
What Eldrian was doing while playing unconscious (1)

Eldrian had spent almost the entire next day working on his soul.

His goal was to give it more substance. While Two had lived here, it had become more and more 'real'. But with Two gone, the world had become almost illusionary. 

A world filled with sights, but with no substance. 

That wasn't entirely true. The solar system rotating above the 'world' had substance. But that was also the only thing with substance. It also made no sense that 'that' floated over a world, and that the 'world' was flat. 

Eldrian didn't have a solution for all these 'rational' common sense problems. And it didn't really matter to him.

This was his soul, his mind space. It could just as well be called a dream with a little more substance and regularity. Managing to stay even after he woke. 

Still, he needed to work on it. He knew this. So he had spent his time playing unconscious on this.