
A Royal Mismatch: The Trouble with Prince Charming

(*No Rape*) Bringing to you from the Series of The Queens' Trilogy; VOLUME I: A Royal Mismatch: The Trouble With Prince Charming From Royal Reject to Accidental Crown Princess: A Marriage of Convenience Gone Wrong. Every girl dreams of being born a princess, right? Not Oriana. Sitting on a little stool, waited on by hand and foot? No thanks. Freedom, adventure anything but the stifling expectations of royalty is what she craves. In fact, she'd rather be scaling the castle walls tonight than attending a stuffy soiree. Luckily, she wasn't born to be the crown princess. In fact, she is the bane of etiquette tutors and the kingdom's resident "bad egg." But fate, it seems, has a wicked sense of humor. Duty throws Oriana into a political marriage with the infamous Crown Prince Adric of Avon. A notorious playboy known for his scandalous lifestyle and disregard for courtly decorum, Adric seems like the perfect escape hatch from her suffocating expectations. Adric, on the other hand, couldn't care less who he marries. His reputation precedes him; a notorious playboy who thrives on defying expectations. But when the fiery Oriana crashes into his world of calculated indifference, sparks fly. Will this forced union ignite a royal scandal of epic proportions or blossom into an unexpected love that challenges the very foundations of their kingdom? _________ Oriana pressed her lips. "You don't want to do this. I'll hate you forever. I belong elsewhere, not here." "I guess you're mistaken, Princess. You only belong in one place; where I am. You belong to me," Adric said, moving his free hand down. He traced his fingers down Oriana's neck. ._._._._._. VOLUME II (A ROYAL MISMATCH: UNTAMED LOVE) Freya, the royal cook's daughter, loves to read and hide from the world. Her life changes when she catches the royal guard with a married woman in a scandalous act. Now, she's forced to interact with this annoying guard, who's never fallen in love before. Despite his efforts to win her over, Freya doesn't find him attractive like other women do. When they're sent to an ally kingdom as delegates, they spend time together. One day, while the guard is was pleasing other women, Freya discovers a new world she never imagined. What happens when she experiences the forbidden fruit? And is drawn to same guard she vowed never to look at. _________ "What you saw...did you enjoy it?" The young girl turned her face away, avoiding the guard's eyes, as a familiar heat built up between her legs. "Look at me...say the word...beg me to give you the release your body craves," the Royal guard commanded, his grin growing wider as he pushed her chin forward with his large palm. "Why should I?" she replied, her voice firm. "It's men who beg women, not the other way around." The guard chuckled, shaking his head. "Not in your case, I offered it to you the first time and your rejected...if you want it now, you'll have to earn it." Other works of this author; 1. Kitanna from the series of Queens'Trilogy. 2. The Hitman's Sunshine. 3. The Twilight Vampire King's Obsession

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Blood drained from the Minister's face when he heard his name, his hand trembling with fear. He had disguised himself so well before stepping inside this place. How did someone recognize him so easily?

The man moved quickly to ring the bell, to attract the owner of the inn, but Oriana jumped on the bed, kicking his hands off it.

"To think that I was on my way to give your family the marriage chest... wow! Scandalous. Both father-in-law and daughter-in-law engaged in a secret affair. This story would sell, don't you think so?"

The minister slowly recognized the girl's face, and if he wasn't shocked before, now his soul left him behind. "Princess, is that you..?"

"Of course, it is I! In flesh and dressed." Oriana chuckled, picking up a grapefruit which she popped inside her mouth.

The man wiped his eyes; he didn't understand how it was possible for the princess to be in a place like this. "How--what are you doing here?" Minister Cavendish asked, cleaning his clammy hands on the bed.

Oriana raised one of her legs to keep it on the bed, with her arm resting on the other side. She now looked more like the guest than the server.

"Exactly what you came here for--entertainment." She winked.

Minister Cavendish adjusted himself on the bed, picking up his clothes as he tried to get dressed.

Oriana raised her finger and moved it to the side. "Why do you want to ruin fun that's just starting? Is it a family thing or what? The moment I tried to make your son's head a fountain ground, he started wailing like a woman. Now here you are getting dressed when the party had just started."

