
A Powerfull Assassin on Parallel World become Demon Lord?!

Ryuga Kiyotaka is an ordinary boy that you can find anywhere. But he has a big secret that he hides from anyone. Ryuga works as Professional Hitman or Assassin. He doing that to continue Kiyotaka's Family tradition and to repay their kindness. He is an Orphan, but he has a lot of talents to make him recruited as an Assassin. He never failed to do his mission and have a 100% success ratio. On a certain day, he was teleported into a Parallel World after he finished his mission by a wicked Goddess to become Demon Lord!! This is story about the adventure of the Strongest Hitman with powerful gadgets to find a way to return on Earth.

Shameless_Author · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs


The Author Note: I use Big City's name to make you easier to imagine the world.


The trading city of Orleans was a city created by logging the trees in the forest. It was located in the southwest of Paris, the capital of France Country. It was only half a month ago that Ryuji and the girls move into this city. They get accommodation because they were the Heroes of France.

They don't know how many Heroes in this country, but they were treated like VIP. Not only they are given a luxurious Estate, but they also get monthly allowance by the Country. Thanks to Goddess, they somehow able to understand the language of this world and communicate easily with anyone.

But they know about this world was similar to the Earth. This town's and country's name was the same as the real place on Earth. Of course, the building, technology, and general structure were different from the Modern Earth, but at least they know they were on "France".

Yesterday, they were encountered with a strong opponent, namely Demon Lord. They were defeated easily by a single person without giving him any wounds.

Luckily, they able to escape from the jaw of death because the Adventurers find them and bring them to Alicia's Temple to healing their wounds. But Ryuji wasn't lucky enough because his wound was very serious and until now he still regains his consciousness. Ryuji still on the Temple to get better treatments. The girls already can walk on their own even though their foot still shaking a bit.

Yesterday, the festival was postponed because of a killing accident by Ryuga. The citizen was still fear of the existence of the Demon Lord. The people who witnessed the disappearance of innocent girls because of Demon's Lord attack were still staying inside their house and afraid to come out. That event made a deep trauma inside their hearts.

Not to mention, The Heroes party was almost killed too when they chase the Demon Lord. This deepening the trauma on the city's residents. That's why the festival was postponed.

Today, Alicia's Temple will hold the festival because they can't postpone this for a long time. The Heroes already recovered from their injury (except for Ryuji) and the Demon Lord was gone, so they don't have any problems anymore. The Festival will be held for three days by the Goddess Alicia's temple.

Amanda, Aoi, and Jennifer were strolling in the city. They enjoying the festival and announce the Heroes already recovered enough. They need to erase the trauma and fear among the resident about the Demon Lord.

They were officially announced as Heroes by the King and Orleans was their second home. They always fighting the monsters that always come to the city. They also developing agriculture based on their memories back on Earth. They protecting and developing the town and their figure was loved by the people here.

There were rows of various street stalls cramped together like a marketplace. They sell various foods and items related to Goddess Alicia. The flower, Goddess Alicia's wooden figurine, the Heroes wooden figurine were the most popular items.

The girls were slightly embarrassed because they never imagine that someone will use their faces to make figurines. But that showing how deep the people loving them, so they just accept reality.

Lured by mouth-watering smell, the girls let their feet carry them forward They came to a stop in front of a stall selling grilled beef skewers. There was no other customer at the moment so they stepped forward.

"Sir please give me three skewers please."

"Me too."

"I want extra spicy."

The skewer stall owner opened his eyes because he got unexpected customers.


The girls look troubled by this treatment and speak casually to him.

"Ummm, could you please just act normally?

"Amanda was right, we are in the middle of the festival. Our status was the same as you."

"You can just think of us as normal customers."

They speak their concern to the stall owner, but their voices don't reach him. The girls then decided to leave the stall.

"Waiiiiiiittttttttttttttt....!!!!" , The stall owner was snapped back to his sense when the Heroes want to leave.

"I just feel very lucky because you are making this city better than before. At first, this city was small and poor, but when you come here as the Heroes, a lot of people flocking to this city. The merchant, traveler, adventurers or just curious people come to see you."

