
A random pokemon journey

Alexander was a fairly normal guy on earth or at least he hoped so. Somehow though he had gone his entire life without playing a single pokemon game or watching any of the anime. That changed when his friends kept pestering him about it and he finally gave in and purchased a few of the games that came highly recommended such as emerald , fire red , platinum and heart gold. He also bought a cheap ds lite to play all of them when he was off work. Unfortunately he was struck by lightning the moment he finished the last of them and died. He ended up awakening in a small cave at the foot of a mountain forest and learned he had a system to help him in this new and very dangerous world. AUTHOR Note------- This story will only be taking place in the world before the fairy type came out so only those regions exist in this version of the pokemon world. There will also be casual smut and maybe possibly an actual romantic option but I haven't decided yet , also no harems. I would like to add that everything with the system is RNG based so I have no control over it.

loskro · Video Games
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238 Chs

Training a scrub

"If it's not too much trouble I'd really appreciate the help." Birch said with an honest smile. "It's no trouble at all since Gaia can easily break up this layer of rock and stir the soil nice and deep , you'll need a good bit of fertilizer though before you can really use the earth for planting berries but for grasses and trees it should be fine." I said while tapping into my farming skill knowledge. "How much fertilizer do you think I'll need?" Birch asked seriously to get an idea of what he's looking at.-

I point at a few spots in the pasture "Depends on how many berries you want to grow as well as if you want them close together or spread out." I replied honestly. "Do you think five or six bushes would work so that the pokemon could have one of every flavored berry?" he asked and I thought about it as I looked at the pasture. "If you keep them separate from each other and have someone tend to them regularly then it shouldn't be all that expensive , you'd need about one large bag of fertilizer for each bush to pull it off." I said honestly.-

He nodded excitedly "I can definitely do that!" he said eagerly. "Well other than that this place only needs a good seeding with some grass after we churn up the stone and soil to turn into a nice place for all sorts of pokemon that aren't ice type , can't help you with that at all." I said with a smile. "I'll see to it right away that you get that fertilizer. But anyways I wanted to see if you needed anything out here like a pillow or blanket?" the good professor asked kindly.-

I shook my head and pointed at Vulcan with a chuckle "I'll be sleeping on that one so I will be just fine , but thank you for the offer." I said calmly. Vulcan huffed at that to make it's disapproval of the situation known but I ignored it. Birch laughed at the interaction before commenting on how good the soup smelt and leaving. The food was done at that point so I grabbed the salad bowl I bought from Lee and ladled out two thirds of the soup before handing it over to Vulcan that dug in immediately while I had to wait for it to cool a bit.-

The soup was hearty and filling so I had no complaints at all and if the belch Vulcan let out after it was done was anything to go by it didn't either. I put the fire out after that and turned in for the day having had quite the amount of experiences. I woke but with the sun as per usual and shook my giant rock monster to consciousness as well while my volcano dog yawned and stretched. If that sounds weird that because it is. Pokemon are fucking nuts to rationalize and I live with the things now.-

I wasn't going to have Gaia start breaking up the stone layer on the ground since that was bound to be very loud and people were sleeping still. Instead I stretched my body before starting my daily workout with a few laps around the pasture with Vulcan and Gaia who both liked to accompany me on my jogs even though it served no purpose for them. Next up was the sit ups and crunches that I powered through like a champ. It was at this point that people started to stir in the village with Birch and May being fairly early risers themselves. They watched in curiosity and astonishment as I went through each step of my workout like a machine.-

Once I was done I walked up to the fence where they were watching me from covered in sweat and heavily breathing. "Morning , you two here to drop off the pokemon I'm training or do you need something else?" I asked in a friendly manner as my heart rate started to slowly fall making my taxed veins and muscles deflate. From the outside perspective I probably looked like I had shrunk slightly.-

May blushed as she traced the grooves of my physique that were very prominent at the moment with her gaze. "Ah! Yes we were coming to hand over Sly(the Zigzagoon) and got distracted by your workout. Do you do this everyday?" Birch as curiously and I nodded before listing my whole workout. "It works the whole body while keeping me limber." I added at the end of hi description. "That's quite the heavy strain you are putting your body under but it's clearly working for you so will leave the subject alone. Anyways here's the pokeball containing Sly , you can get him warmed up while May watches and I go get a something to take notes." Birch said handing over a standard pokeball the size of a grape that expanded to the size of an apple in my hand.-

I wasn't ignorant to the shrinking ability all pokeballs had but chose to ignore it since it honestly made no difference beyond storage space. I clicked the button and a red glow shot out of the ball and condensed into the form of the Zigzagoon. It flinched nervously the moment it was released and looked around before stiffening at Gaia and Vulcan who looked down on it predatorily.-

"Knock it off you two! This one isn't food you hear me?" I scolded them harshly and they relented under my stern glare. "You ate Zigzagoon while living by Mt grey?" May asked with a surprised expression. I nodded "I did. Why?" I asked curiously. "Most people tend to keep them as pets or think they are too cute to hurt much less eat." May explained honestly. "Hard to find something cute when it's growling at and trying to harm or kill you." I said with a shrug and she shuddered.-

She wasn't so sheltered as to not know that truly wild pokemon weren't docile like Sly that was domesticated but had never personally known anyone who has lived through the true way of the wild until now. Most pokemon either avoided humans or tried to frighten them off first if they were passing through so there was rarely recorded instances of pokemon on human attacks but in the case of someone like me who fully inserted themselves into the food chain in an area it was a totally different matter. Sly who was listening to this conversation now knew why I and my pokemon were so dangerous to it's instincts , we were killers.-

All pokemon respected strength , they craved it instinctually and this Zigzagoon was no different. I appraised the moves of the thing and sighed at how little it was to work with. Growl , tackle , tail whip , headbutt and mudslap all at novice level mastery was the list I received. Unlike with my own pokemon I simply didn't have time to waste boosting the mastery of these moves to expert mastery. This meant i had to target a specific set of moves for this training "What moves does it know?" I asked May since it would be suspicious as fuck for me to already know.