
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 47: Trial- Part 4

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

After I woke up from the crazy day before I felt this urge to move close to Leo and just try to stay in this huge comfy bed for as long as I can. To just try and forget anything we have to do today or what happens after it. To just sleep. Sleep and forget and let myself enjoy any sense of peace before the chaotic day that awaited to disrupt it. But Leo was the one to wake up first trying to get out of bed and get me out of bed. I was starting to get stone set on just never leaving the bed. Unfortunately, Leo is more stubborn than me. He listed everything important that I'd attend for.

When I groaned and bitterly hid under the pillows and said that I'd write a testimony of everything instead of being there that as I laid on my stomach. That was when Leo hopped onto the bed over me and let me quickly turn on my back as he removed the blankets and pillows and looked down at me.

" You're coming, and that's not an option sweetheart. " his eyes were locked with mine but he looked serious even though I could tell that he was aware and understanding of my position. I groaned frustrated but when I opened my eyes I felt pleasantly surprised when his hands slid underneath my slightly lifted shirt. The feeling alone made my hands quickly reach up to grasp onto his shoulders enjoying his proximity as I felt even better when he locked his lips with mine.

I deepened it once I felt my legs bend and push against the sheets and mattress to move closer to him over me. My arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer as I enjoyed the affection so early in the day. When we stopped I guess he knew I'd stop being stubborn and like a fool whose mind was completely somewhere else I followed getting ready without complaint. I was so absent minded that if he told me to jump out the window and land in the fountain in the front of the pack house I would.

Like the day before the press once again greeted us as we left the pack house and when we arrived the courthouse. The thing I noticed at the pack house around the other Alpha's and Luna's he'd either try not to hold me so much-as for the teddy bear statement to prove he wasn't a big softy. Or when only a few of us were around and it was more casual he'd hold be from behind and lean his head on my shoulder or just nuzzle and sniff my scent when he could. The strange change did make sense but at times was hard to keep up with. I could tell that today even as we left the pack house he was being extra possessive and affectionate before we had to enter the courtroom. I get that once we go in he has to be as dignified and composed as he can.

Once we entered we all took the same placements as the day before. It was strange how it felt that in little to no time it took to make it feel like the same day. The clock said it was exactly an hour passed noon as I looked around as everyone even the judge entered the room once again. This time Alpha Andrews had a look when he entered the room that seemed tired and cold. Not even directly directed towards me but everyone in the room. He even looked like he got roughed up a bit with how his hair and clothes looked.

This trial was starting off much like before but with Luna Abby reading allowed the charges that Alpha Andrews had been accused of

" The prosecution has tried to find the defendant is guilty of the following charges: assault, sexual harassment, kidnapping, imprisonment, betraying the other Alpha's, harboring rogues and conspiracy, breaching territories, and murder of a one Rebecca Miller the mother of Luna Autumn, and lastly sexual assault. " the murmurs and voices that were surprised by these claims were filling the room. The looks of surprise and skeptics from the Alpha's and Luna's in the jury box had looks of glances at me as they whispered among themselves.

The feeling of their eyes wasn't as bad as I expected them to be. I thought that Alpha Remus and Luna Carole were just surprised which was normal, but Alpha Jackson and Luna Wendy were surprised. Their gaze is what really felt worse out of all of them but I felt myself steal a quick glance behind my right shoulder to look back at Summer and the others.

Summer seemed surprised and when our eyes caught each other they were asking me if it was true. I couldn't know what my face must have said that she was able to see by her reaction. It must have been one of shame or fear of what more I could say. Her eyes moved from me as she slowly started to lift her hand to cover her mouth.

I followed her gaze that moved, until my eyes fell upon Alpha Andrews whose icy blue eyes were looking over his left shoulder at them. His eyes seemed to want to see their reaction. He had a small visible grin on that told me that he was looking at Summer too. He must have guessed that she had no clue and this made him looking at her horrified expression all the more amusing to him. I felt an anger in the way he looked at her that threatened a growl to slip threw my lips.

I felt his gaze seemed to have his eyes seemed to be softened a bit because it wasn't as scary as it usually is. His head was only slightly looking over his shoulder so when his eyes looked straight and found me looking at him I felt his grin didn't move. The corners of his lips twitched up still as he tried to drop the grin upon seeing me. I felt him only linger looking at me for a couple seconds before he looked forward looking away from me.

