
A priest dangerous Temptation

Whatever ivory blade wants she gets and on the top of her list is CORY MAXIMO. From the moment she saw him, she desired him. what she felt was just a mere lust and as she always does, she's gonna Tame him, use him for her own pleasure then get rid of him when she gets bored. Cory isn't just a regular guy, Aside from the fact that he's an ordained priest, he's a man of integrity faithful to his principles, A hard nut to crack and he isn't just gonna let any woman con him to sin. Not even the female devil called IVORY BLADE.

Faith_Menya_7537 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

"Guys wants girls who are tough. We don't want to worry whether or not we hurt your feelings every fucking damn time. We wants girls who wants a run for our money. It's prestige getting to spend our money on our woman so let guys spend on you. We want..."

"Right... nice opinion" I scoffed and stormed out of the shooting range before he could stop me. It'll be a waste standing there to hear Jericho spill bullshits that won't help anyway.

Finally, after Raking my head of what to do with the priest, an idea niggled at me. A brilliant one at that. As they say, if you wanna get a thief, act like a thief.

Likewise, If you wanna get a man study him and act like what he'll desire. I don't know how that make sense, but right now I'm all clad in pink blue ball gown stopping below my kneels. Black flat heels, no makeover and just on my natural pony tail hair.

"Fuck," from the reflection in the mirror, I see Aiden walking into my room with some files. "What the fish bones are you wearing. Don't tell me you going for some church..!" Aiden spat. Her eyes scanning me head to toe. I giggled and turned to face her.

"I'm trying something new. How do I look."

"Like some nun from the medieval era." Her bluntness got me laughing. At least she told me exactly what I wanted to hear. "Please get rid of these nonsense and let's work on these files..." she had barely finish talking before I cut her off with 'I'm off to somewhere. Take care of it. if you can"

I didn't wait for her to respond before I left. I was all high spirited as I settled in my Porsche. Zooming off in highest speeds, I was soon on the highway and in just few minutes I arrived at my destination—the parish.

Parking my car somewhere at a safe place, I headed towards the main building.

As large as the place was, it was all void of people. It was serene, too serene that it was making me uneasy. If not that I'm here for a sweet purpose, I would be fucking out of this place already. Gezz how do people survive in this boring atmosphere.

After asking about two nuns whom I happen to collide with on the way, I got the direction of the bishop office.

The office though emits a very nice smell but the surroundings made me cringe. Bibles and defferent books piled up on the table, calendar of a woman and son were pasted everywhere. Photo of a crucified man all over the wall with the tag, 'savior'

And then on the swivel chair before me, sat a bared head man groomed in all black.

"The peace of the lord be with you in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit" was the first words he said while drawing invisible cross sign with roseries.

"Thanks" I did a small laugh but I earned a weird stare from him.

Oops! Shoot... I said the wrong thing.

"So what brings you here sister and what's your name?" He asked with a welcoming smile.

Sister? Eww that sound weird.

Anyways let's bite the fucking bullet shall we?

"Well, first of all I'm ivory and I'm here to give my life to Christ" I blunted out.

"Wow trust me you've made the right decision child."

"Right. But you see I'm not really familiar with all these church services, Sunday mass or whatever it's Called. Infact I barely know a thing about Christianity sooo I'll need someone to couch me and that's why I'm here at the parish cause I know I would find one here."

"And you chose right. Don't worry I'll assign one of the deacons to put you in line." He assured with a smile.

"Oh no. I don't know if it's allowed but I'll prefer father Cory instead" I said innocently and the bishop brows rose in bewilderment. "Yeah I've heard So much good things about father Cory and I'll want him to be my couch." It was hard but I tried so much to fake pleading eyes.

The bishop stared at me for a while, then he sighed and dialed a number on the telephone. He told someone on the phone to send father Cory down. I fought the smile trying to make way to my face as I awaited for Cory.

"Father chris you call..." the door opened and Cory walked in talking instantly but his words got stuck when his eyes met mine. His eyes instantly darkened in shock or terror-whatever it was. I could vividly see his heart sank deep in his stomach And his face was literally asking me what the fuck I'm up to?

"So..." the bishop voice hacked into the tense silence. "our sister here is open to give her life to Christ but she needs a Bible tutor." Cory was back to himself and was now facing the bishop.

"So... how do I come in father?" He was technically gritting his teeth, probably trying to stay calm.

"She wants you to couch her"

That was a bombshell for the pretty boy cause he didn't waste time in screaming; "what? But... permission to decline bishop." He said eying me with his corner eye.

"Why if I may ask?" Asked the bishop.

"Because..." he suddenly ran out of words and he closed his eyes so tight as if thinking of the best thing to say. "Because I'm really busy with some very important matters right now."

"I can wait till you are free..." I said, beaming him my million dollar smiles, he looked at me with scorn, so much scorn.

"You can't..." he forced through gritted teeth.

"Oh really??" I slurred, taunting him with my eyes and though he wasn't smart enough to get the message but he did when I turn my smile into a smirk.

He cleared his throat and say to the bishop "fine! I accept the task."