He continued his speech while the girls slightly embarrassed because he said that with serious expression and sincerity.

"Now the city becomes bigger and almost revealing the Capital. Every day the city was lively and bustling with people. Your knowledge of agriculture make the farmer get more money because of their crops were more profitable than before. The new food, Pasta was very popular too. My brother already learns the recipes and open the stalls for selling pasta and helping our family's economy. It was thank you, Heroes."

When Ryuji's party come into this city, they had a cause of the agricultural revolution. At first, they were doubted because their appearance was not as a farmer. But there were few merchants that giving their testimony of several cities that use the same method as Heroes' recommendation. They were successful and proven to be profitable and they somehow can convince the farmer to follow their plan.

"You also don't act arrogantly when dealing with commoners like us either. You treat everyone equally and always monitor the city. I can't say how much my debts to you Heroes.", he bows his head to the girls.

His speech made the other people come to stop and gazing at the girls with compassion. The nearby onlookers realized the Heroes was standing in front of them and bowing their heads to convey their gratitude.

The girls were very embarrassed because they never experienced this. When they come into this city for the first time, they received countless gazes similar to when they were looking rare animals. For the city residents, they were just "Special".

They were treated like VIP because they were supported by the country. The people simply respected them because of their status, not their "Achievement".

"Thank you, Hero, more guests come to stay at my inn."

"Thank you, Hero, because of you killing the monsters near the city, we able to harvest without worrying about a monster destroying our corps."

"Thank you, Hero, for saving my mother. That time I can gather herbal plants because no monster lurking outside the city."

Their heart was filled with happiness because they can make a lot of people smiling and live happily. Thanks to that, they never get the skewers because they spend their time to listen to a lot of praise from the people.

But in the middle of the festival, suddenly they feel several earthquakes. The girls immediately evacuated the citizen outside the city to avoid buried under the building. The earthquakes were quite weak, but the duration was very long.

The interval between the earthquakes was several second and they never stopped. That makes the festival postponed once again because the citizen focused on their survival.

Jennifer was trying to warn the people who stay inside their house to evacuate. She also headed to the Temple to evacuate Ryuji.

Amanda was busy using her [Detection] to check the surrounding. She tried to find out what the cause of the abnormal Earthquakes. Meanwhile, Aoi was trying to turning the fear and panicked people with her word.

"Don't panic...We need to stay calm and protect each other. Watch out the surroundings and the ground. The tremors were weak so they probably harmless, but the problem was the duration.IF you injured, I can heal you because we are your Her-..."

Before Aoi can finish her word, from far away, she saw something like "Aurora" from far away. Red, blue, green colors were mixed together in the sky and create a spectacular sight. But Aoi senses something dangerous about this aurora but she can't see clearly because of the distance was so far.

"Amanda-chan, what was that in the sky? , Aoi asks Amanda for confirmation. Amanda's class was Scout so her vision was better than anyone else at the party.

"Huh...why you disturb me Aoi-chan?", Amanda was slightly angry because her concentration was disturbed.

"Look at that!!", Aoi uses her finger to points the location of "Aurora"

"Wait a minute...hmm...that...that...that...", but after looking at the Aurora, Amanda unable to continue her word.

"What do you see Amanda-chan???", Aoi shaking Amanda's body back and forth.

"That were Magic circles with three basic elements. There were countless of them in the sky!!!"

"What?!!", Aoi was shocked when she heard the truth. She only can see the colorful sky and several dots falling from the sky.

People who can use three elements of magic were very rare, not to mention there were countless magic circles, IF that persons exist, they undoubtedly were a monster like Demon Lord or Legendary Monster.

"I can see several meteors falling from Red Magic Circle, Ice spike from Blue Magic Circle and Wind Gale from Green Magic Circle. The cause of the Earthquakes because of the impact of them!!!"

People who listen to their conversation begin to panic. There are a lot of people who lost consciousness because of fear. Aoi's effort was fruitless as the crowd turns into chaos.

Jennifer who arrived was confused with the situation, but she immediately helps Amanda and Aoi to calm the people.