I looked back at the others where Jay and Liz looked just as surprised and even more confused as they looked at one another asking if any of them knew. I felt my heart ache as I looked at Summer again before I was going to look back forward, she looked like she was going to start crying as Randell was trying to hold from her shoulders trying to comfort her. It was clear.

That the thought of actually meeting the guy for the second time to see that he had not only taken his older sister. He had taken so much that now she's finding out that I've been trying to save her from knowing what he had done. The idea of seeing this man and knowing just what he made this whole thing so complicated. I knew by how she was looking that it was painful but then I felt concerned when she started to stand up from her seat being followed by Randell and they were starting to leave the courtroom.

' Is she alright?! This must have been too much for her to be in a room with both of us and taking this news just now. ' I felt really worried but the others looked as they left for a breather. I slowly started to move my gaze forward again looking in my lap as I felt my hands clenching in my lap. I slowly moved my weary gaze up to my left at my Dad.

' I can only imagine what his face would look like compared to Summer's. I could only hope that it would be less painful since my face won't be able to lie or hide with my reaction. ' I stopped myself once my eyes made it to his chest. I couldn't bare another painful look on his face, not another that could see my pitiful expression. I'll deal with it later.

As the courtroom was brought to silence Judge Ian spoke after using his gavel which the sound of it could make anyone flinch in the room. The press were put a halt to their crazy writing about such charges as their gaze fell to the Judge. He placed the gavel down as he said

" Call your first witness. We'll begin with the charges of kidnapping, breaching of territories, and imprisonment. " he spoke calmly and had our lawyer begin to take over. As the prosecution, we naturally went first, each of us being given a chance to testify.

We all went one-by-one, each of us going to tell what had happened from the beginning. I was feeling uneasy that focusing on whatever they are saying, but I had to hold onto every word of what was being said. I'd much rather shift my eyes and ears literally anywhere in the room: the composition of the jury, the stern but open look on the judge's face, and even to check if Summer and Randell had returned.

The press said that the prosecution call my Dad-being a police officer- to start with the news of when I was officially put out as being missing. My mind kind of skipped the normal information we already went through fast like I spaced out. The Press sat down and I noticed that our lawyer who I hadn't taken the time to know his name had stood up from his seat. He was starting to say that Leo and me would testify to what had occurred that would put Alpha Andrews as guilty of the three charges so far.

Leo had went first. I thought he wouldn't be able to give too much information, but he remained composed and passionate throughout. I went through the details of the soldiers he had posted and even had one of them who was there when he saw me enter the forest that morning came here. He stated that his soldiers were aware of my morning routine and always made a point to put the time that I'd enter and come pack into the reports for the day even if their was a shift change. He had put in the evidence presented those logs and even had that soldier in the stands if they wished to confirm. He had even was asked by the Judge to tell the court of the morning in question that I had last been seen.

He went through the day, and after a bit I understood that there wasn't much he knew he could do so he told them basically his train of thought even after days with no word of me. As he went on he had confirmed that there were rogues who had breached his territory in order to take me hostage. They confirmed that the attempts to search and track down them had been in vain. All they needed was to ask me is if I really was taken by rogues against my will.

I said yes and added that I had tried to escape only to have been injured in the process by who I believe to be Alpha Andrews in his wolf form. This would be brought back to the charge of assault for later on. Then imprisonment came up which I explained being locked and detained into his room. I then followed with saying that after a while of failing to make my escape I then was imprisoned in one of his jail cells for a period of time. Before returning to being locked and guarded in his room yet again.

It was strange adding information like this trying to put everything in order while the things brought up had to help based on the charges that were needed to go through first. It took about an hour for us to stop as people of the jury were being handed along with the Judge copies of the written testimonies that were submitted as evidence they would have as evidence provided.

It took nearly till it became noon when all the evidence was considered along with Alpha Andrews testimony admitting to the charges allowing for the jury to convict him as guilty for him causing multiple boundary breaches and my imprisonment. This was making going through all the charges feel very very long as we went through all the evidence and question's. Next the Judge said as everyone in the room was tired from hours of sitting or standing on end, my back becoming stiff

" We will now begin to discuss the charge of murder. " the charge alone wasn't one that Alpha's had to face in a court of law. Because the Alpha's are the Judge of their pack, and the cost of a life that threatened the pack was a justified action rather than a crime. It was justice in the eyes of power. With his title of Alpha not mattering here this meant he was going to be charged with every death he caused by his hands or actions. I felt an instinct to look at my Dad who seemed calm and then I looked down behind us as I looked into the stands.

