
A Perfectionist of a Hero (Dragonball Z and Justice League Crossover)

What if Perfect Cell from Dragon Ball Z ends up in the D.C universe? Perfect Cell, a being created from the genes of the universe's strongest, smartest and toughest species. Perfect Cell is transported to the DC universe after losing to Gohan. He sees that there are a few strong beings in this new universe. Beings that can surpass his strength and rival his perfection. What will happen if Cell encounters Superman and the Justice League? How will he interact with the Justice League? Will he walk the path of redemption or will he terrorize the planet? Find out how his adventures turn out!

Triple_Sweet · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Episode One: The Perfect Being in a New World

First chapter of the remastered Version! I removed certain plots and replaced them with new stuff. So I recommend re reading these.

I DO NOT own Dragon ball, D.C comics and all the characters are owned by their respected creators. This is just a fanfiction, I do not make any profit out of this and please support the official source of said series.


There exists a being, the most superior life form in the galaxy. A being that is genetically made and composed from the D.N.A of the most powerful races in the galaxy.

The Saiyans, who have an unmatched physical prowess and incredibly sharp battle instincts, coupled by their special ability called Zenkai. The ability is a genetic trait that allows a Saiyan's power to increase substantially after recovering from near fatal injuries.

The Frost Demons, who have superior genetics and sheer tenacity that allow them to survive harsh conditions and a very high rate of survivability. Even if they are dismembered. Paired by their massive potential and growth rate, as well as superior intellects in the whole galaxy.

And finally the Namekians, a race who can regenerate limbs and fast recovery from wounds. Followed by their natural abilities to extend their body parts in addition to not requiring to eat, and the superior senses that they have such as smelling and hearing.

All of these races genes and D.N.A, have been infused into one lifeform. A biological android who was created and intended to be the "Perfect Being", one who has everything. Strength, speed, intellect, regeneration and incredible power!

This lifeform, goes by the name of Cell. Perfect Cell.

And currently, Perfect Cell is in a battle…

"SAY GOODBYE!" Cell said, whilst in a beam clash and power struggle against a golden haired fighter.


But suddenly, another golden haired foghter appears and shoots a yellow ball of energy, and hits Cell's back successfully while his hands are occupied fighting the first golden haired fighter, who is called Gohan.

The second golden haired fighter is revealed to be called…"V-Vegeta!" as Cell spats the name in anger and shock at the surprise attack.

While the biological android was distracted, Gohan saw this opportunity and fired his beam overpowering Cell after a brief struggle from Cell.

"No, this can't be happening! I am the perfect being! How could I lose to a mere brat!" Cell mumbled in disbelief and shock.

"Gaaaah!" Cell grunted as the beam hits him and fully evaporates his body, not leaving a single cell from his body to regenerate and come back from.


The Kamehameha obliterates Cell and his reign of terror on earth is finally over- at least that's what everybody thinks happened.

At the last second Cell teleported himself with Instant Transmission, to save himself.

'Come on, anywhere! I have to get out of this explosion!' Cell exasperated in his thoughts desperately.

Luckily for him, he succeeded. And his body flickers before vanishing out from his current place.

Cell is on the floor, battered, bruised and with his lower body and the right side of his head missing and is covered with his purple blood, oozing like a fointain.

"Ngh, Ngah! Damn!" Cell grunts as he feels immense pain and focuses his energy and cells to regenerate and heal his wounds.

After a few seconds, he manages to heal said wounds and looks around the place. The place was unfamiliar and he doesn't recall it.

"What is this place? Strange, I do not recall ever seeing this before, nor do I have any memories and data about it."

'It would appear that my teleportation was successful.' Cell analyzed.

Cell looks around, he seems to be in some sort of…sewage system?!

"Tsk! A sewer. A stupid repugnant and disgusting sewer! How repulsive." Cell mumbled.

Cell is disgusted by the smell, he found it abhorrent. So he decides to not inhale the air and stop breathing. Not that he needed to breath anyway, as Cell's cells create its own food and oxygen for him, so he has no need for it.

Cell keeps walking and senses the surrounding energy of the place, to see if his enemies or other powerful beings are around that he should be careful off.

*Drip* *Drip* *Drop* *Splash* waters dripping and sloshing around are the only thing Cell can apart from the rats scurrying and his rubber shoe like sound that he produces when he walks.

'What is that noise?' Cell thought as he heard chomping and bone crunches from a very far away section of the sewer.

Cell walks faster and the direction of this noise.


Cell sees something in the distance, his enhanced visual capabilities allow him to see in the dark as if it wasn't dark at all. He sees a green figure, muscular tall and big, with a tail and scaly body in the shadows.

'A crocodile walking on two legs.' Cell chuckles mockingly in his mind.

'How strong are you I wonder?' Cell thought as he tries to sense this creature's Ki to gauge it's power. But Cell was disappointed to say the least.

Cell scoffs…'Tsk, pathetic lower lifeform! Even Chaotzu could beat this thing with incredible ease. And he is the weakest amongst the Z fighters.'

Cell approaches the creature and the footstep he makes alerts the crocodile man-thing.

"What the hell are you supposed to be? a fly, or a cockroach?" said the Crocodile man when he saw Cell

"None of your business, now tell me…where am I and what is this place?" Cell asked demanding an answer.

"Who's askin?" taunted the amphibian.

"Answer the damn question, or else I'll kill you worthless imbecile!" Cell insults.

