
A Powerfull Assassin on Parallel World become Demon Lord?!

Ryuga Kiyotaka is an ordinary boy that you can find anywhere. But he has a big secret that he hides from anyone. Ryuga works as Professional Hitman or Assassin. He doing that to continue Kiyotaka's Family tradition and to repay their kindness. He is an Orphan, but he has a lot of talents to make him recruited as an Assassin. He never failed to do his mission and have a 100% success ratio. On a certain day, he was teleported into a Parallel World after he finished his mission by a wicked Goddess to become Demon Lord!! This is story about the adventure of the Strongest Hitman with powerful gadgets to find a way to return on Earth.

Shameless_Author · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Girl's Talk

Amanda, Aoi, and Jennifer return to their estate. Their bodies were aching because of they prone for two hours. The ground was hard, dirty and quite hot. Not to mention, their breasts were the obstacles for doing that.

"Ughh...My back was stiff.", Jennifer groaning and massage her back with her right hand.

"Same to me...Laying on the ground was a very bad idea." , Amanda was suffering the same with Jennifer.

"My chest feels numb and uncomfortable...", Aoi also voice her complaint. But Amanda and Jennifer gazing at Aoi's chest.

Her size was bigger than them, maybe E-cup. Amanda was the smallest with C-cup and Jennifer was D-cup. Those lumps of fats made them slightly jealous of Aoi.

"I see, those chests were so big huh...", Amanda eyes filled with envy.

"Not to mention, Aoi-chan can beat the enemy with those lumps of fat huh...I can remember how many men has fallen into your chest's temptation...", Jennifer cursing Aoi's chest.

"Ehhh, I don't mean like that!!!!", Aoi blushed slightly and averted her face.

They arrived in front of their estate but the atmosphere was very awkward. Aoi cleared her throat and speak to her best friends.

"Let's clean ourselves first, after that we can ask the maid to message our body."

"I see...you want to show off about your boobs huh?"

"Aoi-chan do you want to mock us?"

"Please listen to me!!! I just want to take a bath because my body was dirty!!! Please don't interpret my word in negative ways!!!!"

They were exhausted, so Amanda and Jennifer probably can't think clearly like usual. Aoi knows that too because she also feels the same, but she needs to correct their misunderstanding.

One maid stepped forward to open the door for the girls. Then Aoi, Amanda, and Jennifer stepped into their estate followed by their servant behind them.

The sight of the spacious living room area brightly illuminated by magic tools. There were 4 sofas with a fancy round-table in the center. At the end of the Living room, there were 2 stairs on the right and left side that led to the second floor.

"Please wait for a moment Lady Aoi, Lady Amanda, Lady Jennifer, we need to prepare your bath. Please have a seat on the sofas and I will bring simple snacks for you.", one maid said, then went into the kitchen with two other maids and prepared several drinks and snacks. Several servants also begin to prepare the bath and cooking the dinner.

"Please enjoy the snack my Lady.", two maids handed them three metal filled with iced tea.

"Thank you very much.", the girls gratefully accepted the drinks. They had been staying outside for a whole day under the sun. They got severe dehydration and most importantly they don't eat any food the whole time.

They were Heroes but they still exhausted, so how about normal people?

They look at their servant and ask them to enjoy the snack together with them. They feel guilty because the servants still serving them even though their body was weaker than them.

"T-Thank you very much, my Lady!!! You are so kind and we are so glad to have good master like you.", one maid looks excited when their master was concerned about them.

"...Hey lower your voice geez.", the other maid scolding her friend with an exasperated look.

"It's fine. You always fulfill your duty perfectly and we almost never noticed your body's condition. We as Heroes were exhausted, so the normal person will be more exhausted than us.", the girls said with a smile and enjoy the snack together.

"I am sorry for my friend that showing bad manners to you my Lady."

"Don't worry, after you prepare everything, you can relax your body. Think this day as a day off."

"Thank you my Lady.", both of them bowing their heads to the girls and left the living room.

