
A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

**This is a translation** Name: Jon Joestar Stand - "Door" Ability: Control all things related to the concept of "door" within a radius of one hundred meters, and can also open invisible doors at any location and enter the "other world" [Destructive power: E] [Speed: C] [Range: B] [Sustainability: E] [Precision: A] [Growthability: A] ... In short, this is the story of Jon Joestar, the youngest son of Joseph Joestar, went to Egypt with Jotaro and others to kill DIO, but accidentally allowed his stand to evolve and gain the ability to open the 'Gate to All Realms'. Current World : One Piece, Jojo, One Punch Man, Demon Slayer etc.................. ----- Read +30 advanced chapters on my patreon patreon.com/GustinaKamiya  ---

Gustina_Kamiya · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 28 Invitation and Internet Craze.

Jinzuren's first impression of Jon was extremely good.

Strong and humble.

His height and looks are even more impeccable.

He's simply the perfect template for a 'hero'!

"Mr. Joestar, you..."

In the back seat of the luxury car, Jinzuren took the initiative to speak.

Jon waved his hand.

"Just call me Jon, no need for honorifics."

Hearing this, Jinzuren's 'favorability' for Jon rose even more.

After a pause, he said in a deep voice, "Now, can you tell us about yourself?

For example...

Where are you from?"

Jon smiled, "You guys have indeed investigated me right?"

"Yes, but our result was there is 'no such person' as you in our database."

Jinzuren pushed up his glasses, "You can't possibly be an alien, can you?"


Jon shook his head.

"I'm a traveler from another world."


The tires rubbed against the ground, making a noisy sound.

The Hero Association staff member responsible for driving quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, Mr. Jinzuren, I didn't do it on purpose."

"Cough cough, be careful when driving, be careful!"

Pretending to reprimand his subordinates, he actually gathered his mind.

Jinzuren put on a serious face, staring straight at Jon, "That joke isn't funny."

"I'm not joking." Jon spread his hands, "I really am a traveler."

When you're on someone else's turf, you have to fit in with their style.

This world has heroes, monsters, aliens, and gods.

Travelers or something, it's a piece of cake.

Jinzuren stiffly tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"Really... really unexpected."

Changing the subject, he said, "Anyway, I still want to thank you on behalf of City B."

"There's no need for that, I just did it as a matter of course."

Jon responded very politely.

Jinzuren was secretly anxious.

This atmosphere is not good.

Too polite, too distant.

Thinking of this, the person in charge of the Hero Association piled a smile on his face, "Jon, you're so young and so strong, I'm sure the people in your world must be very powerful."

That's true.

Not to mention the Stand abilities, there's even an 'Ultimate Lifeform' floating in outer space.

Jon didn't hide anything, he told the truth, "Actually, my world is basically the same as yours, there aren't many people with special abilities."

"Then you..."

Jinzuren looked at Jon expectantly.

"Me?" Jon pointed at himself, "I guess I'm an exception."

"So, have you ever thought about joining our Hero Association?"

Jinzuren's eyes were burning.

No matter if you're a traveler or not, just join us first!

Jon pretended to hesitate, "Ah this..."

"I know it's sudden, but please hear me out!"

Staring into Jon's eyes, Jinzuren unconsciously raised his tone.

"Our association is dedicated to protecting the public, and we urgently need strong heroes to join. And you, you're exactly the talent we need! As for salary and benefits, I will show all sincerity, as long as you agree!"

Good guy, just sent away the talent scout, and here comes a headhunter.

How many people does your association lack?

Jon had three black lines on his forehead.

"How about it?" Jinzuren looked at Jon expectantly, "Have you made up your mind?"

Jon spoke with a smile that was not a smile, "Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy, deliberately infiltrating your association to do some bad things?"

"Bad guy?"

Jinzuren adjusted his glasses.

"Real villains will automatically transform into monsters... Also, although our association is in urgent need of manpower, there are still some real powerhouses stationed."

He pointed out the foundation of the Hero Association, and also carried a hint of deterrence.

If you dare to join us, we're not afraid of you causing trouble.

Jon pretended to be curious, "Real powerhouses?"

Jinzuren was prepared and handed Jon a tablet from his assistant.

"Please look, our association has a total of 16 S-class heroes, each of whom is an absolute powerhouse who has eliminated countless monsters."

'Tornado of Terror', 'Silver Fang', 'Atomic Samurai'...

One familiar face after another came into view.

After reading everyone's introduction, Jon pointed to the silver-haired old man.

"It's hard to say about others, but as a martial artist, my strength is at least stronger than this old man. So, if I were to join you, where would I rank on this list?"

Hearing this, Jinzuren was overjoyed and excitedly said, "As long as you are willing to join, the top ten is definitely no problem!"

"Just the top ten, huh."

Jon returned the tablet to Jinzuren with a lack of interest.

"How about... fifth?"

Jinzuren was very embarrassed.

On the one hand, Jon, who had defeated the giant, was indeed a top-tier combat power that the association urgently needed.

On the other hand, hero rankings are not simply determined by strength.

Influence, achievements, public trust...

There's too much to consider.

"Well, I won't make it difficult for you. I don't want first, I don't want second, just give me third."

Jon is not a person who is greedy for fame and profit.

But, for the sake of legend, some things must be fought for.


Jinzuren was extremely conflicted.

Meanwhile, on the internet.

"Exclusive news, uncovering the story behind the giant crisis in City B! Mysterious hero revealed! (Warning, multiple images)"

A post on the Hero Forum unexpectedly went viral.

The poster 'Yuzo Hasegawa' described his encounter with the mysterious hero 'Jon Joestar' in the first person and attached several candid photos.

When Jon's handsome face with an exotic style appeared in the public eye, netizens couldn't sit still.

"Is this the hero who defeated the giant? Love it!"

"I declare, Jon Joestar is my favorite, Amai Mask is a thing of the past."

"Not blowing or blacking, the Hero Association's face value is definitely not running."

"I'm honestly asking, what is Brother Jon's hero name? Why can't I find it on the Hero Association's official website?" "Is Jon not from the Hero Association? What a joke! What are these tax thieves doing?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for Jon, City B might have been destroyed, I know it very clearly, when the giant attacked, there was not a single hero to support!"

"We need an explanation! @Hero Association"

"Yes, we must demand an explanation from the Hero Association! I've been paying taxes hard, and it's useless at the critical moment! I can't swallow this breath."

"Let's go! Let's go to City A together! Confront those officials face to face!"

The crowd was excited and the discussion was heated.

"Tsk, things are big."

The fifth-ranked S-class hero, Child Emperor, put down his phone and pinched his brow with a headache.

When the 'Giant Siege' incident occurred, he was chasing a monster gang in City X and had no time to spare.

By the time he had dealt with everything, the crisis in City B had also been resolved.


Where did that guy come from?

He remembered very clearly that there was definitely no hero named 'Jon Joestar' in the association.


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