
A Rising Hero - Fanmade MHA

In a world where superheroes, known as Pro Heroes, are revered, aspiring young individuals with extraordinary abilities train at prestigious institutions like UA High School to become the next generation of heroes. Among them is Koike, a shy and introspective girl who possesses the unique quirks of rapid healing and precognition. As Koike enters UA High School, she replaces Sato in Class 1-A and embarks on a journey filled with trials and challenges. Despite her insecurities and self-doubt, Koike strives to prove herself as a hero, drawing strength from her determination and unwavering resolve. Throughout the story, Koike navigates the complexities of high school life, forming bonds with her classmates while grappling with her own inner demons. From training exercises and exams to facing off against villains, Koike and her classmates endure numerous tests of strength, courage, and teamwork.

Invisible_Ghost · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 12 - Bakugo's Rage

All Might told those 4 to get ready for the first combat training. While those 4 broke into their pairs heading for battle building A, All Might took the rest of us to a room.

The room was incredibly spacious. It could've fit at least 100 people. Walking in there was a big monitor. Next to the big monitor were multiple smaller ones on the right, left, and top.

They all were documenting what was happening. We observed and Bakugo and Tenya walked up to where the missile was. The missile was massive and black with a few red stripes on the top.

The room that they were in was also quite big. It was mostly gray with a hue of orange. The floor had tiles and pillars every 5 meters or so. There were also big windows on the walls. It was a beautiful room.

Midoriya and Uraraka walked over to another place. It was a maze with dark gray walls. 

They were all talking but the cameras weren't picking up on what they were saying. I looked over to where Koda was standing. He was watching the screen. I then turned to my left, Momo was there. She was observing the screens more than anyone else. 

Looking at the screen I didn't know what would happen next. But as we watched Bakugo and Tenya seemed to be arguing. All Might didn't look surprised but I was. After all, he was his teammate.

Looking at Midoriya and Uraraka, they were making a plan. I don't know what they were talking about, but I could guess Midoriya knew Bakugo would be going after him.

Soon All Might announced the round was beginning. I had a feeling the heroes would win. Looking at the screen I stood there, watching them, questioning whether I should use my precognition. While I was deciding I looked down slightly and caught the guy with 4 purple balls on his head staring at a few of the girls. Instantly I took a step back.

After seeing that I just decided to live in the moment, after all, it was Midoriya and Bakugo. Two rivals! But it was more one-sided than anything...

I created a mental note not to get close to the 4 purple balls guy. He seemed to be a pervert, a big one at that.

Looking back at the screen Bakugo charged away angry about something. If I had to guess it was Tenya questioning Bakugo about hating Midoriya. Tenya, who I could only guess, looked like he had given up trying to communicate with Bakugo.

Bakugo then surprised and attacked Midoriya and Uraraka, I was right about him aiming for Midoriya though. 

Everyone in the room was mad at Bakugo for doing a surprise attack. But it was the best thing he could've done. If he didn't surprise Midoriya, Midoriya would've most likely countered his attack.

Midoriya then grabbed Bakugo's arm and turned his foot away from him. He then grabbed Bakugo with all his might turning his body. He threw Bakugo over his shoulder. Bakugo slammed onto the ground. None of us were expecting that and while watching that everyone was surprised.

Even All Might. 

Midoriya yelled something at Bakugo, whatever he said it even surprised Uraraka. It seemed something important. Something she did that was life-changing to Midoriya.

Bakugo then lifted his hands to activate his quirk. He then finally began yelling at Midoriya. Bakugo's rage was something completely different.

It was something no one should ever get in the way of. He was angered easily. A few people's faces in the room changed. They were anxious, at least based on their expressions.

I flipped a strand of hair out of my face. Looking back at the screen I watched, Midoriya looked back at Bakugo with determination. I knew Midoriya had a lot of ambitions, but this time it felt different. He was overpowering his fears. I could tell the battle would end in Bakugo's way, but he would feel defeated.

I was surprisingly good at reading situations, as I said before. I have a good eye for reading situations with risks.

Tenya was still up in the room with the missile. He seemed to be asking Bakugo what was happening with Midoriya and Uraraka. Bakugo replied by yelling. He seemed to be telling Tenya not to worry. But I couldn't tell.

Kirishima asked, "Hey, who's Bakugo talking to? I'm not hearing anything. Can we get any sound with this video?" That's what I've been wanting to say this entire time! It's only a miracle someone- Kirishima asked!

All Might keeping his hands on his hips turned, responded, "He's got a radio in his ear so he can talk to his partner. I gave it to him before the match started! Along with a map of the building. Also, this. A roll of capture tape!" All Might pulled out a thing of tape. It looked like masking tape if it was fully white.

"Wrapping this around your opponent means you've apprehended them, and they're out for the rest of the game." All Might turned back to face the screen.

"So, there's a 15-minute time limit, and the good guys have no idea what floor the nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?" Asked a girl, she was almost completely pink. Besides her outfit. I believe her name was Mina...

"CORRECT!" Yelled All Might. He always surprises me.

Mina continued, "Then the heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here! A big one!" She looked slightly in distress.

"Real pros have to outwit villains on a daily basis. That's a lie. Even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight!" Everyone had mixed feelings about that information. Some gasped others laughed. For me, I felt anxious.

I don't think I could ever, and I mean ever outwit any villain. I can read situations but I can't fight. 

"All Together!!" All Might shouted. Everyone raised their hands.

"Let's hear a Plus Ultra!"

Final Notes-

These chapters are getting long! Well, not really I'm keeping them at 1000 words or less. Anywho, next chapter we really will finish up their battle. I don't care how long it is. So if you prefer these short chapters, you may or may not like the next chapter. I don't know how long I'll make it.

But as always, thank you, and have a wonderful day! 😗