
What is lost (2)

The revelation that his memories were disappearing was shocking, but knowing the cause was strangely calming. Since Eldrian knew why it was happening, he didn't panic. Perhaps he should have, but the emotion did not come to him. Instead, what came to him was acceptance—that this was the cost of entering the Realm of Time unprepared. 

Spending so long trapped in the core of all time... had taken more than just a mental toll on him. But he had survived and he still retained the goals he had affixed to his heart. He knew what he needed to do, and that was what he focused on. 

Still, this didn't mean he was unaffected. Eldrian looked upon the familiar faces surrounding him, wanting to help him. And he felt incredibly saddened that he could not remember any of them. 

Their concern showed that they were his friends. True friends who were willing to face hell together with him. And now he couldn't even place a name to a face.