
Chapter 17

Siena Davies POV

I slightly moved due to the bright sun rays reflecting on my face. I slowly got up and rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms.

Suddenly last night events flashed in front of me. The first thing I thought is, Czar.

I turned to the other side of my bed and saw...It's empty.

There is a small note and a single red rose on top of the note.

I took the note and opened and read the note.

Dear babe,

A beautiful red rose for my beautiful angel.

Good Morning, babe. By the time you reading the note. I will be gone.

I couldn't wake you up because you were looking damn cute while sleeping.

Afternoon there will be a delivery for you. I wanna see you wearing this dress that I got for you. Dying to see you. Can't wait for the date tonight.

Your lover,


I smiled at the note and placed the red rose on my face.

Czar day by day I'm falling deeply in love with you.

Quickly I got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for the day.

I really need some dating tips from Lisa. she is the right person. And she knows about me and Czar and what is happening between us.


I called Lisa, after two rings she answered my call.

"Hey Girl, where are you?"

"Hey, At home, need anything?"

"Yeah, I need some advice."

"What advice?"

"Not on the phone, I will be there within 15. Bye." and hung the call.


After a few minutes, I arrived at Lisa's place. I rang the doorbell.

After two minutes, Lisa opened the door.

"Hey Girl," she said while hugging me.

"Hey Bestie," I replied while returning the hug to her.

I entered inside and asked, "Where are aunt and Jake?"

"Mom went out to meet her friend. And Jake went to the office," she replied while closing the front door behind her.

I and her head to the living room.

I sat on the couch and looked at her.

"So, what advice you need my bestie?" She asked.

"Dating tips," I replied.


"Who are you dating and who is the lucky guy?"

"Czar," I replied.




"Hold on Lisa, I will tell you everything."

"Okay," she replied.

And I took a deep breath and asked, "From where should I start?"

"After your rejecting him. And giving him space. And my advice to speak to him later." She replied.

"Yeah, I know bestie, you remember, the day of your birthday we went to the club.

"Yep," she said.

"I met Czar there and he owns the club."

"Wow," she replied.

"So, what happened next?"

"Well, I confessed my feelings and explained my reason to him. He felt really happy and kissed me."

"Damn girl, so happy for you."

"Thanks, bestie, because of your encouraging words I could go and speak to him," I replied while blushing.

I told her everything except the heated make-out session between me and Czar.

I didn't wanna tell her because It's our privacy moment and should stay between me and my knight shining armor.

I snapped from my thoughts,

"Well, bestie, don't need to be afraid. You will be absolutely fine."

"There is no need for dating advice from me."

"Just be yourself."

"Because Czar likes just the way you are."

"Siena, I saw him through his eyes. He really loves you. He won't break your heart. He is a true gentleman."

I simply nodded at her comment.

"What time are you going?"

"7 pm."

"Mmmm, she replied.

"I gotta go to the office and later get ready for the date. See you later, girl."

"See ya, but I want full details later, baby."

"Sure," I replied and headed to the front door.

I immediately hopped in my car and drove off to my office.


After a tiring day at the office, I'm on my way home. I parked my car in front of the garage and hopped out and walked towards the main door of my home.

When I entered, the maid said, "ma'am, you received a parcel, and is kept in your bedroom."

Czar sent it through one of his men. I thought.

"Okay, Thank you for receiving my parcel," I replied and headed upstairs.

I opened the doorknob of my bedroom door and entered.

There are three red boxes placed on my bed. One box is big. And the other two boxes are small in size.

I opened the red box which is big in size.

The first word came from my mouth when I saw inside the box.


A beautiful red thin strap dress. With red high heels and accessories.

I wanna look natural today. Not with full-on makeup.

So, I walked to my bathroom and stripped from my clothes, and showered.

After a 20 min relaxing shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom.

I dried myself, wore my innerwear, and started applying strawberry body cream on my entire body.

I applied eyeliner to my eyes. And combed my hair naturally without any curls in the ends.

I applied pink lip gloss on my plump lips.

I wore my red thin strap alter the dress.

I stood in front of the mirror.

My inner voice said, Siena, today you look beautiful and different.

I slide two rings on my left hand and right hand.

I sprayed some Miss Dior cologne.

And put on my red high heels.

Suddenly, my phone chimed.

I took it from the nightstand and opened my phone screen to see Czar's text.

Czar: I arrived, babe.

I took my clutch and phone and headed downstairs.

When I walked to the front door, I heard a voice calling me from behind.

I turned and saw my maid frozen in her spot with a confused expression on her face.

"Ma'am, your dinner?" She asked.

I replied, "No, thank you. I'm going out and will arrive at midnight. If my dad or my brothers ask about me. Inform them."

"Okay, ma'am." She replied.

I turned around and opened the front door.

I walked out and closed the front door behind me.

And started walking towards the next block where Czar is waiting for me.

