
A Realm Transcendent

"All that has a start also has an end." Celestial beings, the Architects of everything we call creation, are all aware of it: The looming doom that will destroy all. As a countermeasure, a selection of humans, given the name Evocatus, are beared with the responsibility to save all they can; If they can, that is. Will they be able to save it all? Will they be able to advance through all physical, emotional and psychological harm? –––––––––––––– It all depends on one thing: Whether they find what will destroy it. Or rather.. WHO will destroy it.

Sikawa · Fantasy
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57 Chs


After Tyra had taken Mitsuki to his resting place, Mitsuki requested for privacy for a while. At that time, he carried out his plan and now, he was in the room, together with Dimaz.

[Dispel has been used.]

Mitsuki sighed loudly as he fell on his bed.

"I am completely drained..." He said, groaning as he touched his neck.

"That was risky... You almost died, Mitsuki." Dimaz said, recalling what had happened.

"Yeah... When he choked me, that was the real me. I had already used three quarters of my power to summon Aquourus.. When he choked me I instantly made my body double and opened a portal to where you both were.. And now using dispel on you to remove his control spell has completely drained me down to my reserves." Mitsuki said.

"I do thank you for saving me, but now, we are going to face the worst probability possible: Allon coming here himself. We gods can't help you, since he might take control over us, plus, our divinity won't allow us, you know that, right?"

"What do you mean?" Mitsuki wondered.

Dimaz sighed.

We are beings that are far more superior than anything else... So our divinity is very dense, such that the world will crumble and fall apart if let's say, Allon and a Celestior member fought." Dimaz said.

"But, you are in my room right now..."

"You won't go far if you haven't still noticed at all, that you are not in the planet," Dimaz said as he opened the door, revealing a whole other different landscape with a bright golden orange sky. Countless weapons, shields, armors and so many other things stood suspended in the air.

"You are in my real realm, The Ash Sanctum." Dimaz said as he closed the door.

"I didn't notice at all..." Mitsuki thought, gulping.

"Realms can be opened without casting or saying anything, boy.. If I were to kill you right now.." Dimaz said as a large golden axe appeared, right next to Mitsuki's neck.

"You would be dead in a flash." Dimaz said with a serious tone as he stared right at Mitsuki's soul.

"Allon is far more cunning and even far more powerful than I am. So, what will you do, boy?"

Mitsuki felt blood trickle down his neck.

"He is right... If I fight against Allon, there's no way I can win, not to mention, I still have the ring, so my powers are limited.. Can't I just hide the summoned right now?.." many thoughts passed through Mitsuki's mind. Seeing this, Dimaz stood up.

"When you get your answer, come tell me outside." he said as he went outside, into his own realm.

"He opened his realm and targeted this room to be teleported into his realm, that way I couldn't sense.. I do not know Allon's battle realm... I don't have any other powerful abilities that can actually hurt him significantly.. I also couldn't react in time as he dashed towards me, and I am sure that that was not his full speed... I will need to fight while protecting the summoned, and while also fighting against the lower ranked demons that might be unleashed.."

Mitsuki felt another sharp pain on his neck. He winced as he touched it.

"Why the hell does it still hurt?" He wondered. He closed his eyes, trying to sense anything.

"What is this... Red marking on my neck!!" He wondered as he started tensing.

[You have been cursed by Allon]

[He shall now know your exact location.]

" I see.. so he now has the upper hand." He said as he stood up, heading outside to where Dimaz was.

"So, you know what you have to do, right?" Dimaz said.

The realm of Dimaz was truly a sight to behold, it was endless, and there seemed to be golden chains in the sky holding weapons. The ground had a clear liquid that reflected the golden orange sky. One spear came flying straight towards Dimaz, standing upright in front of him.

"You mean you will train me in here, for the small amount of time that is left?" Mitsuki asked.

"Correct.. This is the only way you can actually have the chance to survive against Allon."

"Got it-" Mitsuki barely dodged the spear that blasted past him, leaving a deep mark on his face.

"I hope you are aware of the situation.. This time, if you die, there's nothing to help you, there will be very few people that can help you." Dimaz said as he hit Mitsuki at his solar plexus, sending him flying as several spears followed him.

"Sorry for the harsh treatment kiddo, you'll have to bear with it though." Dimaz said as an explosion happened in the direction where Mitsuki had gone.

"Both you.. And Aqua.. Are sh!tty heads, you know that?" Mitsuki asked as he spat blood. His weapon appeared and a white light started pulsating on it. A white flame covered the sword and his right hand which was holding the sword.

"That move... Using the sun god's ability right off the bat?" Dimaz said as he smiled. A green flame covered his hand and the whole realm became darker. Diamond shaped portals opened behind him, revealing some beautiful spears that glowed green, as if responding to the flames on Dimaz. One distinct spear materialized in front of Dimaz.

"Let's see how much my son taught you," Dimaz said as the two rushed towards each other. From afar, if one were to watch them, the only thing they would see is two brilliant flames, heading towards each other.


Brook Village

The Summoned were led everywhere by Tyra as she explained everything to them, until their rest place.

"Say, Tyra.. About that messenger... Why does he wear a mask?" Virginia asked her as they kept on walking. Tyra suddenly blushed as she looked away from her, remembering Mitsuki.

"W-well, I think it's for the best that he wears a mask." She said.

Tyra was with the girls, while the boys were with another person.

"Why are you red though?" Emilia asked teasingly.

"Huh? M-Me?"

"Did you see his face?" Virginia asked excitedly.

"N-No I didn't!"

"Hmm? Stop lying to us.."

"Just tell us.."

The girls kept pressuring him until she finally gave in.

"Okay okay.. Yes I saw his face." She said.

"How was he?"

