
A Rising Hero - Fanmade MHA

In a world where superheroes, known as Pro Heroes, are revered, aspiring young individuals with extraordinary abilities train at prestigious institutions like UA High School to become the next generation of heroes. Among them is Koike, a shy and introspective girl who possesses the unique quirks of rapid healing and precognition. As Koike enters UA High School, she replaces Sato in Class 1-A and embarks on a journey filled with trials and challenges. Despite her insecurities and self-doubt, Koike strives to prove herself as a hero, drawing strength from her determination and unwavering resolve. Throughout the story, Koike navigates the complexities of high school life, forming bonds with her classmates while grappling with her own inner demons. From training exercises and exams to facing off against villains, Koike and her classmates endure numerous tests of strength, courage, and teamwork.

Invisible_Ghost · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 11 - Midorya's Battle

I entered the locker room a bit later than the other girls. Some of them had already changed, others leaving, a few still changing. Once I entered I didn't see Momo. She must've already left as I walked in the few girls in there were talking about All Might. 

"I can't believe All Might is our teacher!" I walked over to my locker opening it. I started changing.

By the time I finished changing, I was the last girl here. I looked at myself in the mirror, amazed I was even wearing this uniform.

It had black boots, which went up to my knees, and had mini pockets. As I said before, one of my quirks is Rapid Healing. So most of my pockets are filled with medical supplies.

Instead of pants, I was wearing a leotard. The closest thing to pants were black stockings. The leotard was black but the edges had neon green stripes. To cover myself more I added a hoodie.

The hoodie was not even half my body and barely covered my chest. The leotard covered it but the hoodie didn't have a hood and only had one sleeve, which was the left sleeve. My missing right sleeve was replaced with a long black glove with neon green seams.

The hoodie also had a small green cross, representing being a medic. Overall I looked like a hooker. Long boots, stockings, a black leotard, and a hoodie that wasn't exactly a hoodie, and was missing a sleeve.

I stared at myself in the mirror before fixing my hair. Finally, I decided to head out. While walking out the boy's locker room next-door to the girls was noisy. There were many boys in there still talking about stuff.

I didn't listen as I headed out of the hallway meeting at the training grounds.

After 10 or so minutes everyone was out and the boys were laughing and joking. The girls seemed to be talking about crushes and hottest heroes. Standing there on my own felt a little awkward. I did a good job of not being noticed.

All Might was saying how much a hero looks better with a costume. But I think his opinion changed when he saw Midoriya's costume. Probably the part about it looking a lot like All Might himself.

If he was green...

All Might rooted back up the lesson, "Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training!"

"Sir!" Tenya interrupted All Might, another question? I looked over at Tenya wanting to see what he asked. "This is the fake city from our entrance exam." He had his right hand raised to his head.

His costume was a full-body suit, it looked like that old show Transformers. But more future-like. It was a sleek white body with blue fabric connecting it. "Does that mean that we'll be conducting urban battles again?" Tenya finished.

"Not quite!" All Might said. "I'm going to move you two steps ahead! Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run-ins with the mist dastardly evildoers take place indoors."

I liked how he was teaching us. He's straight to the point for the most part. Everyone looked incredibly flashy and cool looking but, Midoriya's costume made me want to laugh. It was ridiculous. But I was maintaining composure.

All Might continued his lecture, "Think about it. Backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs." Everyone was listening intently, he was the #1 hero, after all, he knew the most about villains. "Truly intelligent criminals stay in the shadows."

"For this training exercise, you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two-on-two indoor battles."

The frog girl, Tsuyu, asked, "Isn't this a little advanced?" I could honestly agree with her. I didn't like my costume and wanted to not even do this at all. I wanted to return my costume. I just nodded in agreement to her questions.

"The best training is what you get on the battlefield!" All Might brought his hand up, curling it into a fist. "But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now!"

The idea of having to fight one of my classmates didn't sit well with me. "Sir, will you be the one deciding who wins?" Momo asked, she was a lot more focused than with the entrance exam a bit ago. I didn't know how to feel about her.

Bakugo asked a question that startled me, "How much can we hurt the other team?"

But people kept asking questions and honestly, it was overwhelming. I hate lots of noise and questions. "Listen up!" All Might got the class's attention, somehow. "The situation is this:

The villains have hidden a nuclear missile somewhere in their hideout! The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, the good guys either have to catch the evildoers or recover the weapon.

Likewise, the bad guys succeed if they protect their payload or capture the heroes!"

We then selected teams by selecting lots. I was in team F with Koji Koda. He had a weird-shaped head but he was the quietest in the class. I don't even think he speaks. I've heard his quirk is ani-voice. So he can talk with animals.

But I've never even heard him speak. So now I'm questioning what his quirk even is. Here are all the teams:

A: Midoriya & Uraraka

B: Shoji & Todoroki

C: Momo & Mineta

D: Bakugo & Tenya 

E: Aoyama & Mina 

F: Koike & Koda

G: Kaminari & Jiro

H: Tokoyami & Tsuyu

I: Ojiro & Hagakure

J: Kirishima & Sero

Those were all the groups. Everyone was then waiting to be picked.

All Might then picked Group A and Group D. Group A would be heroes, while Group D would be villains. With Midoriya's luck, I wasn't surprised he got Bakugo's group. I watched as Midoriya's face became one of panic and confusion...

Final Notes-

I don't really have anything to say. I'm going back and editing chapters to make them make more sense. You should know the deal, good day! 😗