

Two saiyans were standing in a small muddy hut, hugging each other, "; I have to leave for planet apple soon, King Vegeta has ordered me to, "

" I see, " Gine said with a depressed look on her face, before hugging bardock harder,

" don't worry I'll make it back, " says bardock turning around before walking out the door…


A day later:

In a very small cramp room sat a young saiyan sitting on a bed, slowly kicking his feet,

The people holding me in this room, haven't shown back up, but even though it's completely dark in this room, I still can see every nook and cranny, that time I spent in that hell hole, really changed my vision,


There are men walking toward me, there are about three of them, the one middle weighs the heaviest with the hardest footsteps and the others are relatively the same,

The footsteps continue before reaching the middle of the room before stopping, the three men separate before a loud thud followed by screeching is heard, loud high-pitch yelling is heard, " Argh, don't bite you, damn kid, " A loud bang is heard before the crying stops,

"You lucky bastard the kids you got are still sleeping, mines a rapid son of a bitch, " said a deep voice,

The three men chuckled lightly before walking away, with the footsteps getting lighter I hop off the bed, before looking around my room,

I see nothing out of the unordinary three small green two-headed bugs are crawling on the floor, with small cracks on the bottom of the stone walls, I jump back onto the bed before I got lost in my thoughts,

I could easily break out of this room but what happens next I just run off into a planet I know nothing about, I theorize hundreds of ideas before I come to one conclusion,

I'll just have to play this experiment game with whoever testing us, then I could hopefully find a way to escape,

I sit aimlessly on the bed before the three men's footsteps return but unfortunately they open different doors still leaving me trapped in this room,

Growing impatient, I slowly begin to shadow box in the small room, slowly making my punches sharper, faster, and harder, about another twenty minutes passes, before the footsteps return this time one of them ends up at my door, fingers slid through the small gap underneath the door, before the door shoots straight up, a loud bang echo through the hall as the door slams into the roof,

"Oh, you're not going to attack me, "

" A bearded man with spiky-haired, wearing some sort of brown armor, stood in front of me

He quickly grabs me by arm before pulling me out of the room, "You finally have found one that didn't attack you Leeks, " said a saiyan holding a passed-out saiyan by the throat,

Two other men both wearing green armor one with no facial hair and one with a small Pedro mustache, I look to my left and see two holes in the stone wall with dried blood leaking down it,

Leeks catches on to my staring, "Don't worry about those holes, the ones before you were less tame than you, " he grins before he starts dragging me forward,

He drags me to the exit of the building before stopping right before leaving, I blink my eyes and before ending up at a completely different room, this room is bright white with marble covering the square room,

A sharp pain is ringing from my neck, he must have knocked me out, I go to crack my neck but my hand is yanked down, I look down before seeing that my hands are bounded together to the wall with iron chains, I look around me six other pair of handcuffs are hanging from the wall, but only two other kids like me are handcuffed,

On my right is another door this one also made of stone but some sort of electronics is implemented, I see fragile wires running across the top of it,

I try to break the chains but to no avail, there definitely made of some other material than iron, something far stronger,

The two other kids stare at me both male, wearing rags for clothes, we continue staring at each other silent before heavy footsteps are heard coming closer to us,

The door snaps open, before the man named Leeks walks into the room, he quickly grabs a kid by his spiky hair before snapping the chains off the kids wrists and feet,

He drags him out the room the door opens automatically before closing behind, it remains silent until loud screams are heard from the other side of the door,

The other kid in the room shaking rapidly trying to break chains after hearing, the horrific screams echo through the room but isn't it to loud,

These screams shouldn't be this loud, I look around the room before seeing a small box in the corner of the room, that has to be a speaker.

I quickly look around the room before noticing something in top corner of the room, it's a small camera…


In a small room full of different monitors stood three saiyans holding a small child, " That one saiyan sure is weird, he hasn't reacted to the screams at all, " said leeks still gripping the kids hair,

" Yea, all the other kids reacted like hornets when the screams happened, maybe he's the one king Vegeta wants, "said a saiyan leaning on the wall with his arms crossed

" Speaking of king Vegeta, why does he want us to do this, we could just send them off to a planet, " Said leeks finally letting go of the kids hair

" I guess to help with the invasion of planet apple, but I truly don't know the real reason we are doing this, "said the other saiyan

The saiyans stood there with perplex look on there face before they click a button stopping the screams…


Inside the marble room:

The screams have finally stopped, in a couple of minutes Leeks returned, this time grabbing me.

He drags me through mazes of hallways before we end up at room with a massive hole in the middle of it, in the hole was a area full of wildlife, a few small creeks run through the massive room,

" You dont recognize it, kid this is where you spent most of your life at, "

Wait, your telling me this is the dark hell hole I stayed in, before I could stare any longer, I feel him grab be my neck,

My feet lift off the ground before we slowly descend down the hole, my species can fly?

We reach the grass before I'm pushed down,

" Your training starts now, " he reached back before throwing a punch…
