
A royal curse

A Werewolf kingdom, A royal family, A curse As the saying goes ' never judge a book by its cover.' This was the case with Anderson's royal family. They had been the rulers of the great kingdom of Katula for centuries now. In the eye of the Werewolves, they were perfect, followed around by paparazzi but then they had a secret... A curse. Prince Percy is a part of the royal family and the next Inline on the throne. He refused to get married after his marriage was announced publicly but when he founds out that he was getting married to his enemy, he decided to use it to his advantage. A means of revenge on her. Cara is a rankless wolf who had been abused and rejected by society all her life. She had always wished to get revenge on the Alpha king for the death of her family. She got her chance when she was bought into the palace as The Royal bride but she never knew that she was a sacrificial bride for the Royal family. This is a story of power, love, lies, and secrets. Books in the Royal series The Royal Baby- Book 1 A Royal curse- Book 2 A Royal Desire- Book 3 A Royal Secret- Book 4

Temi_24 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Another Hell

"That's insane woman!" Maria yelled as she walked into her mansion. She held her head and screamed.

"If you want to shift, I'll suggest you do it outside my house. You bought this upon yourself when you envy other people's things. You get bad luck in return," Alpha Simon scoffed and headed towards his room.

"What the hell are you even saying?" Maria shouted. "Venus is too proud just because she is the queen but not for long!" Maria declared and clenched her fists. Her mate Simon shook his head and walked into his room. "I know you won't say anything about it!"

Adam walked towards Cara who stood in one corner of the room and pressed her shoulder. "You did well," he whispered into her ears.

Cara cleared her throat and pushed him off."I see you are rejecting my offer, good luck on that," Adam told her and headed out of the house.

"Shall I go to my room ma'am?" Cara asked Maria.

Maria took a few steps while she moved backward until her back hits the wall. "How dare you peasant try to tell me what to do ?" she grabbed her throat and slapped her on the face.

Cara tasted blood on her lips and choked on her breath as Maria tightened her grip on her neck. She slapped Maria's hand begging to be freed but instead, Maria's grip became tighter. " you don't deserve to have my daughter's face! "Maria yelled and landed another slap on her face. " you deserve to die!"

A lone tear escaped Cara's eye as she pictured herself dead. If she died, the pains she was going through would end but if she didn't she would have the chance to get rid of the king that had caused more than pain to her family. Cara choked as Maria tightened her grip on her neck. She knew the crazy woman won't let her go so she pushed her pretty hard. Maria stumbled and almost fell as Cara pushed her away.

Cara held her throat and coughed. "You dare push me!" Maria shouted at Cara and rushed to hit but she stopped and instead grabbed Cara's hand and dragged her down the hallway into her daughter Alexa's room. "She will be happy to punish you," Maria stated and pushed her to the ground.

Alexa who was on her bed at that time jumped out and looked from her mother to Cara. "Why is she in my room? I thought you value her more than me, "Alexa scoffed and sat on her bed.

" I would never value a worthless rankless wolf over you, my child," Maria say beside her daughter and grabbed her hand. "When the time comes, I'll explain why I had to do all of this but for now," Maria pointed towards Cara. "That Rankless stole your identity and the prince likes her. What do you do to someone as greedy as her?"

Alexa growled and stood up from the bed. She headed into her closet and rummaged through it. She found a black whip she used in hitting her previous Slave and headed toward Cara. "How dare you try to steal what belonged to me!" Alexa hit her with the whip. "You are just a rankless Wolf and just because you shared the same face as me doesn't give you the right to look like me!" Alexa yelled and landed another whip on Cara's body. "Strip!" He ordered her.

"Please.....pl..ease have mercy," Cara begged for her.

Instead of listening to her, Alexa tore off her dress until she was naked and pushed her to the ground. Cara landed on her chest and clenched her fists as the first whip landed on her back. She held it in and didn't make any sound in order not to look weak.

"You shouldn't envy what doesn't belong to you!" Alexa yelled and kicked her legs. "Just because you were exposed to reality doesn't mean you have to steal my identity! You don't deserve it!"