I had realized that Summer and Randell were back sitting where they were before. I wasn't sure when they came back. I had been so focused that I hadn't noticed them enter the room again. They both seemed to be a little tense like they were at least here long enough to where they knew what charge we were going to talk about next. I looked forward again and felt surprised when the defendant, Mike, had said standing up from his seat

" The defense calls Luna of the Black Sun pack, Autumn Miller. " this made me the hell nervous to where the idea of being singled out nerve-racking. The bailiff called out

" Luna Autumn Miller to the stand. " I was getting ready to scoot out of my chair where Leo said in a hushed tone leaning as I was getting ready to stand up out of my seat.

" You don't have to feel forced. Just say what happened and we'll be right here. If all else fails just look at me if you get nervous, okay? " I nodded at his concern and said barely audible " Okay.." I started to walk around our table from the the left as I started to make my way to the small stare steps that had the door I opened to the seat surrounded by wood as I felt both as I sat down like I was lifted along with the structure that was connected to the Judge's chair.

I felt my view of the courtroom change from feeling eyes on my back and from glances from the sides. To one where I could see almost everyone's faces sprawled before me and the attention felt like I was slowly being surrounded by eyes. The seat was comfortable but I felt very uncomfortable with this attention and the walk I took that was kinda slow since I felt crossing the room near the jury box closest to me was almost as painful as sitting here.

Mike took his stand by the podium with the mic attached to it as I noticed Alpha Andrews standing from his chair. Mike said " State your name please. " this was for the records so I tried to clear my throat and tried my best to make sure that I sounded clear enough to be herd

" Luna Autumn Miller. " this guy was what I was trying to lock my gaze on as he stood in front of the podium. Because of his clients testimony al he can do is try and save Alpha Andrews from looking any worse than he already does. That's all he can do.

" Miss Miller, during your time under Alpha Andrews care. What was the reason he suddenly decided to risk taking you outside and to your family home? " his question left me slightly confused but I could only say what I believed was the truth, so I took a breath before saying

" I can only guess that it was an attempt to get me to remember things that matter to me. To make me see that I should value my life more and actually treat him the way he wanted. " I found my mind wondering back to when I was in that car. When he threatened me to either I hold my tongue or he'd force himself on me again. How he kissed me expecting me to respond or he wouldn't get off of me.

Mike then followed my reply " Did you not tell him where your house was when he drove you to your childhood pack? " I took a pause before answering feeling the gaze of my Dad on me that was trying to read my face as I'd answer

" He asked if I wanted to see my parents again. I had been isolated for so long and guilt of how worried they must have been along with the rest of my family and friends. " I took a breath before adding

" It was only normal that I'd want to at least be able to see my parents and be reminded of any comfort being in my childhood home would bring me. Being in that car with him alone made me want to get out but it wasn't like I had much choices with that. " I could feel my wolf was trying to help back me up to instill some confidence in my statements to keep in mind that I'm still a Luna. But as much as I'd love to rant and spite him. I could still feel those blue eyes much like the eyes of others on me but they burned slightly just enough to annoy me.

Then Judge Ian stepped in and said calmly looking down at me with his olive eyes from his chair just above to my left.

" Luna Autumn Miller, if you would. Would you be able to state what had happened in your own words of anyone you have witnessed being killed by the hands of the accused? " I felt strangely not under a lot of pressure by his request. It felt more natural but I still could feel he was serious knowing that the only one mentioned was my own Mom and didn't want to hurt me. That was when I remembered that there were some people he killed before her.

I called my breathing and said looking up at him making it more like answering him rather than looking in front of me.

" Well, before he had killed two other men as far as I know for certain. " he asked when but my idea of time got a little construed being kept locked up so I could only say what I believed since being brought to his pack.

" Well, during my captivity there were two guards that I found to be rogues who were assigned to guard outside my cell. " Mike finally added in asking not trying to sway the conversation

" Were these rogues the men you are referring to being killed? " I looked at him my eyes caught against Alpha Andrews gaze a moment as he was still standing but quickly went back to Mike's before I'd keep too long of a pause

" Yes. " I didn't care if those guys were total scum at least they died and weren't as bad as Alpha Andrews. I was asked to continue to describe what happened.

