
A risky proposal

Premium chapters starts from chapter 20(second chance). Please unlock and happy reading! When Jasmine Reed confesses her love to Liam West, her brother's best friend. She faces a heartbreaking rejection but fate had it's way of bringing them together. On his wedding day, Liam's bride disappears. He turns to Jasmine with a marriage contract proposal to save his reputation. As they tied the knot of a chaotic union, a passionate connection Sparks between them that neither can deny. Rachel, Liam's vengeful fiancee returned and threatens to expose his dark past putting their love to test. Can Jasmine and Liam's new found love overcome the secrets and lies that surround them, or will the truth tear them apart?

gracious_Adepetu06 · Urban
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34 Chs


Jasmine's pov

"That's not possible, Sam. Rachel is Liam's ex fiancee," I argued, refusing to believe what she just said.

"I don't know about that. Rachel is the girl Alex is dating. I had someone hack into his phone," she explained.

"How could Alex betray Liam like this ? What sort of treachery is this?" I asked myself, and Sam sighed.

"I'm shocked too. What do we do now?" She asked. "I need to talk to Alex about this. I can't keep this to myself," I replied.

"Don't mention my name, Jasmine. I don't want him to fight me again," she pleaded, and i nodded.

We sat in silence for a while until we heard noises outside. "Alex, get your hands off me!" a lady yelled.

Sam and I exchanged glances. The door opened, Alex and Rachel walked in. I took in her features from where I sat. She was beautiful, and i could see why Liam loved her so much.

"You lied to me!" Alex yelled at her, and she scoffed. They were too caught up in their argument to notice us.

"Why did you tell him we were together?" She yelled back at him.

Alex's jaw clenched and his fists balled.

"That's not what i am saying. You said you guys didn't have sex which is a lie. You fucking lied," Alex said again, his voice shaking.

"We had sex, yes. And i loved it. What do you want to do about it?" Rachel said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

My heart shattered as i listened to their conversation. Sam and i held hands, consoling each other. The pain of the heartbreak was overwhelming.

"I thought you loved me, Rachel. I thought we had something together. You promised not to be intimate with him," he said and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't give me that crap, Alex. You had sex with Samantha as well and i don't complain. Be a man and be wise for once!" She yelled, frustration written all over her.

"I do not love Samantha! I love you, Rachel. You are the one I love, and i don't want to see you with anyone else," Alex said softly and held her hand.

I looked at Sam, and she had tears in her eyes. I stood up and walked over to Alex.

"What's she doing here? You knew she was here and let us have this conversation. How stupid can you be?" Rachel asked, her voice rising in anger.

"You are the stupid one here, Rachel. How could you do this? Why did you choose to betray Liam this way?" I asked , my voice firm.

"Your husband is a fool, just like you, baby girl. We, I mean your brother and I played you," she said with a wicked laugh.

I looked at Alex and he avoided my gaze. "It was our plan for you to marry Liam. We are just using you as a bait to get what we want from him," Rachel continued.

"Alex, is this true?" I asked my brother, and he didn't say anything. Tears stung my eyes as Rachel mocked me.

"You are still the gullible Jasmine i used to know. Liam will never love you, he is stuck on me. Did you know what happened when we had sex? He screamed my name loudly and said i'm the best," she taunted.

"That's enough," Sam said as she held my hand. The tears threatened to fall but i held it in.

"Our girlfriend," Rachel giggled. "Shut the hell up," Sam said, her teeth gritted.

"You are a fool too," Rachel whispered.

Sam's hands smacked on Rachel's cheek and she gasped. I held Sam back, preventing her from hitting Rachel again.

"Let's leave, Rachel," Alex interrupted.

"Why did you do this?" I asked, facing him now.

"Jasmine, it's not what you think," he replied and I shook my head.

"I trusted you as my own blood, Alex. Liam trusted you as his best friend yet you choose to play with our lives because of a woman. A woman who isn't worth to be a wife or mother. I'm disappointed," I said, my voice firm.

He wanted to touch me but I pulled away. "I'm sorry, Jasmine. Liam took Rachel away from me despite knowing I love her. That's why..." He tried to explain.

"I don't need your explanation. I'm leaving your house and your life for good. I don't want to ever see you again and you are dead to me as from today," I said.

"Jasmine, you can't do this. We can talk this out," he said, his eyes filled guilt and pain.

"You choose a woman over the people who trusted you. I wish you a good life with her. Let's go Jasmine," Sam said, and we left.

We entered my car and she drove me to her house. It was a lovely apartment that reflected her personality.

"Thank you for accepting me into your house despite what my brother has done to you," I appreciated, and she gave me a warm smile.

"You are my friend, Jasmine and I'm always here for you," she assured me, we exchanged a hug that made me feel a little better.

"What are you going to do about Liam?" She asked, and i shrugged. I really missed him but i'm still hurt by what he did with Rachel.

He would be so heartbroken to discover that the two people he loved the most betrayed him this way.

"I don't know, Sam. A part of me hates him but i'm still in love with him too. He is also a victim of circumstance," I said and she agreed with me.

"Rachel is a snake. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you this way. Give him a chance for him to explain to you. That's if you still love him," she advised.

"I still love him, I want to prove to Rachel that I can make Liam mine. I will go see him tomorrow," I said.

"I wish you the best. We will be okay," she smiled, and I hugged her again.