While walking, I saw Czar checking his phone while leaning against his Black Lamborghini. He felt me I guess. So, He immediately turned his gaze towards me and checking me out. and in return, I was checking him out, He was looking yummy handsome in his white suit. And second, his sea-green eyes were full of lust and love.

"Hi," I said.

"Hello," he replied.

He slowly snaked his arm around my waist and took me to the passenger door.

He opened the passenger door, I hopped in while whispering to him, "thank you."

He shut the door and moved around to the driver's door. He hopped in and turned towards me. He slowly moved closer to me and cupped my face in his hands. And kissed me passionately.

After 5 minutes of kissing. He asked, "shall we go, babe?"

"Yes, knight," I replied.

"What's with the new name?" He asked.

"I will tell you later. I'm starving."

"Okay, fine, promise me you will tell me later."

"Pinky promise," I said.

He started the ignition and drove off.

"Knight, where are we going?"

"It's a Surprise, babe."

If I try one more time asking him where is he taking me? He will not tell. It's better to be silent.

I really feel care and love for my family and friends.

But with Czar it's different. He is the man who any girl can dream of. He has all the typical mafia leader qualities. But around me, he is something else. his love for me is shown as possessiveness, jealousy, love, and care.

Sometimes I think I'm really lucky to have him. Or he is lucky to have me.

I'm just a normal girl. He can date anyone he wanted, models or actresses. But he chose me instead of them.

Why did he choose me? Why did he want me? Why he loves me?

So many questions were popping into my mind.

Most of the men don't show love and care. They show it in a different way. And Czar is in that category.



I snapped from my thoughts,


"We arrived."

Czar looking is staring at me like the are-you-alright look.

I took his hand and walked beside him towards the seven-star hotel.

The manager immediately saw us entering and said, "Good Evening Mr. Pattinson, your reservation for two is ready. please follow me."

I think Czar comes here regularly.

Czar just nodded. We followed behind him.

The restaurant is breathtaking. The chandeliers, the ambiance, the interiors, the backyard garden, a swimming pool...

We are still walking, I don't know where the manager is taking us.

I thought we are sitting inside.

But here Czar has other plans in his mind. He needs privacy where we could spend some time together and know more about each other without any disturbance that's why he said to the manager to arrange outside.

Suddenly my jaw fell open widely because the view in front of me is magnificent.

The huge trees decorated with lanterns, middle there is a small table with little candles and a red rose, two glasses, forks, spoons, and two plates and two chairs on either side.

The manager said, "Sir, the waiter will be here shortly.

Czar just nodded.

"Babe, how is my surprise?"


I'm speechless right now. So, I just hugged him tightly.

"Well, my babe loved my surprise." He mumbled while chuckling.

"Yes, knight," I said.

Like a gentleman, he pulled the chair for me to sit.

I sat and he moved it a bit forward.

He went and sat on the opposite side of me.

We both were just staring at each other.

I was just smiling at him and he was just staring at me.

After a few minutes, the waiter came and greeted us, "Good evening."

And asked, "what can I get you, sir?"

"I want a bottle of fruit champagne."

"A plate of Vegetable spring rolls."

"A plate of two lobster Thermidor."

"A bowl of Singapore Street Noodles."

The waiter scribbled in his small notepad and said, "your order will be here shortly." He bowed and excused himself and walked away.

"So, how is your day today, babe?"

"It's fine. Just busied myself with reading and editing drafts."


"How about you?"

"Fantastic because I was taking my babe today for our official first date."

Hearing him say that made me blush. So, I cover my face with my hands.

"Awww, you look cute when you blush."

"Don't ever hide your beautiful face."

"Yes," I replied.

"Czar, when did you plan all these?"

"A couple of hours ago. And by the way, I own this hotel."


"Yes, I own this hotel and just gave my order to the manager. They did all the arrangements."

Now, I understood why the manager and staff were bowing down to him.

"Are there any other hotels you own?" I asked.

"Yes, three more with two casinos."

"Wow," I replied.

"Are you from here or somewhere else?"

"My base is here. But brought up in Moscow, Russia. I'm half British-Russian."

"Oh!" I replied.

"What about you?"

"I'm from here. But my mom's side is from Russia."

"Do you go visit Moscow?" I asked with little hesitation in my voice.

"Yes, but not regularly. I lost my parents there. Some b**t**d killed my parents."

"I'm sorry, Czar."

"You don't have to apologize."

"Do you know who killed your parents?"

"No, but we are still searching."


"I mean my brothers, me and my best friend, A.K.A. brother from another mother, Ron."

"Ron also lost his parents with mine."

"Czar, you no need to tell me."

"I know you are hurt and uncomfortable in speaking about your parents."

"It's okay. I can understand."

He took my hand in his and kissed the back of my palm.

"Babe, you make me fe"- he about to tell me something but was cut off due to the waiter.

The waiter placed our food and fruit champagne.