" The first one to die was a rogue that I had met when he brought me my food when I was stuck in Alpha Andrews room. He was the one guarding outside my cell while the other one I didn't really know since being in that cell. " then Judge Ian asked

" What was the reason for their deaths? How did they occur? " I began to feel uncomfortable since I started to remember what was going on during it. I took a moment before forcing myself to say things in a very textbook way that was composed and not too emotional.

" The one outside the cell died guarding while the other was in the process of taking advantage of me being chained to a wall. He was killed outside the cell before the other guard..." I remembered my sister and Dad were in this room along with the other people I care about.

I held back looking over the room and all of their faces and eventually found Leo's. His eyes were trying to lock with mine. He nodded knowing what I was going to talk about. He nodded trying to hold a supportive smile. I took a breath before saying feeling my confidence in my voice had faded slightly

" ...the other guard attempted to rape me since his boss seemed so hell bent on keeping me a prisoner. But before he could do anything he was...flung off of me when Alpha Andrews opened the door and tore him apart in his wolf form. " I could remember the blood that dripped off of that cold metal cell, the screams of those two men being torn to shreds.

Then Mike's voice cut through asking " What evidence was recorded to verify their deaths and this action did transpire? " I had no clue what I could really use to help bring up that could count as evidence. But just as I was about to say something I was cut off by the voice of Judge Ian

" That won't be necessary since these two deaths were included in detail in the testimony of the defendant. " I felt strangely relieved and suspicious why so much was confirmed within the testimony that Alpha Andrews wrote. What is his angle? Are things supposed to go this easy if the person your speaking to convict has already confessed to everything? All I can do is confirm that his statements are true and not being fabricated. Both Alpha Ian's phone and Leo's were put into evidence for the records of their phone calls that lined up. The calls themselves were recorded evidence as well, including the calls between Alpha Andrews and Leo to identify his underhandedness.

It was understood that the two deaths were put into consideration despite the situation. My eyes tried to look at my Dad and tried to squint to see Summer's. They looked concerned hearing the situation I was put in. I think they both were hoping that was all that was cause adding to what that sexual assault charge was about. I knew it'd be a hard awakening when that charge would come up. I was brought back to reality once I herd Mike was now saying stepping back from the podium and to his seat. Once he sat down so did Alpha Andrews.

" It is the prosecutions turn to the stand. " he said before lifting his head back from the mic

" Yes, Your Honor. " once he sat down our lawyer who I finally got a good view of what his name was. It was Micheal. He walked up to the podium and to the mic. His voice was understandably stoic but very serious as well.

" Miss Miller, you stated that you were with Alpha Andrews on the day of September 11, 2031, correct? " I responded quickly

" Yes. " I wanted to get these question's over with so I can return to my seat too, but a part of me knew this was my opportunity to give my Mom the justice not only she deserves but all of us deserve. Then the Judge Ian looked at Alpha Andrews and said

" Please stand. " he does without hesitation. Then my attention went to Micheal again as he asked not breaking his focus " Will you tell the court what transpired that day of your mother's death. " I knew that after writing my testimony that this was my chance to tell my Dad and my friends the whole story of what transpired. However hard the thought was. I knew that I had to convict her murderer since I could do the most damage.

I took a deep breath after pausing getting ready to tell everyone what had happened that day " Well, after arriving at my childhood home that day, Alpha Andrews and I entered the house about at one fifteen. " I was setting up the mood of that day

" We entered after being greeted by my parents at the door once we were in front of the house. I honestly had a feeling of wanting to be home but wanting to leave right away to not have it be ruined by both our presence. " I felt the silent room made for it to be easy to paint an image with my words. If I knew one thing was that I gave an image if it was silent. The room seemed to be hanging onto every word as eyes do on the words of the page of books.

" Before my parents came to the door Alpha Andrews had made it crystal clear to me the requirements for being brought there. " " He said that I had to keep my mouth shut to what was really going on, and that he'd be doing most of the talking when it came to creating a colorful story to explain our situation... " I took a moment to pause before adding

" He then pained a fake compromise the Alpha Andrews being my second chance mate. That Alpha Leo had told him about me before meeting me. He poured in some truths like the packing merging, but then elaborated the compromise was that with the pack merging it would allow for me to be with both my mates and still take care of my two sons. " " I wished in my mind as I remained silent as he tried to hold me close to his side that that lie was how things went. I believe if that approach was taken then all of this needless suffering and pain could have been solved. " " At least, " I looked at Leo who seemed to ponder how things would have turned out that way as I continued

" at least then I would have been able to try and make sense of the confusion at the very least. " I took a breath trying my hardest to focus on moving forward with what happened.

