"It seems like you have something on your mind, Miss Miya. I might just have the answer."
Miya stood weakly before him, unsure how to respond, but she eventually built up the courage, a newfound determination showing in her sapphire-blue eyes. Headmaster listened intently, levitating a few meters from where Miya stood.
"Well... Yes-- Yes I do."
He made a curious look, and Miya began speaking.
"I've been wanting to know this since I woke up this morning. Everything from this morning to seven years ago is hazy in my memory, and I'm sure the reason revolves around that incident that happened in this district."
He flew in closer to her.
"That is quite a predicament. So, you can't remember anything within that span of time?"
"No sir."
"Hmm… Maybe…"
He came even closer to Miya until his face almost touched hers. He reached out his arm to Miya's gut, but before he could get close, strange blue marks appeared at the point he was about to touch, growing as he came closer.
His eyes began to move rapidly.
Chain-like markings began to appear throughout Miya's body, moving from the headmaster's skin to her's. It lasted for about 5 seconds before they suddenly disappeared, and Mr. Krewe drew back.
"Did you find anything?"
"Yes. It seems you've been afflicted by a curse of some sort, but at the same time are empowered by a blessing."
Krewe squinted, visibly unable to understand what he was seeing.
"The blessing... its concealing all evidence of the curse's existence as if it were a covering, but I can surely sense it's power buried deep within your being."
"A curse?! A blessing?! Where did they come from?!"
"Unfortunately, since the blessing is concealing it, I cannot read the curse, however, the most noteworthy candidates for those able to apply a curse of that magnitude are Rigkt of the curse and Grandmaster Vex of the curse. One of those two would be most likely to have taken away your memories."
Miya ran toward the headmaster, desperate to hear more.
"What does this mean? How do I get them back?!"
"I can only assume that you would have to have the person who gave you the curse remove it, and if I remember correctly, curses cannot be lifted by killing the gifter."
Miya stopped, thousands of thoughts flowing through her head. Many of them involved a multitude of unanswered questions, and it left her nauseated, making it hard to put her thoughts into words. After recovering a bit, she was finally able to ask the question.
"Who... is Icarus Kreyn? Why is he so significant in the incident seven years ago?"
Headmaster looked surprised.
"Good question. Not a lot of people care to ask that question. We might be here for a while."
Two chairs appeared out of thin air. They both sat on their respective chairs until he spoke.
"Icarus Kreyn... was a boy born into wealth. His mother was a hard-working contract mercenary--I knew her well-- with the power to control and create gold out of thin air. This ability, alone, removed her from the elemental category and labeled her as undefined, giving her a lot of attention by the general public."
"Create gold?! I'd be surprised if she wasn't rich!"
Headmaster chuckled but swiftly continued.
"She wasn't born in the Eastern district; she was born in the Southern district which is a desert-bound monarchy that was previously under the control of a Queen, and although citizens are not allowed to leave the kingdom, she managed to escape, taking refuge in the Eastern district. The Eastern district government, then run by Clan Logicus and The Miura family, promised to protect her in exchange for her power. It was there that she gained all of her renown, taking on jobs that most other mercenaries couldn't take on and helping settle disputes between clans and gang organizations."
"What about Icarus? Why'd he cause the incident?"
Headmaster's voice became more sad, and his expression affected the air around them. Miya could physically feel his sorrow.
"...Icarus, however, wasn't a popular boy. Kids his age resented him, and his hot-blooded attitude also led him to be bullied throughout the majority of his childhood... He also had something very peculiar about him-- something that people, to this day, fail to understand the true significance of. A mysterious wing-like growth had been on him since he was born, and for some reason this growth irritated the Western family nicknamed 'The Hive.'"
The headmaster cleared his throat.
"But on one faithful night, Icarus was invited to go on a mission with his mother. The mission was to investigate a disturbance in Hinansho City, the location being the settlements of the Miura family and Sleep Clan... Although the details are unclear, he is widely believed to have been responsible for the partial destruction of both organizations."
"W-What about his father?"
"Little is known about him as well, but its safe to assume he possessed the power of the Hive."
"What is the Hive, exactly?"
"A family which all possess the power of Full-Body Takeover."
"Full-Body Takeover..."
Miya remembered the conversation that transpired during her time in Sarah's classroom. Familiar words connected the two events, furthering her understanding as Headmaster continued to speak. Miya intently listened to every word.
"Full-Body Takeover is a, so-called, man-made ability that combines a multitude of natural-class abilities to form quite a formidable human weapon. They can regenerate limbs, increase muscle in specific areas of the body, fight pathogens by command, or even see the organs of another person with just their eyes alone."
The explanation confused Miya.
"How can you make an ability?"
"It is man-made in the sense of selective breeding. By breeding people with natural abilities with other favorable natural abilities, those who 'created' the Hive were able to create their very own superpower, giving the natural-class a fighting chance against the elemental and undefined classes."
Mr. Krewe stopped for a second, checking his watch before jumping out of his chair.
"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!"
Miya looked on, confused.
"W-What's the matter?"
"I have a conference with some parents who threatened to sue the school in a minute! On the first day, too! Sorry, but that will be all that I can explain for you, today. Meet me in my office after first bell tomorrow morning. Our training can begin then."
"Y-Yes sir."
The space dissipated, and Headmaster's office returned to normal. He ushered Miya outside of the room where Bo had been waiting for her, and a lady and man also stood beside the door, waiting to go in. Miya walked toward Bo, his hands in his pockets as he looked blankly toward her. Miya smiled, genuinely glad to see him. She felt comfortable around him, the air about him being soothing and calm.
"Where'd everyone go?"
"Oh... Ok."
Bo began walking toward the entrance of the building, and Miya followed.
"Mr. Krewe already informed me of your address. We should get going. Its getting late."
Miya smiled once more.
I've made some changes based off of things that I intended to happen in the future but didn't truly know how to build the world to that point. Although some things are intended to remain a mystery, they will slowly be revealed until the story come to a close. (That will be no time soon. I have so much planned.)