
A Prince on the Run

Blackpinkkk x malee readerr, because im obssesedd with blackpinkk

Xinne · Music & Bands
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3 Chs


[On a winter day year 2000 of the Corean calendar, the people of Corea are rejoicing because the Queen of Corea is in labor for their first born son]

Kim Lee Hyun, First in line on the throne of Corea.Their are lot's of urban legend's surrounding him when he was born, which is the most popular is that when he was born, Corea experienced it's first ever Meteor Shower, A meteor shower that you can only see in Corea

The people of Corea believe's, it's a good omen and that he is destined for greatness, leading Corea to a New Era of Prospesity.

{Here's your cup of tea Your Highness}

(Hyun PoV)

"Hey Uncle Jin why can't i go out and explore, like other people of my age?" I asked the old looking man standing behind me.

"Your highness you clearly know the reason why... Your are His Majesty only son and only heir to the throne if something happen's to you the nation will go into anarchy". Said by Uncle Jin to Hyun.

"Can't mother and father just have se-" The boy was knocked into the head by old looking man.

"Your Highness! you cant say that in public! or the media will critized me and you know that the people will also critized us from not teaching you well,It's always me being blamed by the masses and media if you did something bad it's just unfair"

"I know that your already 18 but pls Your Highness dont say anything inapproriate in public". Asked Uncle Jin with a pleading tone

"Hayyyy Hayy, I promiseee dont worry about anything Uncle Jin im not gonna break out of my prince demeanor infront of anyone aside from you and Royal Father..... We all know how scary Mother is if she find out that im doing something badddd". The black hair teenage boy shuddered clearly remembering something unpleasant very unpleasant.

"Heyyyy uncle Jinnnnnn, Can i go out again like last year"? I asked Uncle Jin with sparkling eye's...But it clearly didnt work.

"Absolutely not Your Highness i almost got killed by Her Majesty, and i was also got punished by His Majesty...."

"Cheer up Uncle Jin atleast i had fun right? And that's your job right i also pleaded to father and mother to not punish you buttttt they still didd so sorry i gueess"?

"I dont know what to do with you" Uncle said to me

"Love you too Unclee" I said with a heart in my hand

"Hayyst what ever you say im going out, I still have something to do. Plss behave Your Highness im just gonna be gone for a couple of minute's".

BWAHAHAHHAA" This is it my chance to escape, I can do this!" I slightly slap my face to hype me up.


Author-San here, This is just a little side proj and it will be pretty short, I'm just doing this because im obsseeddd with blackpink.