" Then after a while of sitting in silence trying to keep a fake smile on. I had went to the restroom getting away from Alpha Andrews and my parents, at least long enough to try and maintain my composure. " " Upon leaving the bathroom my Mom, Rebecca Miller, had already read that I wasn't alright and the situation wasn't right. " I took a breath before continuing feeling my Dad's eyes that were interested in what was being said from my point of view.

" She led us to mine and my sister's childhood room to sit me down to talk in private. She had her phone with Alpha Leo's number in it saying that he came by encase I was to come home. They were trying to contact me since being missing. " I felt my wolf was taking a break and relaxing letting me tell what happened. This situation of being so open and honest was harder and more intrusive than how it feels in therapy. I felt myself being stared at by about fifty people at least. My eyes glanced at the clock that was now showing that it was an hour and a quarter since we were able to finish sentencing him for three of his charges. I started to fiddle with my fingers nervously as I started to look back at my hands as I tried to calm my thoughts from thinking about the eyes on me. Then I snapped out of it when I herd Micheal take my silence as a moment to verify with Leo

" I see, so Alpha Leo had contacted your parents without you being aware and apparently neither was Alpha Andrews. Who assumed they were left out of the whole affair as to spare them from the difficult reality of not knowing where their daughter is. " Leo spoke confirming that he had gone to my parents once he filled me as missing. Then Micheal looked back at me and said calmly to encourage me to continue

" You may proceed, Miss Miller. " I felt a little less nervous as I spoke up again sounding a little quieter than before " Well, she wanted to call Alpha Leo once I poured what kind of awful situation I was placed in and how I was taken. I stopped her because as much as I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want for my parents to be threatened by Alpha Andrews like me. She said she wouldn't call and tried to support me with a hug but I made a good move. " " For before we knew it Alpha Andrews was outside the door listening in to see if I would take my only life line that was in my sights as means to escape and expose him for what he has done. "

I took a moment to catch my breath before remembering my Mom and saying feeling myself remember that hug she gave me " I remember that I loved when I finally felt at least a little sense of comfort from her hug. I was finally able to cry after weeks of enduring a lot..." I took a sharp breath

" It wasn't just triggered by my Mom, it was because even I knew how painful it was to be feeling so trapped...that I was keeping myself from even trying to reach out for an escape. The idea alone that I was so miserable and I wasn't even safe in my home anymore was upsetting. " I started to clear my throat to try and quickly make sure I wasn't going to cry in court. My wolf tried to help me recover quickly to regain my composure.

Everyone was silent but it was more of a respectful silence like at the funeral. Once I was better I continued to press forward

" I didn't know until later on that my Mom as we returned to the living room that she had given my Dad a look and had given him a note while they passed each other. My Dad said he was going to get ready to leave for work. " " The whole time my Mom was stalling for time to keep both me and Alpha Andrews there. My Dad had a note that told him to call the number and say the situation to Leo when leaving for work. " I wasn't a fan of the murmurs of the press and jury that made me more self-conscious

" But when we were going to leave early it was going to disrupt the plan in order to get everything into place. So she did the only thing she thought she could do to stall for time while giving me the chance to try and escape. " " So she fired a warning shot so that she could not only give people who hear it to make the reports but also to draw attention. "

After a bit I was asked being handed some papers " Would Miss Miller please be able to read from and regale her testimony of the event of Miss Rebecca Miller's death? " I knew that in my written testimony I went graphic not sparring any details, and I knew that I had to tread lightly since the Press and general public weren't handed out copies of the testimonies so this will be important for my Dad and Summer along with everyone to finally know what happened. I took this also as my chance to start to read allowed what I had written.

" Yes, I'll begin from where I left off if that helps? " I tried to confirm where I should begin before proceeding.

" Following the repeated gun shots I had made it to the car, but then I noticed a horrible sound. The sound that tore through my mind with sputtering and tearing sounds that followed. " I remembered as I read it allowed the thoughts and things going through my mind

" I looked back and next thing I saw was horrible tears that left me realizing everything was slowly sinking in. But, my mind was not on this stillness or the silence. My mind wasn't able to process this or pay attention to it at the time. I didn't even notice that I was slowly willing my legs to make my way away from the car and I didn't pay attention to Alpha Andrews either. "

I took a breath before continuing " I was tired but I knew that I had to put all my breath and energy spent on my Mom. " I was always able to paint a picture for everyone as I continued trying to keep my throat from shuttering or tremble as I went into more painful detail.