After everyone replenished themselves and took a breather, Aoi decided to talk about the strange event before.

"What do you think about this?"

Amanda and Jennifer looking at each other, before giving their opinions.

"I don't know anything about that because I can't see it clearly.", Jennifer telling her opinion first.

"I can see that were countless magic circles with three elements. Moreover, the magic was powerful too. The one who uses that magic was very strong.", Aoi agreed with Amanda's opinion but there were few doubts insider her heart.

"Then who are they? I was sure they weren't Hero because If such powerful Hero exists, we never dragged into this world."

If there was a strong Hero that can use countless magic at once with some elements, he undoubtedly can beat any Demon Lord easily.

"I agree with Aoi-chan, but other than Hero, who else can use such power?"

"Could it be a Legendary Monster like Dragon?"

"I already read various books about this country's history. I never found about Dragon's existence in those books. The dragon lives secluded and avoids the other races"

"Could it be Demon Lord?!!"

"There was a high possibility of the culprit was Demon Lord. They can use strong magic and they were hostile to humans. They probably want to show off their power and make us afraid."

The three of them unconsciously think about Ryuga. He claimed to be the youngest Demon Lord.

"Actually, when we encountered with Ryuga, I remembered seeing Ryuga fly into the same direction with the magic circles." , Aoi tells the truth to her friend to see their reaction.

"If the youngest Demon Lord already that strong, I wonder how powerful the oldest Demon Lord...Hahaha, I feel my life was worthless in the instant..."

"Maybe they can kill the Hero with just snapping their fingers...No wonder there were so many Heroes in this world..."

Her friend's eyes look like a dead fish. Their future looks so bleak and they don't sure when they will able to return to Earth. Aoi feels guilty because her words causing her friend so depressed. Luckily the savior comes to break the sorrow feeling.

"My Lady, your bath is ready.", the maids giving their report and thanks to them, Amanda and Jennifer can recover from the shock.

The maids leading them to the bathroom. The bath resembled the design of a hot spring. The girls already decided this concept of hot spring because they love to hear Aoi's story about hot spring.

They arrived in the changing room. The room was spacious but the bathroom was even more so, over half of the room was occupied by a washing space made of tiled stone, while the remaining area was utilized by a splendid stone bathtub that could easily fit several adults in the same time.

Magic taps that constantly supplied freshwater were set along the stone surface. Thank to the magic tools in the middle of the stone bath, other than regular maintenance, there was no need to change the water or frequently clean the space. The water in the stone bath was clear and white steams were dancing off its surface.

There are four types of soap in the containers in the bathroom. Red bottle for shampoo, blue bottle for conditioner, green bottle for body wash and orange bottle for face wash. In the changing room, there were two items like clean towels and bathrobe.

The girls sinking their bodies into the water of the stone bath, looking up at the ceiling in a daze. They thought back on the various event that happens lately.

So many surprising things happened. They meet with [Human] but he said that he was Demon Lord. His race was completely different from the Demon inside their imagination.

Not only that, he even claimed that he was from Earth too. He can speak Japanese and Aoi can understand them. His power was very strong and even 4 Heroes can't manage to hurt him.

Was he saying the truth?

If that the truth, so how about the Hero?

Why did they need to fight with fellow Earthlings?

What was the reason for them in this world?

A lot of questions come to their minds and that made the bath filled with sadness.

"Amanda-chan, Jennifer-chan, I want to confess something to you. When you lost consciousness after fighting with Ryuga, he told me something."

"That man?"

"Was he mocking us?"

"No, he said that he will find the way to return on Earth and tells us to avoid fighting with Demon Lord. Instead, we need to cooperate with the other Heroes to find the way to return. I know you were happy to live in this world, but you were experiencing the fear when fighting with Ryuga wasn't it?"

Indeed, Inside their hearts, they were still afraid for Death.No matter what the temptation, they won't able to enjoy that if they were dead. Aoi feels a little grateful for Ryuga because he makes her friends experience the fear. They need to remember how dangerous was this world.