The waiter started serving us. But was cut off by Czar.

Czar said, "we will serve ourselves. You make go."

"Okay, sir. He replied and walked away.

We served ourselves and started eating.


"Czar, where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere you love to go all the time."

"Czar, will you tell me where are you taking me?"

"A surprise is a surprise, babe."

"Fine, I replied."

"I love to pamper and tease you."

"Are you going to kill me?"

"No, babe. Why will do that?"

"Without Siena, there is no Czar."

"Ugh! What's with the pickup lines?"

"Babe," He called my name in a warning tome.

"Okay okay," I replied.

Thank god, he will not kill me. That's for sure.

"Well, we have arrived."

He took a red silk cloth and said to me, "to turn around."

I asked him, "why?"

"Babe, just obey as I'm saying."

"Okay," I replied while turning around.

He blindfolded me.

He told me, "wait in the car."

I heard him opening a door and shut it behind.

After a few seconds, He opened the passenger door and took my hand in his.

We walked ahead.

The lane was narrow. My feet started paining like hell.

"Czar, still how much far we are?"

"Only 2 minutes,"

"Czar, you are saying that for the past 10 minutes."

"My feet are paining like hell."

"Shall I carry you, babe?" He asked.

"No," I replied immediately.

"As you say." He said.

We walked further.

Suddenly Czar said, "stop."

"I'm taking off the blindfold. But still, you have to close your eyes."

"When I tell you to open. You open your eyes. Am I clear, babe?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

He slowly took off the blindfold.

He moved me further and told me to open my eyes.

I slowly opened my eyes.

"What the Fudge?" I said.

"Czar, it's..."

"Beautiful." He replied.

I turned around and crashed my lips with his.

The kiss was loving and passionate.

"Thank you so much for doing all these things for me."

"I'm so lucky to be in your life."

"Yea, I'm lucky to have you."

"You know babe, I couldn't stand if any guy snatches you away from me. You are always MINE forever." He replied while lingering kisses on my face.

He carried me bridal style and placed me carefully on the bed.

"How do you know I love beaches?"

"I have my sources, babe." He replied.

"Is this your own private beach?"

"Yes, babe."

I and him relaxed on the bed cuddled in each other arms while watching the waves.

"Babe, Can I ask you a question?"


"Why do you love beaches so much?"

"Well, I love beaches because it's my escape place."

"I spent most of my summer at the beach with Lisa, Jake, Ryan, and my brothers."

"You know Czar, one day I was making a sandcastle with Lisa. But my two idiot brothers Christian and Hardin and my best friend Jake destroyed it. I cried for the whole day. But later, they told me sorry and helped me with making the sandcastle."

"We had high school beach parties, family picnic, volleyball matches..."

"Summer was the best season of my life."

"What about you?"

"Well, mine is different from yours. Always behind criminals, killing them and taking care of the business."

"Yeah, I know. Mafia job is tough."

"Yep, I agree."

"But, Now you have me."

I climbed out of the bed and said, "give me your hand."


"Just do as I say."

He placed his hand on me.

We walked to the shoreline.

Czar folded his pants above his knee. He has tattoos on both legs and slightly above his knee. Maybe he has tattoos on both his thighs.

I snapped from my thoughts,

"Babe, it's so calm over here. I love being here with you. We both will come here at weekends." He said while entwining our fingers each other.

"As you say, my lord."

"Where is your beach house?"

"It's far away to the left. But it's under renovation."


"I will bring you over here next time when we visit."

"Okay," I replied.

"So, let's get back to the bed, my babe?"

"Yes, my knight," I replied.

"Will you tell me now, what did you name me knight?" He asked.

"Not now, when the right time comes, I will tell you. It's a promise." I replied.

"Ohkay." He replied.

We both relaxed on the bed.

Suddenly, Czar hovered over me and started kissing me passionately. I kissed him back with the same intensity.

He slowly trailed kisses on my jaw and then to my neck where he started sucking my sensitive spot.

I was controlling my moans.

He trailed further to my chest.

Czar said, "your strawberry smell is so addictive and craving."

I again moved his lips to mine.

"Czar, please."

"What Please, Babe? Be more specific?"

"Stop," I replied.

He immediately stopped.

I'm not ready yet. I promised myself that when I trust you fully, I will give myself to you."

"Shhh... I understand. You no need to feel bad. after I earn your trust. We can consummate. I promise you I will not go further than this. Just kissing and cuddling."

He is so understanding, I love him so much. Why didn't I understand his feelings before?

I just hugged him tightly crying in happiness.

"Yea, babe why are you crying?"

"I don't like seeing you cry."

It hurts me to see you like this."

"Shhh...It's happy tears, my knight. I replied while keeping my finger on his lips.

He pulled me closer to his chest. And kissed my forehead.

"Babe, you are tired. Have some sleep. We will leave around 4 am."

I slowly drifted to sleep while hugging him tightly.

Next chapter