
Slaughteredhouse Nine

In a town somewhere in the United State.

"Mister Jack! Mister Jack! Look! Look!" A girl, roughly twelve years of age with golden locks of hair and pale blue dress splotched with red was running down the street holding something in her hands.

A man wearing jeans and a polo shirt looked up from what he was doing revealing two pale blue eyes and a goatee on his attractive face.

"Now now Riley, be a good girl and don't interrupt Uncle Jack while he is working, okay?" Jack said with a smile.

"Oka~ay" the girl known as Riley skipped back to the house she cam from.

"Now, where are we?" She asked to no one in particular as she looked at her creation.

A humanoid with greasy hair, with its hands and feet having three-foot-long machete blades attached to them. Its eyes were small but surprisingly human, and nearly buried behind its altered face and brow, which had been altered into something that was more rat-like than human - cone like, ending in a squashed black nose that had staples around it.

Riley smiled as she added a second set of teeth, all canines, so that the humanoid would have enough as its jaw was stretched forward. Drool constantly leaked between its teeth in loops and tendrils.

"I think I'll call you Murder Rat!" Riley giggled. "Now, let's go meet Siberian!"

Riley turned and walked away. Behind her, the humanoid slowly got up and followed.

Riley once more welt out of the house. Looking at the distance, she saw Uncle Jack, still busy dismembering one of the Heroes that attacked them.

Looking into another direction, Riley saw the grotesque form of Crawler lounging on a flaming car. Beside him was Burnscar, a green eyed girl girl looking about twenty years of age with badly cut hair and a row of cigarette burns on both cheeks, who was looking at a burning house with interest.

Shatterbird, a girl who looks like an Arab wearing a helmet and a dress of multicolored glass shards, was floating above them, looking bored. Mannequin, who looks like a mannequin, stood motionlessly on the middle of the street.

Finally, Riley saw Siberian, a nude girl with black and with stripes. Behind her was the newest recruit of the Slaughterhouse Nine, Cherish.

Riley waved at the cannibalistic woman before running towards her, Murder Rat running behind her.

"Siberian look!" Riley pushed Murder Rat towards the nude woman. "Isn't she beautiful?"

Siberian just nodded and walked on, Cherish behind her, grimaced before following.

Riley's smile fell from her lips. "Aww... No one else can understand my art..."

"Now now Riley, Murder Rat is a beauty," Jack said as he suddenly appeared behind her. "Uncle Jack was just busy a few moments ago. Such a good girl you are!"

Riley's eyes shone as a big smile appeared on her face. "Really?"

"Nope~" An unfamiliar voice answered her question before Jack could answer.

Upon hearing the voice, all of the Slaughterhouse Nine immediately honed in on the source of the voice.

Standing in the middle of the street, amidst the burning wreckage of a town, was a violet eyed teen with violet eyes wearing a white dress.

"Well, well, well," Jack leisurely approached the girl as he unsheathed a knife from his belt. "Such a surprise Milady!"

"Spare me your theatrics Jacob." The girl's voice was chilling. A smile was on her face but her eyes speak of nothing but coldness.

"Oh my! You know my name but we don't know yours." Jack's smile fell for a moment before reappearing on his face.

"You can simply call me..." The girl slowly waked towards him, her heels softly clacking against the asphalt.

When she was but an arm's length away from Jack, she stopped and bowed a little. "Bookmaker. Goodbye~"

With that, a beam of light descended from the skies and turned Jack into dust!

"Uncle Jack!" Riley, also known as Bonesaw, gasped in horror. Murder Rat who was beside her immediately leaped towards Bookmaker, claws baring.

Bookmaker just waved her hand and a bubble encased Bonesaw and Murder Rat. With a snap of her fingers, the bubble collapsed inwards, leaving no trace of Bonesaw and Murder Rat.

By the time the rest of the Slaughterhouse Nine arrived near Bookmaker, two of them were already dead!

Burnscar threw concussive blasts of fire from her hands.

Crawler let out a mad laughter as he barreled towards Bookmaker. "FIGHT ME!"

Mannequin leaped, his hands and feet segmented, revealing countless weapons and tools.

Shatterbird shrieked, sending glass shards from all directions to converge upon Bookmaker.

Cherish slowly walked backwards, her eyes focused on Bookmaker.

Siberian ran at great speed towards Bookmaker, overtaking Crawler, Mannequin, and the Glass shards.

Bookmaker faced these attacks with a smile on her lips. With a snap of her finger, Siberian vanished.

When the glass shards and the flame blast was about to hit her, a transparent force field blocked these attacks.

Mannequin arrived in a flurry of blades, but was stopped in his path by the same force field.

Crawler arrive last, with a billowing howl, he crashed through the force field, breaking it under his massive body.

Bookmaker was unfazed. She gracefully leaped back, her eyes trained towards the remaining six. She held out her hand as she landed, creating an orb of light on her palms. With a flick of her hand, the orb shot out six beams of multicolored lights, hitting the remaining Slaughterhouse Nine members.

As they were hit by the lights, their body slowly turned to dust.

"And so marks the end of their story." Bookmaker lightly said as she walked away, unheeding of the drone that recorded everything that transpired.

typing with one hand is a pain in the arse

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