" I knelt by her right side, particularly placing myself near her neck and face. The space near my Mom's neck and face....in fact...the whole surrounding area near her body was just painted and flowing with blood. It was warm but thick. " I paused as I saw the next words and was aware of just how thick the smell of blood I remembered. The heaviness that hung over each word felt the the gravity of the atmosphere in room was making my stomach feel wheezy.

It just stick and cling to my legs, my body, my form. This sensation sent shivers up my spine, heightened by the fact that I had no idea what to do to help. I took a deep breath before going to continue

" My hands hovered over her chest and the collarbone area near her neck. Out of breath, I called out loud enough for her to hear me but not to startle her at the same time, " Mom..!"

Her eyes were still closed, and her face lied lifeless away from my gaze. I gasped and my body began to shake at her lack of response. I lifted her head up on my lap trying to get her attention as I felt tears starting to stream softly down my face. It was the first time I had seen someone I knew who I care about who was in such bad condition. " The concept of seeing a someone murdered but those tears when I'd see it would feel cold and almost harsh and hard against my skin. But with my tears for Mom on the other hand, held the same warmth as her hug felt not long that day. They felt kind to me, despite the contrasting heaviness and ache that was forming deep down inside. I wanted the heaviness and ache consume me, as punishment for all that I had caused Mom.

" Despite my weakened state I tried to cover my hands on the feral and deep looking wounds on her chest, I began to feel her blood clinging uncomfortably to my hands, my skin, my body. The warmth held in her blood was not the comforting kind. No, the fire held in her blood was something of pure malice, and truly unkind. " I glanced up from the stand my eyes daring to look to find my Dad's and Summer's eyes.

I only managed to look at my Dad who had this strange glazed over look in his eyes that had softened slightly before they looked at Alpha Andrews. This glazed look surprised me because there was a look that was calm on his face but I understood that I recognized that look. It seemed to perfectly express what I had felt. Pure hatred that was stilling into resentment.

" The blood escaping my..our mother was stealing the life, the light, the warmth, the kindness, and the joy out of this strong woman. She looked so pale and limp. It broke me within to see her in such a state. " My mindset from before was coming back

" It was like her escaping blood was taunting me, mocking me for all that I did to lead to this. The blood kept telling me how selfish I was, how unkind I was, how cruel I was, and above all, how cold I was. " I hadn't given it my all to leave. I just had to see them, I just had to put my feelings first. For that reason, I'm selfish.

" I felt that all those things that the blood said was true. But despite what I thought about myself my Mom still managed to make moans and groaning sounds that made my ears perk and hold onto every word. " " She weakly but harshly choked out a sound. Her voice sounded so clogged, like something was blocking the air and openness of her throat. When she choked out a sound, some blood spurted out of her mouth. "

I could recall her stomach and arms were cut and torn apart as well, but I didn't want to make things seem altered by adrenaline or trauma since that wouldn't help. I took this moment to continue " Though dim and pale like his skin right then, still I could tell there was some sparkle and shine to them. Showing me that she was trying to fight this. Not only that, I was thankful that she was looking my way, showing me that she can see despite how weak her sight may be at that moment. "

" But afterwards she had a weak smile on and told me what I assumed at least made me know she was content with her choices. " " I had started to lose my grip against her chest, not only due to my tears, but also how much blood seemed to flow through the tiny space between my fingers with such force and tension. "

" But when her sky blue eyes began to drift away from mine and she was starting to close her eyes. I panicked, feeling that she closed her eyes again, I might never see that life in her eyes again. She could leave me, and next thing I knew she had. " I felt as I took a moment to stop and take a breath I looked back to see my Dad. My mind tormenting me as to what his reaction must be. When I looked at him he did seem upset but almost...determined? Motivated maybe? But I think his sense of justice is what was driving him to steer ahead.

But I got snapped out of my thoughts when I herd among the murmurs and talking of the press that I herd crying that alarmed me. Almost on instinct I recognized the sobs and looked to the back stands. I saw Liz, Jay and the others had sympathetic looks on like they were trying to be respectful. But it was seeing Zeta Randell who had his arms wrapped around my sister who was crying for I'm not sure how long. It was quiet but I couldn't help but read the truth from my perspective. I guess as hard as it was I knew well enough I had to be truthful despite the pain. I looked at Leo feeling the room getting too uncomfortable that I needed him to look at me to help instill some strength and reassurance in me.