They kept asking her questions relentlessly as they laughed and smiled.. None of them knew.....

Disaster was about to strike.

Allon was seated at a throne, right above the village. He smiled slightly as he sipped his wine, resting his head on his hand.

"Ah, the peaceful world, too bad for you. You have made me angry to unimaginable levels, and I commend you for that, but, a human is just a toy to be played with; a puppet to be controlled by us higher beings, their only role is to fit into the world they are in, to fight desperately in order to protect the little that they have, yet... The so called Summoned, try to meddle with the higher beings.. And a mere chosen one dares to defy me and to disrupt my plans?"

The sky became red suddenly as the wind became more violent.

Down on the ground, the generals, Poki, Valeria and Emilia sensed the danger above. They were all driven by their instincts to do the same thing: To make a barrier above.

"Poki! Now!" Valeria shouted as they activated what they were preparing all along. A barrier appeared above the city in an instant.

"What the hell is this pressure... This blood lust... It can't be... Allon came here himself?!" Poki wondered as they looked up and saw him, seated at a throne, and a mighty army behind him.

"EVERYONE!! FIND SHELTER NOW!" Marcus shouted as the three generals all fired their greatest spells upwards, towards Allon. The spells froze mid air, just in front of him.

"Demons, attack." Allon commanded.

"All of you! Get ready for battle! Fire at those demons and do it quickly!" Autilla shouted to the summoned.

Adoffina appeared in front of Emilia.

"What is going on?" Emilia asked him.

"This... A very very powerful demon has appeared, one known as Allon! We can't afford to hide your strength now! Or else you will all die!" Adoffina said as he summoned out a red gigantic crossbow and immediately started firing massive shots towards the oncoming demons.

For everyone in there, it looked like the end of the world. Countless demons covered the entire red sky, approaching the city.

"What the hell is happening! We can't deal with this guy!" Augustine said as the three generals dashed upwards.

"We are ignoring these demons! We should get rid of Allon now! Marcus said as they sped past the demons, killing several as they did so.

"You know, there is something that you all never think of," Allon said in a calm voice that made them to freeze in place because of the pressure behind those words. A massive round red mass of energy appeared above Allon.

"You never think of how foolish your Knighthood is.. Attacking me while knowing very well you can't do anything.. Fools."

The red mass of energy exploded, critically injuring the three. They all fell down, outside the city, their clothes and armor tattered. Even though they were now seriously bleeding, they stood up quickly, and looked up at Allon, weapons ready. Allon sighed as the three generals used all they had left, combining all their power into one attack. A giant beam of light headed straight towards Allon, but it was quickly absorbed.

"I told you, useless.." Allon said as another energy blast hit them, breaking several bones in their bodies. Marcus still held his ground, using his sword for support. 

"I won't allow you... To hurt them.. If we let you go... You will destroy even our kingdoms too... Our people.. Our children... We shall not allow you!" He shouted.

"Very well then.. Ultimate skill, the beam of Judgement." Allon said.

A large red energy sphere, larger than the whole city, appeared in the sky and the next thing Marcus saw, was a large red beam heading towards them.

"Crap... We can't.. He's too powerful.."

Suddenly, the beam stopped moving. It stayed perfectly still, as if to wait for who was to come.

[Time manipulation has been used.]

"So, you decided to show yourself, boy?" Allon said.

"Let me correct you about knighthood, Allon." Mitsuki said, landing next to Marcus.

"A Knight is based off of the dents, dints and scratches that his armor has.. It shows that even though he was scared, even though he was afraid, he fought on relentlessly, not for himself, not so that he may live, but for those precious to him, and those he has responsibility over.. To protect those who can't protect themselves, the weak, the foolish and even the cowards, So I could say.. These three are true knights,"

A green light enveloped the three generals, healing them.

"You three," Mitsuki called. "You know the Divine oath for knights, that Lord Dimaz himself gave to the first chosen knight, right?"

Marcus, Augustine and Autilla all placed their hand on their chest.

"I have fought until my bones sundered, my flesh rended. Come what may, I shall still fight, as long as there is still a limb on me, as long as there is still life in me, I shall still fight!" The three shouted simultaneously.

Allon clapped his hands as he giggled.

"You should be a general of some sorts boy, so that you can utter all these crap to your Knights. But, words will not help you win!" Allon said as he landed down. A dark horse rose from the ground, beside Allon.

"Let's see what you will do now with those words!" Allon said as he summoned out a longsword.

Mitsuki's aura suddenly spiked as he held the ring.

[Dimaz has granted you permission to remove the ring]

As he did so, a white and green flame covered his entire body as his cloak changed into a green shade.

[The blessing of Dimaz, Relentless frenzy, shall now activate]

[Time left: 20 minutes.]

Poki and Valeria suddenly appeared there, armed with their weapons.

"Oh.. I see, you have decided to give it all you got, huh..." Allon said, smiling.

"Of course, these summoned are precious to me," Mitsuki replied.

"Gods, I know you are watching... I hope you enjoy seeing your summoned fall, because even this boy here will die..." Allon said in a serious tone as he readied himself.

Up in Avalon, everyone was tensed up, looking down at the fight. They were all silent, as they all wished for some miracle to happen.

"Now, You need to pay for making me angry, Mitsuki Ichiro." Allon said, smiling.

"Wait.. How did he know my name!"

"Wrath Series," Allon said. In that instant those words were said, every god in Avalon froze.

"The Wrath series! Why does Allon have it!" Aurendor wondered as he frowned. His face was now full of worry.

"No way..." Realos muttered. "WHY DOES ALLON HAVE THE WRATH SERIES!"

That was one thing no god expected to hear from Allon's Mouth. Their wishes now changed completely:

 They now wished that Mitsuki would find a way to run away with everyone else.