'That magic circle was far away and yet we can feel the tremors because of them. Just how powerful that attack?!!'

Aoi screaming inside, while always watching the spectacle of "Disaster". She couldn't help but remember a certain boy who beats them yesterday. He flies in the same direction with the Aurora, so he probably knows something about this...

His message, His different attitudes as Demon Lord and his will were real. Aoi always meets a lot of people who using facades to get closer to her, so she can know IF Ryuga was lying to her or not.

His eyes showing determination and never wavering when he talks to them. That why Aoi wants to Ryuga find the way to return to Earth, so she can follow him. This world was beautiful and the people were very kind, but this place wasn't suited to her.

Always fighting and killing, make her sense of Humanity become duller. She was afraid that someday she would become heartless. She also has parents who always care about her. She can't let them worry about her.

The earthquakes last until the evening. The girls were so exhausted because they running around to calm the people. The citizen afraid that magic will destroy their city but thanks to Aoi, they managed to calm down. She said 'The magic won't come here, my friend already confirmed that magics never move from their place so rest assured.'

Suddenly pillar of barriers raised to the sky. They can see the barrier because the mist was trapped inside the barrier. Their jaws were hanging open in shock because of this phenomenon.

"What's happen Amanda-chan?"

"I can't see through the mist, but that barrier was very strong. Not to mention that barrier also reaching the sky. Whoever uses that barrier must be very strong."

"What was exactly happen huh..."

The girls were very curious but IF they follow their desire, they will be dead for sure. The magic scale was very large and the area probably destroyed entirely. Just imagining the battlefield makes them shudder in fear. They still remember the pains from Ryuga's attack yesterday, so they won't take any risks without considering their life.

"Hey looks!!! The mist was dissipated!!"

"Yeah, I can see that."

"Could it be the battle was over?"

The mist started to dissipate, but the battle reaching the climax. A Giant magic circle appears in the sky. The size was very very large that even normal people can see it from distance.


"This was dangerous!!!!"

All the people who witnessed the event were trembling in terror. Citizen, merchant, adventurers, nobles, Hero, Prince and even the King was no exception. They begin to pray for their life to Goddess Alicia, but sadly they didn't know that Alicia was dead.

In the evening, when the sunrise, there was a Giant Bright Ray come into the Barrier. The light was stand out very much like a Pillar Of Light in the middle of Darkness.

With a loud bang sound from the distance, the ground was shaking furiously that make all people fall on the ground.

"What the hell is that?!!!"

"Kuh...I feel that was Goddess wrath!!"

"Then it means the light destroying Demon Lord?!!!"

"Yeah, maybe Goddess Alicia killing the Demon Lord who attacks Heroes!!!"

"Thank you, Goddess Alicia!!"

The people misunderstood the event as Goddess Grace for saving Human Race. But Aoi knows that Ryuga was related to this phenomenon.

When the earthquake subsided, no other magic circles appear on the sky, the barrier also vanishes along with the Pillar of Light. The battle probably over and the girls begin to move the people inside the city. But another strong earthquake happens and makes them stumbled once again.

'Hey!!!! No magic circles, no Giant light, and everything were normal yet why this happens?!!!!'

The girls complaint simultaneously inside their hearts. But Aoi notices there was a bright flash from the place of Aurora before the earthquake.

"Just what was exactly happen?", she muttered under her breath and no one listens to her voice.

Thanks to the repeated Earthquake, the people were forced to laying on the ground until two hours because they were afraid of another earthquake. In the night, the people were able to move inside the city after feeling safe

The festival was canceled, their minds were exhausted, their bodies were tired and their hearts were filled by anxiety. The merchant and stall owner doesn't bother to close their store and choose to head home to rest their body.

Not only people from Orleans that experience this, but the neighboring country also witness this phenomenon. The festival also postponed for a while.

This drastic change was caused by a single Human and a Legendary Dragon. Ryuga already ruined Alicia's festival twice in Orleans and even make the festival postponed in various places. But he doesn't aware yet about his action will attract more problems than he imagines...

New Chapter~

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