He caught my gaze and I knew he looked really sorry and understood by the look in his eyes that I was going through a rough time right now.

[ Leo P.O.V ] [ Flashback ]

I was just as determined with a similar look in Autumn's father's eyes. When Autumn was missing I remember how it was when I had last seen Rebecca Miller alive. I had rang the doorbell to their house. Autumn's mother had probably was looking forward to seeing her daughter for a visit after a while. She may still hold me responsible for keeping her daughter away for so long.

" Hey, welcome back. " she exclaimed as she swung the front door open to reveal three men instead of the one and her daughter. She cocked her head to the side raising an eyebrow and asked " We were only expecting my daughter, along with you Leo, and one guy whose names I don't know as of yet? " I had brought Changer Luke who was in the pack at my side along with Zeta Randell who had the decency to look sheepish. But before she could say anything we heard her husband laughing from the kitchen getting louder, as he then appeared behind her.

" Of come on now, " he laughed. " Don't worry, you don't spend over thirty years working along werewolves and not pick up a few tips. Besides, if Leo was coming you guys tend to travel in packs right. " he nodded at her and said with a welcoming smile

" Come on, let them in. We mustn't be rude. " then his tone changed dramatically when he finished turning half way to head back towards the kitchen his dark brown eyes still locked starring at me his welcoming smile gone.

" Besides, I want to have serious talk with the man who we've entrusted our oldest daughter to and of which has ceased contacting us for over a week now that she's been reported missing. So, please come in. " I'd lie if I said that the sudden cold and dead seriousness through me off. It was the first time seeing the kind of man and father he really was behind his demeanor.

Changer Luke tried to act flirty and yet matter of fact about being respectful towards the mother of his Luna and complementing on her looks. She gave him an eye roll in return and shrugging his shoulders cheekily. I had told them all I had done and brought up Alpha Andrews. The whole situation made Autumn's father in a whole new light. He had hardly talked but when Rebecca Miller would try and scold me for my recklessness and neglecting to protect their daughter.

As scared and worried they were both not raising their voices yet anger seethed out of their pores. I sat mute at this slim woman who was so protective of her daughter and was completely taken aback by what she would say. I couldn't even argue back, not when I agreed with her harsh criticism when I feel at fault. I was vaguely aware of me taking it and mumbling a " Yes Ma'am " when I could between her fits of anger as she mostly was the one digging into me.

Changer Luke laughed at me slapping his Alpha on my back playfully " Man, it's awesome watching your ass get handed to you. " Her anger was then shifted to him next scolding him relentlessly at his cheeky attitude towards his missing Luna being seen as a joke. By the end of it all he was still now that all his bravado had melted away like a snowman turning into a sludge desperate to keep a shape before turning into a puddle. He looked no longer cocky and had his eyes at his feet in shame at being scolded.

I may be an Alpha that's strong and revered and my greatest soldier and assassin may be by my side but I can't help let them scold me. All I could do was back down and let them put me in whatever place they wanted. We talked and I sincerely wanted to explain that I wasn't staying long because I wasn't going to spend a lot of time when I could be trying to find her.

[ Flashback ends ] [ Leo P.O.V ]

When I herd her testimony of the details I truly felt her pain and could hear it even in her pauses to take a breath that it was more traumatic than I had thought. We had brought up the evidence reported from the autopsy report when preparing Rebecca Miller's body before the funeral. It had documented photos and reported info on the conditions that she was on being transferred from the Blue Moon packs morgue to the Black Sun packs pack morgue.

The pathologist conducted a detailed internal and external examination of the body as well as toxicology tests that were done. It had given the physical evidence what Alpha Andrews had inflicted. It wasn't showing pictures to everyone but reading allowed the details confirming cause of death being blood loss by multiple deep lacerations to the chest and stomach.

Once the evidence was confirmed was when Alpha Ian had had enough info and said before directing towards Autumn in the stand

" Very well, we have enough information to go over. " he turned over to look at Autumn and said calmly " Thank you Miss Miller, you may proceed to the prosecution table. " once she sat up slowly to start moving back towards our table I felt it was a little hard to not to want hold her. I held herd hand and asked in a whisper if she was doing okay.

