
A Rising Hero - Fanmade MHA

In a world where superheroes, known as Pro Heroes, are revered, aspiring young individuals with extraordinary abilities train at prestigious institutions like UA High School to become the next generation of heroes. Among them is Koike, a shy and introspective girl who possesses the unique quirks of rapid healing and precognition. As Koike enters UA High School, she replaces Sato in Class 1-A and embarks on a journey filled with trials and challenges. Despite her insecurities and self-doubt, Koike strives to prove herself as a hero, drawing strength from her determination and unwavering resolve. Throughout the story, Koike navigates the complexities of high school life, forming bonds with her classmates while grappling with her own inner demons. From training exercises and exams to facing off against villains, Koike and her classmates endure numerous tests of strength, courage, and teamwork.

Invisible_Ghost · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 15 - The Aftermath

"You're awake?" I mumbled, I was getting better at not stuttering. He shrugged. For the most part, he was healed just minor scratches. He didn't say anything but instead looked down at his hands.

I took a few steps back and sat down on the bed. Watching him he seemed to be going over the battle. Maybe he wondered if he won or not. When the room was quiet he began to mumble. I flinched, surprised by his mumbling. He was going on about the battle.

What he could've done better and so on. I scanned the room, it was clean. 4 beds were neatly made beside the bed Midoriya and I were on. I looked back at Midoriya he had his thumb on his chin. The other hand was busy counting or some other thing.

I felt awkward in the quiet room while he was thinking about the battle. I stood up Midoriya still lost in thought I waved in case he was looking. Then headed back to class.

Walking back I took off the bandage on my head. Sweat had built up on my forehead. Once the bandage was off strands of my hair stuck like glue. I fixed up my hero costume, slowing my pace. I pulled out my phone and fixed my hair to the best of my ability.

My ponytail was a mess, but the outfit held up. I knew we lost the battle, but the toll just came down on me.

I finally made it back to the door of class A-1. I stared at it for a moment, people were talking, some yelling others whispering. I placed my hand on the handle before sliding the door open.

Everyone turned to face me, they were most likely expecting Midoriya. My body freezer for a moment before Mina ran up to me. She started to cry and said sorry far too many times for it to be normal. She held onto my hoodie and started pulling me down as she slowly slid down.

I was barely able to stand as Uraraka pulled her off of me. I pat down my forehead, and a layer of sweat covered my palm. Staring at it for a moment before looking back at everyone.

Most people had looked away and returned to their conversations.

"It's fine, Mina," I whispered, somehow this was the only way of properly communicating. Mina turned to look at me.

"Are you sure?! I mean you took a toll!" She was extremely nice but was far too energetic for my plain self.


Midoriya then returned to the class walking through the door I left open. Most of the girls were around me, while the guys then surrounded Midoriya. I took a few side steps to get away from everyone, Uraraka looked at Midoriya walking over to where everyone was.

Mina also ran over to Midoriya, she seemed reflied. I was happy for her.

Momo then approached me. "You did well out there." I stared at her blankly before patting the back of my head, smiling brightly.

My head then erupted into pain, not wanting anything to seem off or just wanting Momo to worry, I rubbed it. "I didn't see what happened to your group. Did you win?"

She shook her head. She must've felt disappointed in herself because while she was looking at me, it was more like she was looking through me.

I reached out my hand, offering to shake it. "Well, we both tried our hardest!" My voice was a bit louder than usual, but everyone was paying attention to Midoriya. Momo turned her head to face Midoriya, I followed her gaze.

He seemed surprised maybe worried. But he then bolted out of the classroom. The room went silent and you could hear each step he took. As he ran down the stairs a small echo was sent back. Kirishima and Kaminari looked at one another. They were as confused as the rest of us.

After a few minutes, the class was loud again. Momo went back to studying and looking at everyone, they seemed quite pleased. Today must've been a lot more fun than everyone first realized.


Looking at myself I noticed I was still in my hero costume. It looked better with my hair which was now greasy and a trainwreck. I looked back at a few people in the class before slipping out.

I walked down the hall, recalling Midoriya's and Bakugo's battle. It was surprising. The heroes did good, don't get me wrong. But Bakugo's pride was abnormal. I moved my hand to my chin, thinking back to everything that has happened today.


In the locker room, I was changed into the school uniform. I grabbed the hair tie. Pulling it out, strands of hair that got tangled in the tie were pulled out. I fingered through my hair before I looked slightly presentable.

I looked down at my hands, I'm not a good fighter. I couldn't even fight without thinking back to Midoriya's and Bakugo's fight. I felt like a nuisance. I pulled my hair back slipping the hair tie into my hair. Random black strands slipped out tangled with other strands.

I walked towards the door, and then with a loud chime the bell rang. I reached for the door handle pulling it towards me.

Walking out of the building the sky was a pool of oranges, reds, purples, blues, and yellows. I kept a slow pace, people walked past me. They seemed pleased with the second day of school.

Walking down the hill to get off school property seemed different. I looked down at my hand. A smile appeared on my face, maybe I could be a hero. Even if I could mostly only heal, I may become a hero...



Final Notes-

Thanks for reading! 😗