The room was completely empty; actually, it was almost too empty. Not even a gnat flew in the room as Tip walked in front of the headmaster's office chair, lying his palm onto the desk.
"Mr. Krewe, we'd like to join the conversation."
There was no response, but Tip sat in front of the desk a bit longer, eventually turning toward them.
"Sarah, take care of that little... situation."
He made a salute.
The room began to shake violently, and tiny, transparent swords flew about the room, circling around everyone until finally plummeting into Kem and Tip. They vanished without a trace while the other swords continued to orbit Sarah and Miya, never coming any closer to either of them. Miya stared to where Kem and Tip had been, distraught.
Sarah put her arm around her shoulder, remaining completely calm as Miya panicked.
"Don't worry; they're fine. This room is actually in use at the moment."
Miya head slowly turned toward Sarah.
"What do you mean 'they're fine'?! They just got impaled!"
"Calm down, and listen to what I'm about to tell you!"
Miya stood, attempting to calm herself down as Sarah continued to speak.
"I need you to drop your defenses."
"Drop my defenses? What do you mean?"
"The attack Mr. Krewe is using is intended to trap someone inside of a space without chance of escape, but he also uses it to have private conversations with students and faculty. Those swords that are orbiting us are the physical attack itself and, therefore, transport the target to his pocket dimension of sorts, but since we both have our defenses up, he can't hit us."
"Why does he have to use swords to put us inside of the space?"
"All attacks, no matter whether they appear to be or not, are a physical attack and must have an initiating blow. Take my power for example."
With the flick of a finger, the air around Miya began to cycle, startling her as Sarah continued to speak toward her.
"If I were to control the air around you, I'd always have a chance for an initial blow because my power itself is making contact with you, but I'm not laying a finger on you, as you can see. My power is also physically blocking his swords from getting anywhere near me so that I can help you join the conversation."
"But, my power is not at all like yours."
"That's where you're wrong. With enough training, you could be putting people to sleep just by the wave of a finger. You, myself, and the headmaster probably have the most alike abilities in the entire school."
"I see... So, how do I take down my defenses?"
"Easy peasy. Just close your eyes, and concentrate really hard on the air around you. Believe with all of your being that your defenses should go down. After a bit of conditioning, you should be able to do something like that without really thinking about it, but other than this situation you'd probably have no reason to do so."
Miya closed her eyes and did as she said. She began to feel an overwhelming pressure around her, and when she opened her eyes once more, she was in a pitch black space, an overwhelming aura filling the air around her body. Kem, Bo, Tip, Sarah, Chance, Nifla, Preacher, and a woman Miya hadn't seen before stood in a line, shoulder-to-shoulder from each other.
Mr. Krewe levitated above everyone silently, looking in Miya's direction with his horrifying, red eyes. He had a more serious look on his face than Miya'd seen previously, his expression a little frightening to her.
"Please... Join us, Miss Miya."
Miya walked toward the line the students had formed, standing next to the mysterious girl. She had pink hair that reached her shoulders and, for lack of a better word, very gaudy clothing. She had a strange smile on her face as Miya approached her, but Miya couldn't understand why.
The headmaster's gaze turned toward Bo.
"I accept your proposal. All that is left is for her to give her consent."
He turned toward Miya again.
"Bo, here, thought it would be a good idea that I assist you in unlocking your potential. Since our abilities are very alike and you seem to be having a bit of trouble with them, I find no problem in assisting you."
"I couldn't ask that of you, sir."
He paused for a second before appearing before Miya, his eyes looming above what she could see, but she could feel their gaze. Miya's eyes widened, the fear of his power freezing her in place as Headmaster spoke, his voice soft yet ominous.
"I'm offering, Miss Miya."
Miya found it hard to respond.
"O-Ok, sir. I accept."
The headmaster smiled, the tension filling the air loosing up a bit.
"It will begin tomorrow. Dola will be pleased by your useful power once you join the force."
He returned to his previous location.
"Also, I understand that you had something you wanted to say to me, Major."
Tip nodded.
"Yes, I wanted to know when would be the soonest possible time for mission assignment."
The headmaster made a curious look, and Miya followed.
'I thought we were here to apologize to Bo.'
Miya could tell by the Headmaster's voice that he knew, and she was sure everyone else could feel it, the chilling air that just his words brought.
"Is that truly what you wanted to ask me?"
"No, but I believed it would be insulting to address that matter after calling for a meeting."
"I understand, Major. The answer to your question would be now. Rookie missions, however, are not assigned by me. Dola carries that duty."
"I see."
"Let me make the announcement to you now, then."
The room became silent.
Everyone stood up straight in preparation for his next words. Miya followed suit.
"Major Turner 'Tip' Park!"
"Special Operator #35, Bo!"
"Veteran Operator #03, Nifla!"
"Yes, sir!"
As Headmaster continued, the layout of a building appeared behind him as if from a projector, and everyone in the room thoroughly examined it.
"A small laboratory operated by the 'The Hole' has been located on the outskirts of Hinansho City, a few miles northeast of the House of Rose. I want you three to gather intel on said location, prepare thoroughly, and exterminate all gang affiliated persons occupying the area. That means all weapons, armament, and personnel should be accounted for. Do I make myself clear?"
The three of them spoke in unison.
"Yes, sir!"
"You have the time limit of a month to complete this mission. The sooner you complete it, the better. There's no telling what they plan to use that laboratory for, but until then, tend to your typical duties."
"Yes, sir!"
They vanished from the space. Kem and Sarah began bickering at each other again while Chance, Preacher, and the pink-haired girl stood, focusing on the headmaster.
"Veteran Operator #5, Preacher Fullbring!"
"Yes sir!"
"Veteran Operator #01, The Miura Family."
Chance yelled.
"Yes sir!"
"Experienced Operator #27, Parisa Love."
The pink-haired woman responded dryly, seemingly ready for the announcement to finish.
"The Central district government have assigned the mission of the assassination of up-and-coming terrorist, 'The Duke.' He's been found running a major party house in the Western district, but they want his death to be covert; meaning no one can know that he is dead or that it was you. Are you capable of completing this mission to its fullest? Failure could mean execution."
They hesitated for a bit. Parisa seemed indifferent, and Preacher stood without saying a word.
'That seems impossible. Better to leave that to someone else.'
Chance finally spoke up.
"Yes, I ensure that the mission will be completed with all conditions met."
Preacher and Parisa looked toward him, their mouths ajar as Headmaster spoke.
"Good. You are dismissed."
They vanished in the same manner as the trio before them, leaving Kem, Sarah, and Miya alone as Mr. Krewe paced around the space.
"Rookie missions are typically announced within a week of opening. Is there anything you want before I send you off?"
Kem spoke up.
"No sir."
Kem disappeared.
Mr. Krewe turned toward Sarah.
"Ms. Sarah?"
"No sir."
She vanished.
Mr. Krewe sat without speaking before looking in Miya's direction.
These chapters are much shorter than they were previously due to pacing issues. Some time spans have been altered, and I'll continue to make improvements based off of these chapters as they lay out the foundation for the rest of the story.