
Chapter 80 Ragnarok Dawn


A new heartbreaking scream followed by an explosion of rainbow light and an increasingly trembling and terrified Midoriya but as a good Shonen protagonist is stubborn as a zombie mule and keeps trying to defeat me, friend, the power of love and friendship does not work with me , the non-jutsu talk rescues me and a sane Midoriya is not a problem, DEKU Bijuu is problematic but I have developed several Anti-Bijuu tricks, the bad thing is that they are not very friendly with the Environment and if I use it I would have to flee to my Russian castle now that the Japanese ecologists would persecute me with pitchforks and torches.

--I'll be clear with you Midoriya~ you won't be able to kill me~ and Cannon-chan won't be able to restart this shitty world~ You have two options! Cannon!

I screamed to the heavens as I knew that northern voyeur was spying.

--Reap my soul when I die at 300 or Deport me to another world but mark my words I WILL BE BACK! AND I WILL HURT THIS WORLD IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO MY DAUGHTER!

Everything within a three kilometer radius turned to ice before breaking apart under its own weight, the sickly work of art also known as Midoriya had begun to repair itself though its body trembled in fear.

It seems that two after-death experiences were too much for him. And I wanted to have fun with him making him eat his own genitals while I hang him with his own entrails. In any case, as long as he doesn't give up, I'll continue the torutara, whether he laughs or not, I'll turn him into a vegetable and throw him in a cell with Eve-chan.

Am I being too extreme? Not at all! This is just a warm up. I smiled and froze time again.

--Dai Ice Zawordo~ You should now use your arms and legs as props and turn into a living carp~

Making a game of scalpels and ice scalpels, he proceeded to skin the frozen Midoriya.


Cannon-chan's room


Calm down, calm down, you are the embodiment of the will of the world, a goddess, you should calm down, you spent two years resuscitating your protagonist with the ritual program you got from the Fate Root Sadist, even though that chick never told me it would take two fucking years for his body to stabilize... Well maybe it took him a while because of the 101 Quirks I put on him? BUT!


I watched their fight on my console and I almost threw up, this is beyond a horror movie, this makes Resident Evil and Dementiun look like kindergarten ... Who was the bastard that sent this Psychopath to me ? world?!

--I'll be clear with you Midoriya~ you won't be able to kill me~ and Cannon-chan won't be able to restart this shitty world~ You have two options! Cannon! Harvest my soul when I die at 300 years old or Deport me to another world but mark my words I WILL BE BACK! AND I WILL DESTROY THIS WORLD IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO MY DAUGHTER!

That bastard's scream echoed in my room and thank god my Onii-sama isn't home or he would have stuck his beautiful silly face in my room... but more importantly, who does that bastard think he is?! 300 years? You think I can't deport you?! ... I cried without tears... actually I already tried to deport him but none of the wills I know wanted to accept it, they all just laughed in my face and told me to leave it be... the DxD bitch even told me that I was lucky to have a functional genocide in my world... If I'm so lucky! Why don't you take it you stupid big titted bitch?

--That bastard... I would deport you if I could... Onepice-sempai doesn't answer my calls, Naruto is too drugged to work and I don't speak Gorilla to communicate with Gintama, I won't go near ToAru's Level 10 Lunatic even with a 100-meter bar, DragonBall-Sensei is retired and does not receive anyone, HunterXHunter-nee-sama is on vacation, FateRoot-san still hasn't finished repaying the loan for the ritual, SoulEater-nee is on her honeymoon with Shoutai -san... I only have to beg Bleach-jiji or swallow my pride and ask the DxD bitch for help... NEVER! I'm sure it was DxD, Konosuba or YoujoSenkei who sent this madman... I'll never ask those sons of bitches for help, I'd rather lose my powers for 1000 years than let that son of a bitch loose for another 300 years.

The girl who was wearing an orange hamster kigurimi jumped up and her hair and eyes radiated rainbow color and light as she grabbed a controller and glared at the screen.

--You wanted a fight you psycho bastard~ well you got it~ I'm sorry Izuku but I'll use your body as a medium.

The girl gave a horrible and terrifying smile before pressing the "[STAR]" button at which point everyone trembled.

A God Had Descended.


Somewhere in the forest – Frozen wasteland.

--So you finally show up~?"

--You insufferable bastard!

--Cannon-chan~ I didn't know you liked cross-dressing~

The black-haired young man mocked the young woman who possessed the body of the already unconscious Midoriya Izuku.

--This is not a problem...*tsk*

With a snap, the broken and bloodied body of the young man became the female version of himself, only with iridescent eyes and hair like rainbows.

