I look at up Cress as rain runs down his spiky hair, I try to raise one of my arms but my shoulder is doused in horrid pain, A wince covers my face. as Cress stares at my body, he stares at me a little longer until he speaks,
" Looks like Cooler did quite a number on you Sado, " I look at him confused, How does he know I fought Cooler already, I take a deep breath and exhale and I try my hardest to talk but It only comes out as a murmur,
" How do you know I fought Cooler, " Cress looks at me confused,
"It's pretty common knowledge, you fought him about two weeks ago, Right? " I shake my head at him while I push off the ground in intense pain but I manage to gingerly stand up while leaning on the cave wall,
" I fought Cooler a day ago and passed out on this planet, " Cress smirks at my comments while shaking his head,
" You probably passed out for two weeks then Sado, Don't tell me Cooler knocked the common sense out of you, " I scoff at his comment until I look behind his shoulder and see 15 men and women lined up in a row holdings bows and arrows, Cress notices me looking behind his shoulder and turns around,
" Oh, Looks like you were noticed Sado, that's not good, but you want to see something Sado, " said Cress glancing behind and looking at me, He looks forward as I see a grin on the corner of his face,
I was about to yell for him to stop because if he left my side it would leave me exposed to an attack but the crowd of people don't react to his presence at all, Cress stands directly in front of a man while waving his hand right next to his face,
Cress wags his tail in front of a pale woman until he turns around while scratching his head, a nervous grin is on his face, and he swallows his saliva,
" Hey, I probably should have told you sooner but technically I'm not here, " he said while shrugging his shoulders, I look at him confused, and he takes a breath before explaining further,
" I'm just in your mind right now Sado, only you can see me, I tried to contact you when I sensed your power spike while fighting Cooler but your mind was too strong for me to form myself into your mind, and did you really expect me to be on this random planet, " He said as the crowd people walk through his body,
" If you're not here, how is rain drenching the cloak you are wearing? " I murmur out, he looks up into the sky before snapping his fingers, and the rain starts to pour through his body,
" I'm sorry about that, when I create myself in the mind of my enemies, I have to make it look real, So I guess I did it off instinct, but talking to you is really draining my energy, Come meet on a planet Called 62-U, It's about a galaxy and half away from here, and don't worry about the group of people in front of you, they only have power levels of 20, " Said Cross as his body starts to glow bright orange,
His body starts to separate into thousands of tiny specks of energy vanishing into thin air, I smack my lips while pushing off the cave wall, I hold my ribs as the group of people stop and point their bows at me,
" State what you are, and your name," said a pale tall lanky man with green hair, he was holding onto a bow with gold earrings hanging off both of his ears, he wore red leaves tied together using vines,
I don't respond to him, instead, I close my eyes and concentrate energy into the palm of my hand, I reopen my eyes and see a small ball of energy in my right hand...