
A Powerfull Assassin on Parallel World become Demon Lord?!

Ryuga Kiyotaka is an ordinary boy that you can find anywhere. But he has a big secret that he hides from anyone. Ryuga works as Professional Hitman or Assassin. He doing that to continue Kiyotaka's Family tradition and to repay their kindness. He is an Orphan, but he has a lot of talents to make him recruited as an Assassin. He never failed to do his mission and have a 100% success ratio. On a certain day, he was teleported into a Parallel World after he finished his mission by a wicked Goddess to become Demon Lord!! This is story about the adventure of the Strongest Hitman with powerful gadgets to find a way to return on Earth.

Shameless_Author · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Arcadia's Memories

Meanwhile, Ryuga sleeping in leisurely on the Hero's estate, Arcadia was sleeping in the middle of the wasteland. Her body was covered in blood. All of her wounds caused by a Human.

"Am I so weak now?"

She shrinks her body to minimize blood loss. Right now her body only 10 meters in length but her wound still painful.

"That human isn't arrogant like the previous Hero."

In the past, Arcadia meets with a lot of Heroes. They demand her to become their mount. Of course, Arcadia won't accept weaklings as her knight.

That's right, Arcadia was actually a female Dragon. Pureblood Dragon can transform into humans perfectly without dragon horn, tail and wings. The Normal Dragon can transform like a Human, but their traits (Horn, Wing, Tails) will appear randomly. Arcadia rarely using her Human version because that was related to her past. She never shows her Human-version to anyone except Dragon Race who lived at Dragon Nest.

Deep within the Amazon Forest was a place of Dragon Nest. There are several hundreds of dragons here with various colors and power. The color of the Dragon represents their attributes.

Dragon Race is the strongest race in Laverio and that was precisely why Dragon had strived to be nobler than anyone else. Dragon is a race with Pride and Dignity. They never bow their heads to weaklings. If they found arrogant foes, they will destroy them with their overwhelming power.

Red Dragon can use Fire element.

Blue Dragon can use Water element.

Green Dragon can use Wind element.

Brown Dragon can use Earth element.

That was their basic attribute but Dragon can learn magic faster than the Human race. There are a lot of Dragons that can use two elements at once. When they can mastering two elements, they will be ranked as adult Dragon. The Dragon who can use three elements is considered as Dragon Warrior.

When they mastering new elements, there will be another color on their bodies based on their elements. For example, Red Dragon already mastering the Water elements, there will be several blue stripes on their bodies.

There are also several unique colors like White, Yellow, Purple, Golden and Black.

White Dragon has a unique trait because they have a Healing ability. They can recover their wounds or healing other Dragon.

Yellow Dragon has Lightning Element. They can make Lightning from their mana to attack and defend themselves.

Purple Dragon has Poison Element. They can release a deadly poison as a weapon from their mouths.

Golden Dragon is a very rare dragon because it can learn any elements easily. They are usually become a Dragon Emperor because of their power.

Black Dragon is taboos for Dragon Race. Black Dragon always connected with Disaster or Calamity because they can't control their power. They can attack fellow dragons when they go berserk.

Arcadia was a black dragon and she was discriminated by her family even though her vein flowed by Royal blood. She never leaves Dragon Palace because she was afraid to be insulted by another dragon. Arcadia's transformation is normal even she was Black Dragon. She has beautiful silver hair and adorable blue eyes. Her face was also lovely like a Princess.

The only one who listens to her was her Mother, Lunaria.

"Mom...Why I am different from my siblings?", The five years old Humanoid Dragon girl, Arcadia, looked up to see an adult Humanoid Dragon Woman come into Arcadia's room. Her mother has silver hair like Arcadia and gentle eyes that emitted deep compassion.

When her mother comes into her room, Arcadia immediately leaped into her Mom's arm. Lunaria catches her daughter gently and patting her heads. Lunaria caressing Arcadia's hair and lead her into the bed.

With tear still in her eyes, Arcadia following her Mom and sit on the bed like an obedient child. Once Arcadia calmed down a little, Lunaria asked what was her problem.

Arcadia sniffled and looked up at her mother. Instead of an answer, she replied with another question.

"Mom...Am...I...A Monster?"


It was rare for a girl so young to think about such horrible things, but Lunaria knew about her daughter's problem. She was born with jet black scales and received harsh treatments from her siblings.

Arcadia's color wasn't the only thing special about her. She was very genius and clever because she can be mastering four basic elements from young ages. Furthermore, she was able to learn special elements like Lightning and Poison. She only tells her mother about her ability.

Even his siblings still in the middle of learning two elements, so her growth was very incredible. Not to mention, the ability to learn any elements was similar to the Golden Dragon.

This is why Lunaria never lets Arcadia leave the Palace. She also forbids Arcadia to tell anyone about her power. Her mother had done her best to try and raise her inside the Palace. Lunaria always reading Dragon tales about the "Outside" to Arcadia.

Lunaria was opposed by everyone inside the Dragon Palace because she still siding with Arcadia. But she can't let her daughter suffering from this discrimination. She wants Arcadia to enjoy her life. Without any support from her family, Arcadia raised as an innocent girl and lived inside her imagination because she never set her foot outside the Palace.

