
A Pervert Got A Ship In Martial Peak

From the author:- It is my first time writing a novel and English is not my first language This novel is a fanfic of martial peak The story is twisted and contains a lot of se*ual activities Yang Kai is not the main character Tags: - r18, slaves, manipulation, forced, blackmail, etc The main character is like to act as a mob, he is only interested in s*x Disclaimer:- This story is only for perverts don't read it if you are not one

BlueBird009 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Most wanted wish

9. Most wanted wish

Bi Luo said as she tried to hold her laughter

Bi Luo: 'It's been a long time since I laughed this much wholeheartedly.

Kevin looked at Bi Luo and asked

Kevin: 'Why? , you are an open heaven cultivator, you should be happy all the time '

Bi Luo smirked and said

Bi Luo: 'It is not an easy feat to please a high-level cultivator like me, as your power grows your aptitude also increases'

Kevin:' Then what is your most wanted wish? '

Bi Luo smiled and said

Bi Luo: 'Tell me yours first then I will tell mine, even though you are a mortal with no cultivation, you have the backing of a big shot, so you go first '

Kevin started to think and realized that until now he has not been ambitious at all, all he does is eat, shit, sleep and j*rk off.

Now that he has been told that he has tremendous potential and can possess god-like powers, his lusty fantasies deep hidden inside his mind start to come out.

Kevin was deep in his thought, and without him knowing a perverted smile was plastered across his face.

Bi Luo's face twitched and she thought.

Bi Luo: "He will surely become a shameless pervert in the future"

Yun Li chuckled lightly chuckled after seeing Kevin's perverted smile.

Suddenly Kevin's smile disappeared from his face and it changed into a serious expression, and he slowly opened his eyes, there was a fire inside his eyes like he got what he searching for, he slowly rise his head and looked at the ceiling as if he got enlightenment and he rises his hand toward one stone in the ceiling which was emitting golden light.

Golden beams pass through his finger and fall on his face, Kevin felt like he was the main character in a movie and a big smile forms on his face, and he clenches his fists like catching the light. Then he looked at Bi Luo and said

Kevin: 'When you ask me what my ambitions are I have none because until now I was living a wasteful life, now that I can have power, I want to fu*k every beautiful woman I want, and I do whatever it takes to get her in my bed, and I don't care how. I want the coldest, most powerful, and most prideful women kneeling under my table s*cking my d*ck while I eat my dinner, I don't care if they are married or have kids, every woman I lay eyes on will become mine...hahahhahahhahahhahahha cough cough cough coughhhhgggh.... '

After evil laughter, he started to cough

Kevin:'water..... Water...cough '

Yun Li moved a finger, and a glass of water appeared in Kevin's hand, he immediately gulped it down, and the latter let out a chuckle.

Bi Luo looked at Kevin, smiled, and said

Bi Luo: ' You have a tough goal there, am I on your list as well? '

Kevin: ' Na, not yet, you are too high level for a mortal like me now. A beginner fisher only goes after small fish, when I become a well-known fisherman I will consider you. Now keep your promise and tell your most wanted wish'

Bi Luo looked at the exit door of the hall and point one finger in that direction and asked

Bi Luo: 'Did you see a statue of two girls in front of the palace? '

Kevin nodded and said

Kevin: 'Yes, one carrying the other one as a princess

Bi Luo: 'The girl carried in that statue is me, do you know who the other one is? '

Kevin was confused and said

Kevin: 'Huh? how do I know, I am not a psychologist '

Bi Luo:' The girl who carrying me is my first love '

Kevin scratched his head and asked

Kevin: 'Who? Shan Qing Luo? '

Bi Luo was surprised and asked

Bi Luo: ' Huh? how do you know? '

Kevin:'it's on Wiki of martial peak'

Bi Luo coughed and said

Bi Luo: ' My most wanted wish is to get Shan Qing Luo in my bed, I want to eat her at least once in this lifetime. '

A perverted smile bigger than Kevin's formed on Bi Luo's face as she remember her most desired woman.'

Kevin opened his mouth wide and said

Kevin: ' You are a bigger pervert than me. Then why didn't you sleep with her when Yang Kai went to Star boundary? '

Bi Luo's face twitched and said

Bi Luo: 'Don't believe in everything that says in that story, Shan Qing Luo is one of the most loyal women I ever saw, she will never betray Yang Kai, and she was just playing with me so she can get rid of her boredom. At that time I was fooled by her actions and I thought that she let me have a taste of her p*ssy. '

After saying that she gritted her teeth and clenched her fist.

Kevin: 'So did you give up all your hopes after Yang Kai returned? '

Bi Luo:' After Yang Kai returned from the star boundary, the distance between us grow in time, and when we reached the star boundary she stopped seeing me, when I inquire about her whereabouts, she was already gone far away to a place called Ancient Wildlands for better cultivation. '

Kevin: 'You could have used some sleeping drugs on her food when you have a chance. '

Bi Luo: 'From the start, she was way ahead of me in cultivation, to make her unconscious I needed a drug with a higher grade than her cultivation, at that time with my influence it was impossible. Anyway, that's all in the past,

and above that, Yang Kai was very possessive of his wives, although he only f*cked them occasionally if he found out that I am trying to f*ck one of his wives, my end would have been tragic. '

Kevin felt that with each sentence Bi Luo's mood is worsening, so he try to change the subject and said

Kevin: ' Why are you so sad about that, now you have a lot of pretty girls around you.'

Bi Luo: 'But now I am trapped here. '

Kevin: " Her thoughts are all negative"

Kevin: 'Now that you say about the trap if I become a Saint king you can get out of her right?, Then Let's start cultivation now, what should I do? Where do I start? '

Kevin was eager to become a cultivator so he asked Bi Luo.

Suddenly the air around the room started to vibrate, and a vortex formed after a moment it turned into a portal. Seeing this Bi Luo's eyes narrowed, she stand up for the first time and shouted.

Bi Luo: 'What the f*ck do you think you're doing? '