She was doing alright but Alpha Ian had said that we'd reconvene in a short time to delegate with the jury. In that time I wanted nothing more than to move my hand from her hand to her right cheek and lean my forehead on hers. I kept caressing her cheek and asking if she was okay seeing evidence C and the pictures in the folder. She seemed very quiet for ten minutes and she only said she was fine in a quiet voice. She wasn't okay but I knew who would be being up there and having to go through all this.

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

Once I finally sat down at our table I felt my Dad was being very quiet but had an almost pity and sorrowful look in his eyes as he had a supportive smile for me and rubbed my left shoulder. It was to try and comfort me and the silence told me he didn't know what more he could do to take away from such a horrible moment.

I smiled weakly back getting that was exactly what I was doing back. I felt myself nearly flinch when I felt Leo's hand on my cheek tenderly as he started to caress it. I looked at him and enjoyed his sweet small smile and he asked quietly

" Are you alright? It got..pretty graphic up there. " I knew that was true but I enjoyed it when I felt after answered a little awkwardly " I'm okay...it did get a little hard but it had to be said. " Leo moved his forehead off of mine and started to brush his lips down my face and jaw. It felt soft and when he started to move to my neck and started to nuzzle me. It was comforting and it did help me forget the murmuring sounds and typing of the press and the wait. But then I felt myself trying to push his left shoulder gently to push him away for a moment.

He pulled out of my neck and asked if I was okay but I was just too worried about whether or not we'll have Alpha Andrews accountable for what he had done. The wait for the rest of the time remained the same as I remained anxious. Leo held my hand in his again and I felt my nerves were starting to spike when the jury and everyone came back for the final verdict.

It took a bit before we finally herd the verdict, this time from Alpha Remus. His blood red eyes scanned the room as he slowly stood from his as his wrists were on his knees. He stood up with this vibe of conviction and the news that was to come was what mattered. My eyes were glued to him as my ears were hanging on every sound. I felt my Dad holding my left hand as we braced for all of what is to come. I held his hand back but tightened my hold on Leo's hand the more my smile faded and looked back nervously towards the jury box.

Leo noticed and held my hand tighter for me to look at him to give me a supportive look. Being sited beside two father's giving both support. By the waiting time it took I felt the anticipation of the time making every part of me stand on edge. Then Alpha Remus read the verdict

" We the jury with the evidence along with the testimonies given. We the jury have met with the decision to convict Alpha Andrews of all charges of murder. " " Convicted of being held accountable as the murderer of Rebecca Miller's death. "

The moment those words of his conviction hit my ears it took me a moment to take it in. I felt my breath I had released in relief. I slowly started to breathe in and out starting to feel my face lifting into a smile ever so slightly as I started to feel more excited at finally having a weight lifted from me. I started to look at Dad who had a smile too and seemed to feel the full value of the verdict. I looked at Leo at my right and he had a soft smile at me that it seemed he was happy that at seeing me smiling relieved and feeling happy. I felt Leo moving to give me a sideways hug. I was feeling a rush of feelings coming into waves of relief, disbelief, and a strange feeling I can't quite place.

I felt as the sound in the room was now more alive than ever with murmurs and conversations filling the room. I looked at the press taking pictures like crazy as I made my way to look at back at the seats to look at the others. The guys and the girls were looking down in their seats giving Summer happy graduations as Randell's dark blue eyes were looking down at Summer shaking her shoulders supportively from her side. Luna Abby had announced as she put the account into the records.

" September 28th is today's date, and the day that Rebecca Miller's killer to be found guilty of her murder along with other charges of involuntary manslaughter of the other rogues Richard...and Owada... " When I noticed Summer seemed to be doing okay but I kept on feeling relieved but weary as the charges grew bigger the more I started to remember the last charges still need to be met.

I felt startled when I felt fingers brushing my mark snapping myself back at Leo and I couldn't even think about his worried expression. I just kept hoping and praying for just one more day.

One more day before having to go through the part where I have to testify about charges of sexual assaulting me and sexual harassing me. I can't do all that today...it's too much. But once I herd that we'd reconvene tomorrow for those charges to be met.

I felt relieved on hearing this and I could tell Leo could feel it too. He started to slide his hands to my sides and making me feel more comforted when he tried to pull me closer to him. Once we left the room for the day I felt when the big doors closed was when I wanted everything to be left behind in that room. What small victory we've accomplished today but hoping not having to return so soon to this place.