughout the mountain where the battle was taking place.


The world turned dark blue and everything stopped, this is the improved version of ICE WORDO, I don't need time to load it and I have 30 seconds to do whatever I want, which in this case is simple.

As promised, I ripped Midoriya's arms and legs to shreds, leaving only a puddle of bloody frost on the ground, I also took the liberty of cutting his misery and cauterizing the wound with ice, as well as his other wounds, turning him into a perfect Green Daruma, just for fun he plunged six ice spears into his body pinning him to a large rock before time ran out.


His monosyllabic scream was beautiful, pain assaulted him as soon as time ran again, his body convulsed and vomited both blood and reddish foam, his eyes turned white, to my surprise his wounds began to heal and again the unfortunate rainbow light it grew new pairs of limbs, only instead of attacking me like a possessed beast, Midoriya just fell to the ground like a limp sack of potatoes.

--Okay~ that was anticlimactic~

I mocked lowering the ice sword that I had ready to tear off Midoriya's head or arm if he went crazy again and entered Bijuu mode.

To my surprise Midoriya only took about 45 seconds to get back up as tears slipped from his face.

--No... have... pity...

His voice was shaky and empty, he was really traumatized, HA~ two years ago I ripped off thirty times as many limbs and impaled him more than a hundred times and you kept coming back for more.

--You come for my head and expect mercy? I take it back Death didn't cure your stupidity~ Let's go again~ DAI ICE ZAWORDO!

Again the world turned bluish and he proceeded to dismember Misoriya this time leaving only his chest and head intact without treating his injuries and turning him into a gruesome work of art with his intestines hanging in front of him for him to see when he woke up.

--3~2~1~ Action~*