If anyone discovering Arcadia's power, even just among the Royal Family, she would surely be executed. Her power is so tremendous but because of her Black scales, the other Dragons will afraid that Arcadia will lose control of her power and destroy the Dragon Nest.

No matter how many stories that Arcadia heard from Lunaria, there was no way a curious young child would be satisfied living in the confines of Dragon Palace. It was only natural for her to want to explore the outside world.

"Mom, will I spend my life inside this place forever?"

"Arcadia...I can't give you the best answer now...Because of your power...I afraid that I can't even convince your Father."

Arcadia hung her head and crying over her misfortune. Lunaria arm covering her daughter with gentle embraces and crying too.

Though of course, Arcadia must have been quite shocked when she hearing the insults from her family because of her color. She'd already know that she was different from the rest of her family, no, she was different from the entire Dragon race. She'd avoided thinking about it as much as possible, but it was hard when she heard her family talking about it.

She was always alone. She never eats together with her family because they will drive her out. She never talked with her family too because they treat Arcadia as she never exists in the first place.

'Maybe I am really something different.'

'Maybe I am really some kind of freak that always brings disaster.'

Fresh tears welled up in the corner of Arcadia's eyes and she sniffled. Lunaria able to understand Arcadia's problem but she was hopeless against Fate. The daughter and her mom embracing together while their cries were echoed inside the room.

"Arcadia, do you think you are a monster?"

"Huuuhh? Am I not a monster?"

Arcadia couldn't understand why her mother was asking this.

'Does her mom think I'm a monster too?'

Lunaria gently cupped her daughter's cheek and looked gently into her eyes. Lunaria begins to choose her word wisely because if she made a single mistake, Arcadia will become a different person. Lunaria was the only "Light" in Arcadia's life.

"You are discriminated because you're different. But that doesn't change the fact you are Dragon Race the same as me. In your veins flowed my blood too. Your face was very beautiful and your hair is the same as me. Where was the difference?"

Lunaria gently caressing Arcadia's hair and continue her word.

"The difference was your color only, but you still yourself. Don't be afraid and face your weakness. You need to fight back and don't let your power take your body. You need to control your emotions. Remember me that always be your side Arcadia..."

Lunaria kissing her daughter's forehead and gently looked into Arcadia's eyes. Her eyes filled with determination and love.

"I am happy to have a wonderful daughter like you. I wish that I can take your burden and let you enjoy your life. I want to see you flying in the sky in the future. That was my wish..."

Lunaria gives Arcadia a purpose for her life. She hopes that Arcadia can focus on her life and never succumb to Darkness.


Lunaria hugged her daughter fiercely, trying to convey the depth of her happiness and pride.

"Arcadia, It doesn't matter if someone insults you, in the end, they were just words. Only you can decide what kind of person that you want to become. While you are different, you can become anything your heart desires..."


Arcadia could see from up close just how much her mother loved her. After giving her small advice, Lunaria asks Arcadia to sleep. She sings a lullaby to drive away the nightmares from haunting her daughter.

That night, Arcadia was meet with Goddess. She promised to help Arcadia about her color but she needs to leave Dragon Nest. Arcadia leaves Dragon best since young ages without telling anyone included her mother.

She continues her journey by following the Goddess instruction and get a Legendary Golden Armor. That armor changes her scale into Golden but that only temporary as long as she wears that armor. When she transformed into a Human version, she will wear that Golden Armor for her entire life.

Arcadia immediately returns to Dragon Nest and everyone shocked by her new appearance. At first, she received a lot of praise from fellows Dragon. She starts to bragging her Golden Scale to her family.

She unconsciously mocking her sibling when she teaches them because her power was stronger. But slowly a sense of guilt lurking inside her heart. She deceives anyone included her mother. Her mother also slowly begin distance herself from her. Lunaria was disappointed by Arcadia's behavior.

In the end, Arcadia gets anything she wants like recognition from her family and everyone praises her talents but she LOST something precious to her.

Her mother...

She treats her coldly and never comes to her room. She never imagines her mother that always support Arcadia was avoiding her.

'Am I Wrong?'

Their relationship was crumbled and that make Arcadia confused. She realizes that she only running away from reality. She never accepts the fact that she was different. She chooses to deceive her family and make her mother sad.

Arcadia decided to leave Dragon Nest to find the true meaning of her life. But before she even says goodbye to her mother, she was summoned by Ryuga. That why she was very angry with him...

"That brat able to defeat me even when I using Legendary Armor."

Arcadia was sure that the boy wasn't a simple Human.

Maybe he was Hero?

But he never introduced himself as Hero...that was because Arcadia attacking him and don't let him speak his reason for summoning her.

His hair and eyes were black like most of the Hero. Furthermore, he was a human so there a high chance that he was Hero.

"He promised to come here tomorrow...He also let me do anything to him isn't it?

'Maybe I can stomp his body to make him know how was the pain that she feeling right now.'

'Or I can force him to become my slaves. He was very strong and I think he suitable to become my slaves.'

Ryuga clearly promises to let her do anything to him tomorrow, but that doesn't mean he lets Arcadia attack him.

If Arcadia tries to attack him, Ryuga will escape or block her attack. He wasn't stupid to let anyone attack him and do nothing to protect himself. Ryuga just won't attack Arcadia anymore and repents his sin.

New Chapter so maybe no Chapter for tomorrow ~

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