"Princess Oriana, please spare me. Don't tell anyone you saw me here." The man got on his knees quickly. "It's the devil's work, I'm not usually like this."

Oriana shook her head. "How did the devil start it, humor me," she said, pointing at the empty cup. "While I have some tea."

The minister crawled on his knees, quickly serving the tea to the young princess, as his hands trembled with fear. If outsiders were to hear of this, he would be stripped from his position, and his wife would be disgraced for not being able to keep her home.

"I can explain... the thing is... I was feeling sad, then..." the man stuttered, looking for a lie to cover his action.

The princess sighed, sipping from the porcelain cup. "I understand how you feel too. Sadness can make us all do a lot of things. You needed comfort."

The minister, thinking that the princess was now seeing from the same eyes as him, nodded with a smile. "Yes, I was very sad, and I needed comfort. I knew you would understand me; you've always been the most considerate in the royal family."

"Is that slander against the royal family?" Oriana asked with a stern voice. When she saw the man cower in fear, she threw her head back and laughed. "Seeing you like this makes me understand why the saying goes that an apple never falls far from its tree. Your son's dalliances came just from you!"

The minister rubbed his sweaty hand on his shirt. "What about you? I'm not the only one to be blamed here. Your reputation also is not something you should be proud of either."

"Look at that... Minister Caven-whatever is trying to stand against me." Oriana clapped her hands like a tyrant. "You're correct, I already have a bad reputation, so this would just be an extra icing. And why would I go down like that when I could just say you lured me here? A father-in-law luring his daughter-in-law on her way to send the marriage chest! Quite scandalous, I must say." The princess shook her head with disappointment, practicing the face of people if they should hear the news.

The Minister in his mind weighed the consequences of his situation, and he realized he was the one going to take a huge blow. No matter what, the girl was still a princess, and the royal family can choose to hide this by covering it up, but his reputation would be ruined along with his family name.

"What can I do to save myself? Please help me, Princess Oriana," the man got on his knees and begged.

Oriana picked up another grape, looking at it first before popping it into her mouth. "Annul the marriage; the marriage chest should be on its way to your house now. Refuse to accept; make up a reason that doesn't involve the incident that occurred at the palace, and I'll think about it."

The man rubbed his eyebrows. "How do I know you won't try to use this against me one day, or even go back on your word?"

"You don't, neither do you need to know. Just act; I'm not sure you understand your situation. It's one you don't get to bargain with me." Oriana replied, dropping the cup on the table. She got on her feet and folded her hands on her chest, waiting for the man's reply.

The minister exhaled. "I'll do it. I'll go and refuse the chest," he said, knowing that was his last rope. He walked towards the bed to take his clothes, but the princess stopped him.

"You can leave like that, no need to waste silk. The sun is strong outside; you don't need a rash on your skin, do you?" Oriana asked, taking the clothes away from the man.

The man looked down at himself; he was only wearing his inner garment. If people should see him outside like this, it would be shameful, but he had no choice.

"Be quick now, before your choleric wife accepts the marriage chest before your return." Oriana said, as if she were worried about the man.

"I understand why you're sad; the woman is lacking in forbearance. I don't want to be sad like you when I finally marry your son. Now leave. Go, go!" she clapped her hands, sending the man running out of the room, leaving his dignity and prestige behind as he dashed out of the room to save his last face.

Oriana sighed when the man left. "This is good," she smiled. "Heaven, thank you for this perfectly answered prayer. And who says your signs are not clear!" She exclaimed, taking more grapes from the plate.

As she was enjoying her peaceful and victorious conquest, the door opened, and another lady said to her, "You'll be serving the next guest; Madame Rosalie asked to tell you since your first guest left early." The lady said to her before leaving.

Oriana smiled. What could possibly go wrong? Maybe she would catch all cheating Ministers in one day. "Not so bad a job," she muttered, standing up. She tied her gown securely on her waist, then she started walking to the next room, ready to burst some ministers.

On getting to the room, Oriana pushed it open and stepped in. This room was brighter than others, and two girls were there already trying to feed the guest.

"Look, who we have here, if it's not the Chicken brain," the guest said on seeing Oriana.