A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
I turn my body barely dodging the punch, getting caught off guard Leeks froze a little before throwing a kick,
I roll out of the way of the kick before firing a small ki blast at him, he slaps the blast away casually, before dashing towards me laser-fast,
I raise my guard blocking a punch with my arms crossed, I get sent flying backward, before landing my feet on the ground slowing down my momentum until I finally stop,
My arms are slowly turning purple, that's what just one punch did to me, Leeks is about 6'2 so he has a serious height advantage over me,
That just means I need to attack his legs, I dash forward firing ki blasts at the man, he stands still before swatting each blast away,
I throw a blast into the ground, a large amount of dirt explodes everywhere. I circle around appearing behind Leeks,
I twist my body before kicking his feet tripping him but before he hit the ground, he shot a massive blast launching himself in the air,
" You haven't noticed yet have you? " said the man flying in the air with his hands behind his back.
I look up but my vision starts becoming dazy, I fall to my knees grabbing my chest coughing up blood, there's a small hole in my chest, but when did he hit me again,
" You didn't block my attack like you thought you did, it was small but I shot a ki blast at the same time I punched you " he descends until he lands on the ground, he begins sprinting at me.
I raise my arms before he kicks me across my head, I faceplant onto the grass I try to stand up but he kicks me in the stomach sending
me flying into a nearby tree,
Before I could react he appeared next to me and deck me right across the chin, I rolled on the ground before another kick landed on my chest sending me flying once again before I hit another tree,
The blood spewing out my mouth is massive, my entire chest is covered in blood, from the hole in my chest and me coughing out blood.
He appears In front of me, he raises his leg throws a axe kick, it hits me in the back of the head, he stands over me while I'm laying on the ground,
He repeatedly stomps on my head before he says something " I know you can't understand what I'm saying since you haven't learned to speak, but just to let you know, that your real training starts now, " Leeks picks me up by the throat before punching me in the stomach,
My ears begin ringing loudly before he lets go of me, I drop down falling onto the ground, but he doesn't stop stomping me, he continues until I could no longer see, a massive lump has appeared on the right side of my face covering my vision,
He grabs my face before slinging me through a tree, I lay on my back with blood covering my face, I hear footsteps quickly walking towards me I sit up trying to look ahead of me,
I can't see anything but the footsteps are definitely In front of me, I feel a gust of wind hit my face before a kick lands hitting the left side of my face,
I go flying before I grip the ground stopping myself, I charge a ki blast in my left hand before touching the ground a massive explosion happens,
" Trying to make a smoke screen not bad kid "
I dashed back feeling the smoke warp off my body before a massive sharp pain appears in my side,
I quickly reach down and grab his leg, I create a ki blast firing straight over his leg, I hear my ki blast hit, I hear his feet stumble back before dashing forward, a punch lands on my jaw before one hits my liver and then again on my jaw,
I drop down onto one knee before I get kicked across the face, I roll on the ground but this time I don't get up, my body is completely gone, it's done this time.
I hear him walking towards me, I try to stand back up but my body won't let me, my mind goes blank before I pass out…