"He will find the way on the Demon Race, while we find on the Human Race. He also said that he was summoned by the same Goddess who summoning us, the Hero. He said there were a lot of Earthlings and some of them were Demon Lord like him."

"But Aoi-chan, you can't trust him you know..."

"Amanda was right, he was attacking us until we almost die."

"Indeed he was very rude, but what I concern was his message. He wants to return to Earth and I think we are on the same boat as him. I can't imagine that he will get the advantage of deceiving us. He just tells us, the fellow Earthlings to work together in order to return."

"I quite agree with you Aoi-chan, but somehow I feel I can't trust him..."

"Me too."

"I don't ask you to trust him, but we can try to follow his message. Who know that we can return faster than we expected."

"Yeah, maybe we can find the truth soon."

"I agree with Amanda, we need to find the truth before following his plan."

"Thank you very much Amanda-chan, Jennifer-chan."

"No problem, in fact, I was glad that you telling the truth without hiding anything from us, Aoi-chan."

"But why he only talking to you Aoi-chan?"


Aoi knows this question will come but she still unable to choose the best word to avoid misunderstanding.

"He says that because I was healer, so he spares me to let me heal you. But in the end, I was unable to heal everyone."

"That because he was so harsh and merciless!!!"

"He said that we are fellow Earthlings but he shows no mercy and even makes Ryuji's still unconscious until now."

"I agree with you."

"He at least can treat us, the girls, gently but yet I was slammed into the ground!!!, Amanda still holding the grudge to Ryuga.

"I also get a roundhouse kick in my stomach...I can even feel my body was broken at the moment before I lost consciousness.", Jennifer holding her stomach and somehow she can clearly feel the pain.

"I also received the same kick from him. He was truly a monster...!!" , Even Aoi was angry with him.

Ryuga was holding back because they were girls. He doesn't use his Nano-sword and makes wounds into their bodies. Because for the girl, their appearance was important. But even he tells them, they probably snapped and tried to attack him.

"Come to think of it, his face was quite handsome right?" , Amanda said that and asking for her friend's opinion.

"I agree with you, but his personality was terrible.", Jennifer tells her opinion too.

"You...are not wrong." There was a slight pause when Aoi answer them, and Amanda doesn't miss that. Aoi denied it reflexively out of exasperation, but memories of Ryuga's facial features resurfaced in her mind, making her respond in a perplexing way.

"Areee, could it be you have feeling about him, Aoi-chan?"

"Ehhh seriously?!!"

"No, no that wasn't the case!!! I just feel respect for him. His eyes full with determination and I could tell he was quite a straightforward person. I just glad that I found someone who really wants to return to Earth. I don't know how serious him, but at least I respect him for now."

"I see..."

"But try to avoid him in the future Aoi-chan. We are different from him and If someone knows that we are listening to the word of Demon Lord, we will be branded as heretics."

"Yeah, I will remember your advice Jennifer-chan."

Thank to Ryuga, the atmosphere on the bath was turn into good ones. After taking a bath, they were having dinner and continue the girl's talks until midnight. But the girls spent their time longer than usual. They talking about their past, their school life, family and many topics. This was the first time they talked together. Usually, they don't have time to do this stuff, because they were busy thinking about the city and Hero stuff.

After finishing their talks, the girls then headed to their respective rooms. Their rooms were located on the third floor. After saying 'Good night' to her friends, Aoi enters her room.

She found the magic lamp inside her room already switched off. That because

the servant not cleaning her room due to the earthquake so they won't be using a magic lamp. She changing into a nightgown and dived into the bed. She turns her body around and her right hand touches something.

'Ah, maybe that was the pillow.'

Her body was very tired and she doesn't bother to check it. She even hugging the "pillow" as she was drowning into a deep slumber.

She doesn't know that Ryuga was sleeping in the same bed with her and by the time she realized that, she will be in trouble.

Hmm...still no review or comment (T_T)

I hope my reader can give me their opinion though...

Enjoy New Chapter~

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