
A Noble Goal

Everyone has some kind of goal they deem noble. But does everyone see it the same way? To achieve your goal, what are you willing to do? Sacrifice your life? Or the lives of others? Would you do anything to achieve it? Going as far as to start a war? For this Noble goal, how much are you willing to offer? _____ “Chosen ones? That’s a fancy title, but in the end. It’s just a title.” A long time ago, innovation and creation ruled the world. Technology was everywhere, robots and holograms were the norm. However, creatures seen as demons and angels invaded. Human technology is unable to keep up with the supernatural. From manipulating elements to summoning weapons, they slowly lost to the invaders. However, all hope was not lost when humans themselves started to manifest such said powers. Even if it's weaker, they have technology to help them. Right? "Now now, why should I bow to others when I can make others bow before me!" Slowly, the divided human race started to show more cracks. Humans with different mindsets split, all having their own goal in mind, with new powers to back them up. Threats everywhere, but the solution for them doesn't seem to increase any time soon. "I don't want to live so divided anymore! Not only between humans, but the world as a whole." Such a bold idea was spoken after countless years, receiving little to no approval. However, that didn't discourage the brave soul. Causing him to keep finding like minded people. A demon heard of his action, and was fascinated by such a noble yet foolish mindset. "Human, your lifespan is limited. Leave it to the next generation, I shall help you search for those with such a mindset." Without thinking much, he agreed to pass on this Noble Mission to the future generation. Unaware of the demon scheme. ———————————— Chapter will be published every weekday 9 o clock GMT +8 , let me sleep in peace thank you. Save it to library to get notifications when I upload. Thats right, two chapters a day! If you enjoy what you read, comment or give a review. I want funny comments >:( gimme funny comments to reply to

ViYongRay · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Enemies Around

Soon, the small campsite went silent after an hour.

Beatrix walked over to the small campfire burning, removing the glove on her right hand. She placed her hand over the flame.

'This fire is rather weak.' She mentally sighed and got up. Grabbing a small wood, she walked over to the strings set up and dropped over it. It cuts the wood evenly, and she grabs the two pieces before it drops on the ground.

She looked at the string attached to the wooden stick, 'So he's able to control the sharpness of the string.'

She looked at the tent the boys were sleeping in, and the tent Dealla and Kate were sleeping in.

'I still don't know the boy River's combat abilities..but he seems rather confident. And it feels quite founded.' She went back to the campfire and sat down on the sand rather than on the chair.

She opened her watch and tried searching for files that were previously saved.

'He doesn't look ten, maybe around my age?' She suddenly stopped looking at her phone, 'Ah, that'd why I'm told to keep watch.' She yawned with no sound coming out, 'Commander already foreseen this.'

To the normal ear, they would not be able to hear such a sound at such a long range. However, Beatrix is Sezia's right hand.

She glanced at the direction of the sound and glanced at the campfire smoke.

She smirked, 'Why hunt for enemies when you can just let them come to you.'

She slowly stood up, walked behind the tent, and suddenly seemed to have disappeared.

"Boss, everyone seemed to have gone to sleep." A man holding a pair of binoculars said, "What do we do?" Two men were hiding behind a big piece of rock,

"Kidnap the children! We can sell them for lots of money!" His boss said. The boss has a huge smirk on his face, "What idiots to sleep without anyone keeping watch."

"I agree." A female voice spoke.

"Huh?" Before he could ask anymore, he felt stabbed from behind him.

"What idiots make so much noise." Beatrix quickly killed the other man beside, "You don't even have a vehicle, how you gonna kidnap kids?" She picked her ears and looked up at the bright sky, 'Even though it's sunny, there's echo like it's night.. what a weird place..' She thought and looked at the two bags the man was carrying, 'Supplies!'

She kept the energy daggers produced by her wristband by opening her hand and held onto the two bags.

She seemed to have melted into a liquid along with the bag.

She returned back to the campsite, and a yawn escaped from her mouth.

Sezia came out of the tent and nodded towards the tent.

"Get some rest. Escaping from Duerrin isn't easy either. I was afraid that you've lost your touch." She smirked and said.

"Your kidding commander." Beatrix said, "How can anyone trained by you lose their touch?" Her index finger pointed at the sky, and she quickly replied her own question, "If someone does, you won't know either. So don't worry."

Sezia gave a soft chuckle, "Get some rest," She patted her shoulder, "I will take care of the rest."

Beatrix nodded and entered the tent.

'What the..' She looked at the two small beds in the tent, with a fan blowing towards Otta who was hiding under her blanket, 'What's the point of the blanket?!' She didn't even want an answer at this point and just went to sleep.

Sorry for short chapter! I just found a job irl and hard to maintain quality. I might need to upload once a day instead since I rather have good quality work than having more chapters. I'm still not planning on writing on weekend tho so maybe weekday daily one chap? I will see how.

;-; I'm receiving exams result next week and nervouss

anyways. Vote for me if u enjoy reading.. and give a review too °-°

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