
A Noble Goal

Everyone has some kind of goal they deem noble. But does everyone see it the same way? To achieve your goal, what are you willing to do? Sacrifice your life? Or the lives of others? Would you do anything to achieve it? Going as far as to start a war? For this Noble goal, how much are you willing to offer? _____ “Chosen ones? That’s a fancy title, but in the end. It’s just a title.” A long time ago, innovation and creation ruled the world. Technology was everywhere, robots and holograms were the norm. However, creatures seen as demons and angels invaded. Human technology is unable to keep up with the supernatural. From manipulating elements to summoning weapons, they slowly lost to the invaders. However, all hope was not lost when humans themselves started to manifest such said powers. Even if it's weaker, they have technology to help them. Right? "Now now, why should I bow to others when I can make others bow before me!" Slowly, the divided human race started to show more cracks. Humans with different mindsets split, all having their own goal in mind, with new powers to back them up. Threats everywhere, but the solution for them doesn't seem to increase any time soon. "I don't want to live so divided anymore! Not only between humans, but the world as a whole." Such a bold idea was spoken after countless years, receiving little to no approval. However, that didn't discourage the brave soul. Causing him to keep finding like minded people. A demon heard of his action, and was fascinated by such a noble yet foolish mindset. "Human, your lifespan is limited. Leave it to the next generation, I shall help you search for those with such a mindset." Without thinking much, he agreed to pass on this Noble Mission to the future generation. Unaware of the demon scheme. ———————————— Chapter will be published every weekday 9 o clock GMT +8 , let me sleep in peace thank you. Save it to library to get notifications when I upload. Thats right, two chapters a day! If you enjoy what you read, comment or give a review. I want funny comments >:( gimme funny comments to reply to

ViYongRay · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 30: Entering A New World

The desert many referred to as dusty desert, isn't made of dust or sand.

It's made of the ashes of the demons who died during the so-called Invaders War, but that just isn't true.

There never was a war between the so-called angels and demons, rather simply a massacre of both sides.

Those in charge of maintaining the gates between the planes were killed during the massacre. Or at least it was known thus far.

Now the gate has no owners, so every few years it will thin where the three separated planes can interact with each other.

With no gates to separate each other, the characteristics that separated the planes in the first place, is slowly becoming non-existent.

This is the era of chaos, but some rules never changed.

For example, one rule which is true no matter where one is.

It's the survival of the fittest.

Now Reginald and his friends aren't in the human plane anymore, but rather the monster plane.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was how when the gates closed again, they were not able to return back to their home city.

In the monster plane, the ashes of the monsters.

Reginald got up again, feeling frustrated at how he kept falling down.

He looked down at all the tears his clothes had from the sand, and finally looked back up again.

"Why did Miss Sezia walk alone?" Kinsei asked Beatrix when she came back, and noticed her grip tightened, "Enemies?"

"The terrain is about to change," Otta replied, "This is still considered the demon territory. Who knows what will happen.."

From a far distance, big figures were waiting behind purple coloured bushes beyond the Ash desert. Like they are waiting for their pray to emerge from it.

Reginald and the rest who was walking slowly behind, suddenly felt as if someone took away their energy.

"I feel weaker suddenly.." Reginald muttered, as this time he found it harder to get up.

Kinsei grabbed his right hand while Otta grabbed his left hand, pulling him up.

When Reginald got back on his feet, Kinsei said, "No matter how far you fall. We will be here to pull you back up."

Reginald only smiled at that, as they continued walking.

"Everyone!" Beatrix turned on her commutation radio that was connected with everyone's goggles, "Head left." She took big steps towards Dav and Frad who didn't have the goggles and repeated what she said. She passed them earpieces to ensure communication between everyone is there.

"Why?" She heard Kinsei's voice through the goggles as she took the lead.

"Commander went right, so we should avoid taking the same path as her." She replied, as she glanced back and did a headcount, making sure everyone was following her, She switched her channel and said, "Mr Frad, I will scout ahead. Slow down first, if I don't reply within five minutes after I disappear. Please assume the worst situation and adapt."

"Copied." He replied, and slowed down his pacing. His earpiece didn't have the ability to switch to different channels, so he could only use it to communicate with everyone.

The moment Beatrix disappeared from his sight, he started counting in his head.

"All clear." He heard not a minute later, "Commander lured away the threat." He heard her voice grow softer towards the end.

"Let's pick up the pace!" Frad said in the comms, turning around to see Reginald and the two furthest behind, "River, are you able to help Reginald move in the sand?"

River switched the channel and connected to Reginald only, "Hey Reginald, hold onto those two."

"Huh?" Reginald didn't know what was happening, but he quickly grabbed Kinsei and Otta's hand.

Suddenly the three of them felt the wind blowing against them stopped.

"It's tha-." Before Kinsei could finish what he was saying, the three of them were blown behind their backs.

As they were all still small kids, they flew forward.

"What the fuck!" Kinsei yelled as they flew till everyone couldn't see them.

They felt as if they passed through a wall, where they landed hard on the ground.

"Rough landing eh?" They heard Beatrix's voice.

They let go of each other's hand and slowly got up on their feet.

"I didn't say send them flying.." They heard Frad's voice.

"That was fun! Hey you guys wanna do that too?" They could hear the excitement in River's voice.

"Yeah!" Dealla exclaimed, and not long later she got shot out of the desert.

She covered her elbows and knees with her forcefield, "Canon ball!" She yelled as she flew out.

Beatrix quickly jumped and caught her before she could fly any further.

They rolled on the ground, as Beatrix groaned in pain.

"Yeah I'm not catching a cannonball next time." She said as Dealla stood up and raised her arm.

"That was fun!" She wanted to run back but Otta grabbed her shirt before she could.

Soon River and the other teachers walked out of the desert, and what greeted them was different from what they've expected.

In front of them looked like a forest, but the trees weren't what they were used to seeing.

Instead, all the flora were different in colour. Some looked weirdly shaped, and many others seemed to be a whole different species altogether.

While everyone was observing their new surroundings, Beatrix walked over to a few of them and marked their shirts.

"Protect the group," She turned off the communication and told them directly, "I will scout the area."

When she whispered something to River, he felt chills down his spine.

"I've never thought my powers could be used like that.." He mumbled.

Beatrix chuckled a little, "You learn something new everyday." She said while marking his shirt, and went ahead to scout.

Reginald looked at Otta who had been marked, and asked, "Do you think we can remove our scarf?"

She shrugged, "The scarf only prevented dust from entering our nose. Not to filter air."

With that, Reginald and Kinsei pulled down their scarf.

Reginald said with surprise, "The air smells fresh."

Yo! Aeon here, I've no idea why but I can't seem to edit the previous chapters... or the book description. whenever I tried, an outside force seemed to be preventing me from doing it 0-0

Eeh whatever, I will try my best to build the story . man the previous chapters is kinda confusing. Nothing is explained properly..

Anyways.. I don't have work but I do have school. Whoever the person that uploaded daily is something else.. I can't promise a daily upload but I can upload every two days..

ViYongRaycreators' thoughts