"Don't cha know who I am?! " he said in a gruffy voice, annoyed.

"Don't know, don't care." Cell responds as he crosses his arms.

"Heh you're in Gotham City Sewers boy, you wanna live here? You gotta report and answer to the top dog here boy'yo. And that dude is me!" He said with a boisterous and pompous tone.

"I am Killer Croc! If you think I'll let a puny green bug man talk big word's I-" said Killer croc but is cut off when Cell shoots a Death Beam at his right shoulder and left thigh.

"Interesting…now, tell me about this, Gotham City, or else…" Cell said threateningly as he point his finger glowing in purple with another death beam.

"O-okay! Y-you're in Gotham City, which is located near the east coast of America." Said Killer Croc while wincing in pain from the death beam Cell shot.

'Gotham? America? I am unfamiliar with those places, let alone their names. And I could not have been teleported to another planet, seeing as the energy and Ki signatures that I felt were from humans.' Cell wonders.

"Anything I else I need to know?" Cell asked as he lowers his finger.

"Be careful of the guy In a black and grey suit, his name is Batman, I wouldn't go near him If I were you the dude's a superhero. I would also avoid the Justice League." Croc said.

"Justice League?"

"Yeah, they're a group of superheroes that are in charge of taking down dangerous criminals or villains. So If I were you, keep the things you do in the down low."

Cell absorbs the information and speaks…

"Alright the information you provided has been, rather useful, as a reward, I will let you keep your life." said the Bio Android, to which the Crocodile man hissed at but eventually let go.

Cell ponders to himself as he walks away…

'I don't know what place I have been sent to but I don't sense any particularly strong fighter around here, that Crocodile man is way weaker than Yamcha, heck even Chaotzu could kill him with little to no effort'

He continues to think… 'I seem to have obtained another Zenkai boost from surviving Gohan's Kamehameha before being teleporting.'

"There appears to be one individual here who could be considered a decent fighter, not on my level of course but only probably around the level of that Martial Arts Champion who showed up to my Cell Games what was he called again? Mister Satan? I cant remember that ants name. He could probably also be around Roshi's level of power northeast from here" murmured Cell.

'I need more information and data on this world, as much as I hate to admit it but my pride and confidence led to my downfall, I don't want that to happen again, especially in foreign territory.' he thought as he gets annoyed from being defeated by a teenager of all people.

"Tsk! Goku I can tolerate, hell! Even Vegeta whilst weak, would be better than that brat! I'll have my revenge on Son Gohan sooner or later!" Cell mumbled.

Cell then finds a ladder and a hatch, leading upwards to what Cell obviously assumes to be the exit.

'I do not know what threats lie in this place. I don't seem to detect any immediate threats, but they could be concealed so I habe to be careful in proceeding.

It wouldn't hurt to have a loyal pawn at my side to aid me.'

'HAAH!!!' Cell grunts as he begins the process of birthing.

Cells tail begins to open, a small blue creature comes out of it. Spawning one Cell Jr.

"Alright listen to child, stick by my side and don't leave until ordered to okay?" Cell said to his child.

"Hehe!" said the miniature version of cell as he nodded for affirmation.

"Now, Let's go Jr."

Cell opens the hatch and hovers out. He sees himself in an alleyway. He looks up and sees the clear blue sky, but for some odd reason that despite it being daytime, the atmosphere of the town is gloomy.

He inhales the air after refraining from breathing down under the sewers.

Cell walks and navigates through the alleyways.

"Eugh! This place is filthy and disgusting." Cell commented.

Cell then, sees a woman pass by. He approaches her in hopes of getting answers. Or to threaten her to get it, either way he would get his information one way or another.

"Excuse me, is there a library here? Or perhaps a directory of some sorts. I seem to be lost." asked the android but he was met with screaming crowds running away from him. The woman he asked screamed with wide eyes and ran away with the crowd.

"Humph, how rude." Cell Scoffs.

Cell walks followed by his offspring until they walk by an amusement park.

'There should be maps located in parks.' thought Cell.

Cell then sees a signboard, with a public map.

"Odd, I don't recall the places mentioned here, nor the image shown here does not seem to be familiar." Cell mumbled.


"Hm?" Cell mutters as he looks behind him, spotting a few dozen policemen and police cars.

"Ah, good law enforcements! Can someone who can tell me where I am?" exclaimed Cell.


"Oh? On what Charges? I don't seem to recall anything that is worth breaking the law." Cell stated, leaving the police officers wondering, what did he do exactly? ...the policemen thought to themselves...

"Uh, destroying Public Order and uh…are you not wearing clothes?" one of the policemen said while talking in a megaphone.

"And cover up all these?" answered Cell.

"Then you're also under arrest for Public Nudity!"

'Are these people sane? What makes them think that they have the power to apprehend me?' Cell and his child thought to themselves

"Hmm...I'm kind of bored and there isn't any strong fighters in the vicinity yet, from what I can sense. Fine let's play along Junior. We might as well gain information from them, and make a use out of this situation." Cell said to his child.

"You may apprehend us." Cell said nonchalantly.

The policemen were kind of shocked, they didn't think they would comply that easily. Normally, they would get thrashed r killed and then the superheroes show up.

They proceed to cuff them and stuff them into a police van because the two wouldn't fit in a regular car.

They were massive, Cell was 7 feet tall and the kid was a little over 4 feet.

And with that they headed to a police station.

To Be Continued!