Cara screamed out as Alexa landed the whip on her butt. She wondered why they hated her so much. They were the ones who asked her to go in place of Alexa and now, they punished her for it. Warm Tears rolled Cara's face as she thought about her unlucky life. She didn't deserve the pain she was going through and she wondered why everyone hated her when she was being fair to them.

When Alexa was done, she laughed and sat beside her mother on the bed. "How do you feel after releasing your anger on her?" Maria asked her daughter.

Alexa laughed and dropped the whip to the ground. "Amazing. She had to receive the whip because she envy me! "

Maria laughed and pulled her daughter into a warm embrace. "She is never going to be you and she is just a peasant in place of you. Once your face surgery is done, she will be reduced to your Slave forever!" She patted her daughter's back.

Cara remained on the cold marble floor bleeding and whimpering in pain as her back felt like they were on fire. She sobbed in silence and muffled a scream as none of them did attempt helping her instead they make a mockery of her. "Go to your quarter!" Maria spat.

Cara nodded in response and slowly rose from the ground but she has pushed to the ground again as Alexa pointed toward the blood on the ground. "Clean your dirty blood before you leave," Alexa shouted at her. "I wouldn't want to see your blood around me! They smell bad and make me want to throw up!" Alexa covered her nose.

"Yes," Cara agreed without arguing and cleaned the ground with her ruined dress until there was no sign of her blood. She bowed her head and walked out of the room. Because her dress was ruined, Cara ran down the hallway naked avoiding anyone that she might come across. Until she reached the Slave quarters, Cara ran and when she reached, she heaved a sigh and walked into the room.

"You are back Cara," Anastasia rushed towards her but her countenance changed when she saw Cara's battered body. "Oh goddess, what happened to you?" She asked.

Cara burst into tears and fell to the ground spitting out blood. "Everyone hates me," She said and collapsed on the ground. As she blacked out, a lone tear escaped her eyes.


Percy growled as he shifted into his wolf, a black wolf standing tall at 5'11. He ran into the woods with Kamil watching him close. Percy's wolf howled as he ran freely without thinking about everything that was happening in his life. He knew that the girl they had engaged her to wanted to be queen so bad that she didn't refuse his offer when he advised her against the marriage.

"It was her loss anyways," Percy thought. He should be happy that the daughter of his enemy was going to die but for no reason at all, Percy pitied her even when he shouldn't.

"Your highness, " A blond female walked out of a bungalow in the middle of the woods and headed towards Percy. "Your wolf is pretty," the girl commented.

Right in front of her, Percy shifted back to human and walked toward her stark naked. "Mmmm," Percy touched the girl's face and leaned in to kiss her. "You taste good," He carried her into his arms and headed into the bungalow in the middle of the woods. It was one of the properties he inherited from his mother and anytime Percy had to get away, he finds his way into the woods. Percy laid the girl on the bed and tore the dress the girl wore. "Let's get to business shall we?" He leaned in to kiss her again and just then, his phone rang on the desk behind the bed.

At first, Percy ignored the call but his phone kept on ringing. "I think you should pick it up," The blonde girl said.

Percy groaned in frustration and picked up the phone. When he realized the caller was his mother, he answered the phone and placed it in his ear. "Hello mother," he greeted.

"Where are you, Percy?"

"Out," Percy answered and winked at the girl on his bed. "Why are you calling me mother? There is something that I must do right now," he said.

"It's about your wedding," His mother answered.

Percy face palmed himself and wondered why his mother called him every time with the news of his wedding. He wondered what she had to say so she listened carefully. "What is it this time?" he asked.

"Your interview with the royal Tv is in two days. Your father already made the arrangement," His mother informed him.

"Is that why you called mum?" Percy asked and heaved a sigh.

"You must find a way to ruin that girl in front of everyone. A great embarrassment for her and her family."

Percy answered with a sound and ended the call. He sighed briefly and chuckled as he jumped on the bed beside the girl. Percy knew that his mother wanted to maintain her position as the Queen and it was why she does everything to make sure the wedding didn't come through.

Only time will tell.