
A Ninja in the Marvel Universe

After a freak accident, Harry finds himself transmigrated into the world of Marvel with a mysterious system. The system grants him unique abilities to navigate and thrive in the dangerous and chaotic Marvel Universe. With the help of the system and his growing understanding of the Marvel Universe, Harry must tread carefully and make difficult choices as he embarks on a journey filled with adventure, danger, and the potential to leave an indelible mark on the world of Marvel. **The system is derived and based on the Naruto Anime which will help Harry in becoming the strongest ninja in the Marvel Universe** **The system does not have and will not have any form of consciousness.** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be an Alternate Universe i.e AU MCU. Well not much is going to change though. Most of the events will occur according to timeline of the original Marvel movies. Only the timeline of the webseries of 'Daredevil, Shang Chi, Jessica Jones and Punisher would change'. The events of these webseries would start earlier then what was shown. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Marvel world and it's characters belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Movies
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61 Chs

50. Testing

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


Harry now decided to test the combat effectiveness of the basic seals of the Uzumaki clan he had learned over the period of a few months. Seals, or fūinjutsu, were a cornerstone of the Uzumaki clan's legendary prowess, allowing them to manipulate chakra in ways that few others could. Harry's training had covered a wide range of seals, from simple enhancement seals to more complex techniques that could bind or trap opponents.

He began with enhancement seals. These seals were designed to augment physical abilities, similar to the boost he had received from increasing his bloodline purity but focused and temporary. Harry drew a simple strength enhancement seal on his forearm using special ink infused with chakra. The ink glowed faintly as he activated the seal, and he immediately felt a surge of power coursing through his muscles.

'This feels incredible,' he thought, clenching his fists.

Stepping up to the training dummies, Harry tested the seal's effectiveness with a powerful punch. The impact was extraordinary; the dummy was sent flying across the room, crashing into the wall with a thunderous bang.

"Yes!" he shouted, satisfaction evident in his voice. He followed up with a series of kicks and punches, each blow delivered with amplified strength and speed. The enhancement seal significantly boosted his combat performance, making his strikes even more devastating than before.

Next, Harry tried out a speed enhancement seal. He carefully inscribed the seal on his legs and activated it. The sensation was different from the strength seal—his muscles felt lighter, more responsive. He darted around the room, his movements a blur as he tested his newfound speed.

'I can hardly keep up with myself,' he mused, exhilarated. The dummies stood no chance as Harry weaved between them, landing rapid, precise strikes. His enhanced speed allowed him to hit multiple targets in quick succession, demonstrating the tactical advantage these seals could provide in battle.

Having tested the basic enhancement seals, Harry moved on to more specialized fūinjutsu techniques. One of the first he had learned was the Binding Seal, designed to immobilize opponents. Drawing the intricate pattern on a kunai, he threw it at one of the dummies. The seal activated upon contact, spreading across the dummy and locking it in place with glowing chains of chakra. The dummy couldn't move, no matter how much force Harry applied.

"That'll hold anyone," he muttered, impressed. This technique would be invaluable in subduing enemies without causing them harm.

Harry then practiced the Explosive Tag seal. These seals were essentially chakra-infused paper bombs, capable of delivering powerful explosions. He placed a tag on a dummy and stepped back, forming the necessary hand seals to activate it. The resulting explosion was controlled but powerful, reducing the dummy to splinters. The technique required precision to avoid collateral damage, but its destructive potential was undeniable.

'Got to be careful with these,' he reminded himself.

Another useful technique was the Barrier Seal, which created a protective shield. Harry drew a large seal on the ground and activated it, forming an invisible barrier around him. He tested its durability by throwing kunai and shuriken at the barrier; each weapon was deflected harmlessly. The barrier could withstand substantial force, making it an excellent defensive tool during battles.

To test his proficiency with storage seals, Harry used a set of kunai he had marked with special storage seals. With a simple hand sign, he summoned the weapons directly into his hands from their sealed locations. This technique allowed for quick access to equipment and could be crucial in situations where speed was essential.

Harry decided to combine multiple seals to see how they interacted. He placed a speed enhancement seal on himself and a binding seal on a kunai. With his enhanced speed, he closed the distance to the dummy almost instantly, throwing the kunai and immobilizing it with the binding seal. He followed up with a series of attacks, demonstrating how seals could be used together to create powerful combinations.

The next step was testing seals in more dynamic scenarios. Harry set up a series of dummies and traps around the room, creating a gauntlet that would challenge his speed, agility, and seal application under pressure. He started the exercise, moving through the gauntlet with fluid grace. He activated speed and strength enhancement seals on the fly, used binding seals to immobilize dummies, and defused explosive tags with precision.

Harry's training session extended into testing the limits of his healing seals. These seals, when activated, could accelerate the body's natural healing processes. He inscribed a healing seal on his arm and made a shallow cut beside it. The seal activated automatically, and the wound closed almost instantly, at a rate more than that of before.

"Amazing," he whispered, noting the potential. This would be invaluable in battle, allowing him to recover quickly from injuries.

Harry also tested the effectiveness of his barrier seals against different types of attacks. He set up a barrier and launched a variety of jutsu at it, including fireballs and lightning techniques. The barrier held strong against each attack, proving its reliability as a defensive measure.

To further test his limits, Harry decided to incorporate elemental seals into his training. These seals allowed him to infuse his attacks with elemental chakra. He started with a fire enhancement seal, inscribing it on his forearm. When he punched a dummy, the impact was accompanied by a burst of flames, setting the dummy ablaze.

"Take that," he said with a grin. Next, he tried a lightning enhancement seal, which electrified his strikes and added a shocking effect to his blows.

Harry's training with seals culminated in a comprehensive test of all his abilities. He set up a complex scenario in the mirror dimension, combining multiple types of dummies and traps. With a determined look, he activated several enhancement seals and launched into the gauntlet. His movements were a blur as he used speed and strength enhancements to navigate the course, binding and disabling dummies with precision.

He seamlessly integrated explosive tags to clear obstacles, barrier seals to protect himself from ambushes, and healing seals to recover from any injuries sustained. The elemental seals added an extra layer of versatility to his attacks, allowing him to adapt to different situations on the fly. His clone tag seals created multiple shadow clones, overwhelming the dummies and creating confusion.

By the time he reached the end of the gauntlet, Harry was panting but triumphant.

'I did it,' he thought, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. The combination of his enhanced bloodline, chakra reserves, physical abilities, and mastery of seals had turned him into a formidable ninja. His training had paid off, and he felt ready to take on any challenge that came his way.

As Harry stood in the middle of the room, surveying the aftermath of his intense training session, he felt a profound sense of satisfaction. His decision to enhance his bloodline purity and invest time in mastering the Uzumaki clan's fūinjutsu techniques had paid off immensely. He had not only increased his chakra reserves and physical capabilities but also gained a deep understanding of how to use seals to augment his combat effectiveness.

Harry exited from the mirror dimension and sat on his bed.

'Quiet and effective day,' Harry thought as he once again opened his system panel. After looking at the amazing effects of his increase in bloodline purity, Harry had opted to increase the purity of his bloodline once again.


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