
A priest dangerous Temptation

Whatever ivory blade wants she gets and on the top of her list is CORY MAXIMO. From the moment she saw him, she desired him. what she felt was just a mere lust and as she always does, she's gonna Tame him, use him for her own pleasure then get rid of him when she gets bored. Cory isn't just a regular guy, Aside from the fact that he's an ordained priest, he's a man of integrity faithful to his principles, A hard nut to crack and he isn't just gonna let any woman con him to sin. Not even the female devil called IVORY BLADE.

Faith_Menya_7537 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

All my life, I've never let anything leave rent free in my head. Especially not men.

Ever since I realized that I wouldn't have a chance with the priest. I decided to forget about him but the more I tried, the more his image flashes in her head and the scene of how he'd blatantly rejected me kept repeating.

Thinking about the humiliation got Granade exploding in my head.

I want to get my revenge, I want to make him pay for the humiliation and also satisfy my guilty pleasure—striving after what I want.

But how do I do it? Just how fucking do I get in a priest life?

"Hello Gorgeous.." A masculine voice rang in my head bring me back to present.

The first thing I realized was the glass of scotch in my hands and then I was sitting leg crossed on the chair.

Head spinning round, it dawn on me, I was in a club.

I became conscious of the loud music blasting everywhere.

A pat on my shoulder made me turn to meet some dark skinned guy grinning at me.

'A penny to have a drink with you miss gorgeous?" I didn't say a thing. I scanned him for a second time. For being dark skinned and so unkempt disqualified him from the list of guys I roll with but to worst it, his jelweeries and grooming were all fake and cheap. I can swear all those chains put together aren't worth a ring on my finger.

Breathing same air with him already got me boiling and his hand on my shoulder felt like maggots.

"Get your feity hands off me. You should know your kind when you see one"

"Cmon don't be like that and don't worry about the drinks. Bills on me" he winked and as if digging his own grave, he sat across me.

"Wow I can see you signed a deal with death before you came here. Don't worry I'll help you seal the fucking deal" I spat and earned a frown from him. Bringing a gun from my back pocket, I stood up and pointed it at him.

His face went darkened with shock or rather horror and I felt hundreds of eyes on us Instantly.

"Ivory!!!" A familiar voice suddenly yelled and if not that I rarely get startled I would have pulled a trigger.

Turning around I was met with a shock Jericho. He was holding a bottle and two cup of glasses in his hands. Like me, he was on a long leathered coat and groomed in all black. Right. We've both went on an operation earlier on. Some fuckers stole dad's shipments. While Aiden, did the findings, i and Jericho went to claim our properties and used the fuckers to count more skulls.

It was Jericho idea that we come here to chill after the whole critical but successful operation he had literally persuaded me here against my wish Only for some asshole to come get on my nerves.

The only star that shun in him was that Jericho presence had saved him cause I realized he doesn't worth my expensive bullet. Jericho tried to sort an explaination for the scenario but ignoring him, I left. I exited the club for good.

The club certainly was a bad idea. It has given priest nerves to live in my head. What I needed was something to savagely cheer me up and that was what I did. I settled in the shooting range and was firing bullets at the target board. It was slowly getting fun not until Jericho showed up at the middle of it.

"How did you find me here?" I muffled feeling his presence behind me at the same time shooting.

"You didn't told me what conspired between you and that guy at the club." He was now standing beside me.

Rolling my eyes, sighed "nothing serious. the dick was trying to price what he can never afford in even in a lifetime, I just needed a put him in his place" I say exasperated.

I felt Jericho eyes on me for a while and then he laughed. "Cmon shouldn't you be used to men chasing you around like flies. If you don't, You are just going to keep wasting bullets for rest of your life cause there's this spell you emits that will compel even the saints of all men to surrender to sin." This isn't the first time Jericho is praising me of which

I've always fell for but right now, I suddenly felt the steam of anger boiling within me. I deemed that Jericho and everyone else are bloody liars, I mean if I was all that, how come that priest didn't fall like the rest of the men would.

I even had to made advances but he rebukes me like I was the most loathe some thing on earth.


"Cmon take it easy ivory or you might hurt yourself" Jericho words brought me to realization that I was firing at the target board in most furious force and rage. "Now tell me what's eating you up ivory?"

The question was sudden and got me frowning confused. Slowly I dropped the gun and turned to face him, still frowning.

"Cmon don't give me that look. I know there's something eating you up. You've been dangerously furious lately. You almost screwed up our operation remember? You killed one of Asher's men even before we could get him to spill the informations we wanted and you were going to kill the rest of the men if I hadn't stopped you."

Right! Jericho always know how to weave in evidence to make a fact and the Jericho I'd known since childhood would never stop bugging me till I tell him what he want so with that I sighed and I began.

"Well there's this pri..." fuck shit. I almost dug a pit that'll be used to bury me.

Yeah Jericho may be my best friend like Aiden but I don't deem it right to tell him I'm having hots for a priest.

If for anything, his silly jealous tendency will get him to spill the beans to dad in a flash. "I mean there's this guy I'm actually having the hots for. You know I just want to get a taste of him, enjoy him while we last and move on to the next level but he's fucking playing the hard to get"

"Like hell who's that guy? He must definitely be blind or some dumb guy who don't know a diva when they see one. You shouldn't even be having eyes for such guys." He turns round so we be facing each other now.

"Guys aren't worth your chase ivory not when there are a lot of it ready to worship in your temple. Like me for example" he winked playfully but seriously he dares try to turn this into a joke?

Right. Hissing in annoyance I made to walk out on him but he held my wrist from behind to stop him. Realizing he'd vexed me he apologized.

"For sake of friendship I'll tell you stuffs we guys love in a girl. Maybe you can use those qualities to tame him." My ear perked up desperately as Jericho decided to make meaningful opinions. Maybe it could help so I thought until realization dawned on me that Cory is a priest and his likeness would be polar opposite of a mafia's guy's likeness.

But whatever let's hear what Jericho have to say.