--Cool genderbender~

--I'm going to use your soul as an engine for this world for 1000 years!

--Now you're a Wuxia~! Young Master~! HAHAHAHAHAHA~! YOU DARE!

With a lunatic laugh, the young black-haired man disappeared and reappeared on the young woman's back, kicking her with all his might, sending her flying doubled up like a shrimp. Only unlike the previous times, the attacker's leg broke into pieces, making him try and regenerate it at a speed noticeable to the naked eye.

--Auto-Counter or Reflection?

The dangerous man muttered as he covered his body with an even more refined, sharp and dense ice armor.

--You bastard dare to hit a lady!

--I only see a guy with breast implants and a walk in Indonesia~

He mocked as he punched her in the face, breaking both the girl's nose and face, as well as his own arm.



--Damn... that's annoying.

--*Piu*... Wild, my beautiful face.

--Gender equality... and I see you added Acid Armour, Blund Resist, Sharp Resist, Pentrate Resist and another string of resistances to Midoriya's body~ You know I hate plot armor...

--I won't let you roam my place for another 300 years, I have to erase everything you did, you messed up my story and now I'm going to fix it myself! GOD BLOW SMASH!

The girl transported herself at an untrackable speed in front of the young black-haired man, projecting a fist full of golden light, impacting him on his chest.


A small nuclear explosion followed by the iconic mushroom cloud, brought panic to the world, the temperature readings realized who was fighting, the most feared and loved hero in the world today ICERULER: YMIR was fighting some unknown villain and this villain was putting up a fight, which drew fear from everyone.

Who can stand and face the beast from frozen hell?

The civilians prayed for the victory of their heroes.

Politicians prayed for the death of both beasts.

In these two streams the world was divided and brought a smile to the girl's face.

--The world really loves you and hates you in equal parts YMIR!

--Shut up~

Ripping off the remains of his shirt and revealing an even more sculpted physique than last time, Ymir spat out a mouthful of blood along with some bones and organ fragments.

--You better have something good to kill me with because I won't hold back anymore~ FUCK THE WORLD! RAGNAROK DAWN!

With that last sentence the black-haired man's body changed drastically, growing thirty centimeters in seconds, a tail grew from his lower back, blue scales and white fur sprouted from his entire body, claws, fangs and four eyes took place on his face which It had shed human form and was now nothing more than a canine-looking beast, two pairs of wings as well as another pair of arms growing from its body as it continued to grow in size and ferocity.

In just seconds, the 180 cm black-haired youth turned into a 4-meter-tall demonic beast, with six eyes, four arms and four wings, covered in snowy white fur as hard as or harder than steel and bluish scales as hard as the tungsten.

--What are you! Actually!

--I came to this world thanks to an old god, he gave me four gifts, Migeiko, Haiki of perception, Avalon and the Demon Extract... for your bad luck... my biological body had its own Quirk which I only discovered until a year ago~

--The eyes of Plagiarism ? The crazy Instinct of the pirates? The excalibur sheath? The blood of the Ice Madwoman? And you still had a Quirk ?! CHEATER!

--Hahahahaha~ I won't deny it~ but let me tell you about my Quirk... "Primary Attunement"... it's a passive quirk that little by little was unifying and improving my "Cheats" and this is the result... Say hello to the incarnation of the "Ice Demon" from Akame Ga Kill~

Said the beast while spreading its arms and wings giving an intimidating look.

--Humanity is a cancer, society has an expiration date, the only true thing is this planet~ and the cold embrace of DEATH~

I sing the beast with a smile in its mouth full of sharp teeth like daggers.


The girl screamed at the sky and it only showed two clouds in the shape of a middle finger and one in the shape of "XD" leaving her speechless and making the demon laugh harder, freezing everything with just her laughter.

--HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ Natural selection will return to the world if we continue with this charade~ time to end this Canno-chan~

The beast snarled as its long tongue licked its fangs.

--Filthy monster, when I'm done with you I'm going to kick that old bastard's ass.




Two energies collided, destroying everything within a space of ten kilometers and making the entire archipelago tremble.


Todoroki Residence

--Natsuki-chan where is Yuuji?

--Tou-shan went to hit~ bad guys~ Bam~Bam~ and brought Tako-chan~ eshpues~

--I see~ let's go watch TV?

--Shi~ Fuyu~ma~, Naga~ma~

The two women smiled at their daughter's clumsy words, although they were still worried about the slight tremors and the icy wind that enveloped the entire country.